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Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 7
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  10/15/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , People , History | Unrated
7. New Banijska Street - Friday 17.10.2008 on Croatian TV at 20.10

Ivan Kapular and Dragutin Špac

Ante Jurić, Ivan Kapular, Vlatko Voloder, Ante Blažević, and Dražen Mezga

7. Nova Banijska - petak 17.10.2008 u 20.10

Ova epizoda bavi se obranom Banijske ulice, položaja Borova naselja na sjeveroistoku uz Dunav. 25.8.1991 u napadu koji je trebao slomiti obranu Borovo naselja. Borci sa Banijske zaustavili su neprijateljski napad nanijevši srpskomo neprijatelju gubitke od kojih se nije oporavio sve do početka 10. mjeseca. Vlatko Voloder, Miro Josić, koji je to ljeto trebao potpisati profesionalni ugovor sa nogometnim klubom Zagreb, ali nije htio napustiti svoj napadnuti grad, njegov brat Tomislav Josić i njihovi suborci su na Banijskoj i okolnim ulicama borbom prsa u prsa odbacivali neprijateljske napade do same okupacije. Ove položaje branio je veliki broj Varaždinaca i Čakovčana zajedno sa ljudima iz svih dijelova Hrvatske. Nevjerojatna domišljatost, lukavstvo i sloga ljudi iz svih dijelova Hrvatske, pomoću kojih je ovaj položaj branjen do samog dana okupacije, opisana je u ovoj epizodi. Mnogi od ovih ludi završili su u logorima po Srbiji, no i to je većina uspjela preživjeti. Oni su Miroslav i Tomislav Josić, Vlatko Voloder, Ivica Banožić, Marko Filković, Dragutin Špac...


7. New Banijska Street - Friday 17.10.2008 20.10

This episode describes defending Banijska street in Borovo Naselje on north-east position near river Dunav. On 25. 08. 1991. during attack whose intention was to break the defense of Borovo Naselje fighters from Banijska street stopped the attack and heavily damaged the enemy forces. The enemy didn't recover for two months. Vlatko Voloder, Miro Josić, who expected to sign a
professional contract with soccer club Zagreb that summer, but he didn't want to leave his attacked city, Tomislav Josić and their co fighters,
were fighting on Banijska and nearby streets at close range and successfully rejected all enemy attacks until occupation This positions was defended by many people from Varaždin and Čakovec, along with people from all parts of Croatia. Incredible imagination, astuteness and unison of people from all parts of Croatia which helped in defending this position until occupation is also described in this episode. Many of them ended in camp for prisoners in Serbia, but most of them have survived. They are Miroslav and Tomislav Josić, Vlatko Voloder, Ivica Banožic, Marko Filković, Dragutin Špac...

Vukovarci i Varaždinci (defenders from Vukovar and Varaždin)

Ivica Banožić, Jozo Šego, and Marko Babić

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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