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Nenad Bach, Dragica Kragic and Sven Maricic participating at prestigious MTF Stockholm Sep 7-9 2018
By Darko ®ubrinić | Published  08/22/2018 | Music , Human Rights , Science , People , Ideas , Events , Environment , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
In-depth magazine-style interviews with inventors, pioneers and influencers

Conversations in the JAZZIZ Lounge

Welcome to a series of fascinating, in-depth magazine-style interviews, book releases, previews and discussions with inventors, pioneers and influencers in the JAZZIZ Lounge at MTF Stockholm.

The talks stage features an incredible lineup of inspiring people from around the world in conversation - representing all areas of industry, academia, the arts, sciences and public life. Rather than a series of keynotes, speeches, panel sessions or powerpoint presentations, the magazine-style interviews and intimate performances at MTF Stockholm provide a personal insight into the world and the stories of each of these amazing individuals.

Nenad Bach


Nenad Bach in Tokyo October 2010, photo by Yoshiki Nagasaka

Nenad is a composer, recording artist, producer and peace activist. He has collaborated with Bruce Springsteen, Pavarotti, Leonard Cohen, U2's Bono & The Edge, Brian Eno and many more. He joins us at MTF to present his ambitious project: World Peace in One Hour.

Danica Kragic

#Robotics #AI

Danica Kragić, Professor at the School of Computer Science and Communication
at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH.
She received MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Rijeka, Croatia in 1995.

Danica is a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Communication at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. She is currently the lead investigator on a groundbreaking 10-year, 1-billion kroner AI research project funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. She is both a robotics scientist and a seamstress - and emphasises the art and science duality of life, not just in respect of what makes us human, but also what we can teach the machines.

Sven Maričić

#3Dprinting #humanparts

Sven Maričić with Darija Vareąko and Ivana Vrdoljak,
participants of the Branding Croatia 2 meeting in Zagreb 2016. Photo by Tina Kahrić.

Sven is a pioneer in 3D modelling for medical applications. He creates 3D printed designs for facial reconstruction and other surgical procedures - even working remotely on live operations taking place in other countries. Today, he'€™s a professor at two universities, runs 3D printing workshops for both children and adults, and is an award-winning populariser of science.


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