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Višnjica estate offers riding of Arabian horses and looks for investment
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published  12/3/2007 | Tourism , Classifieds , Business | Unrated
Blending in with the strategical projects of continental tourism in Croatia


U prošlom tekstu objavljenom na ovim stranicama predstavili smo Vam naše imanje u Višnjici i dvije tvrtke (Pustara Višnjica i Poljoprivredna zadruga Ergela Višnjica) koje na njemu egzistiraju u simbiozi.

Poljoprivredna zadruga "Ergela Višnjica" nalazi se između obronaka Papuka i rijeke Drave, u neposrednoj blizini grada Slatine, na imanju koje odiše poviješću. O tome zorno svjedoče gospodarski objekti sagrađeni krajem 19. stoljeća, kao i perivoj sa stablima starim i stotinjak godina.

U srcu imanja nalazi se hotel "Višnjica", kapaciteta 39 ležaja, s restoranom i dvije multifunkcionalne dvorane.

U sklopu Poljoprivredne zadruge djeluje jedina ergela arapskih konja u Hrvatskoj. Pored razgledanja ergele i obližnjeg uzgajališta jelena lopatara, posjetitelji mogu naučiti jahati ili, ako već imaju jahačkog iskustva, uživati u terenskom jahanju. Osim toga, imanje pruža idealne uvjete za šetnju, jogging, vožnju biciklom.

Ovoga puta htjeli bi Vam ukratko predstaviti konjičko - biciklističku stazu kao i bližu okolicu sa svojom turističkom ponudom. Naime, blizina rijeke Drave, triju gradova u Virovitičko - podravskoj županiji (Slatina, Orahovica i Virovitica), sa svojim kulturnim manifestacijama, prirodnim i povijesnim znamenitostima, kao i Parka Prirode Papuk omogućavaju dodatnu turističku ponudu Višnjice.

Kao dodatni sportsko - rekreacijski sadržaj naše turističke ponude realizacija je projekta konjičko - biciklističke staze "Od Pustare do Pustare". Stazu čine 3 dionice, ukupne dužine 65 km.

Najvećim dijelom prolazi dravskim nasipom, na području općine Sopje (Virovitičko - podravska županija), čime se uklapa u mrežu europskih biciklističkih staza uz rijeku Dravu.

Staza ima rekreacijsko - edukacijski karakter i obuhvaća prirodne, povijesne i kulturne znamenitosti, a kao novi turistički proizvod u bitnome je unaprijedila ruralnu turističku ponudu naše županije.


Prostire se na površini od 336 četvornih kilometara, a krase ga raznolikost geoloških pojava u rasponu od 3 milijuna godina, očuvana flora i fauna te staništa brojnih životinjskih vrsta. Nedavno je proglašen geo-parkom pod izravnim nadzorom UNESCO-a. Status područja posebne zaštite unutar parka imaju:

- Rupnica  geološki spomenik prirode s posebnim stubastim lučenjem eruptivnih stijena;

- Sekulinačke planine  rezervat šumske vegetacije (prašuma bukve i jele) oaza je netaknute prirode;

- park-šuma Jankovac  jedna od najljepših gorskih dolina na sjevernim obroncima Papuka, okružena stoljetnom bukovom šumom, ujedno i poznato planinarsko izletište. Novouređeni planinarski dom uz restoran nudi i 80 ležajeva, a u neposrednoj blizini nalazi se jedinstveni slap Skakavac (30 m).


Grad je smješten na prijelazu dravske nizine u brdovito područje Papuka. Njenim središtem dominira neogotička župna crkva Sv, Josipa s početka 20. st.

U Slatini se održava Međunarodni glazbeni festival - Dani Milka Kelemena, posvećen avangardnoj glazbi, koji u gotovo tjedan dana odvijanja svake godine u listopadu okuplja velik broj gostiju i izvođača (orkestara i solista klasične glazbe, opernih pjevača, baletnih skupina i kazališta) iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. Slično je i s drugim manifestacijama u Slatini poput Proslave Dana Grada - Josipovo, Smotre folklora, likovne kolonije, Matkanja, Vincekova, Martinja, Slatinskog ljeta i drugih. 


Sjedište Virovitičko-podravske županije, smješteno u području na kojem se slikovita Bilogora pretapa u plodnu Panonsku nizinu, mjesto gdje se dodiruju Slavonija i Podravina. Od kulturno-povijesnih građevina ističu se kompleks Franjevačkog samostana i crkve Sv. Roka iz 18. st. Samo središte Virovitice čini dvorac Pejačević s raskošnim perivojem, a gradsko središte organizirano je kružno oko dvorca. Dvorac je sagrađen početkom 19. st. na nizinskoj utvrdi. Danas se u njemu nalazi Gradski muzej a u podrumu dvorca postoji i vrlo lijepo uređen i gastronomski profinjen restoran koji je svakako zanimljivo turističko svratište.


Smještena je na sjevernim obroncima Krndije, a zbog jedinstvenog gorskog okruženja ugled turističkog odredišta stekla je još sredinom 19. st. Gradom dominira barokna župna crkva Sv. Križa. Nekoliko kilometara južno od Orahovice, skriven među brdima, smješten je manastir s crkvom Sv. Nikolaja (16. st.). Najpoznatiji kulturno-povijesni spomenik orahovačkog kraja je Ružica  najveća srednjovjekovna grad-utvrda u Hrvatskoj (13. st.), smještena na brijegu zapadno od Orahovice.


Gradić koji je smješten u idiličnoj papučkoj dolini kroz koju protječe rijeka Voćinka. Stoljećima je poznat kao hodočasničko mjesto u kojem se na blagdan Male Gospe uz kasnogotičku crkvu Pohoda Blažene Djevice Marije, iz 15. st., okupi više desetaka tisuća vjernika.  Crkvu je tijekom Domovinskog rata srušio neprijatelj, ali se ona sustavnom obnovom metodom faksimilske rekonstrukcije ponovo uzdiže. Lijep voćinski park zaštićen je kao hortikulturni spomenik, a u neposrednoj blizini nalazi se arboretum Lisičine s nekoliko tisuća biljnih vrsta. Voćin je ujedno i jedan od službenih ulaza u Park Prirode Papuk.

Od zanimljivih manifestacija s područja županije valja izdvojiti Pjesme Podravine i Podravlja u Pitomači, proslavu Rokova u Virovitici i Orahovačko proljeće. Ti sadržaji odvijaju se tijekom cijele godine i osiguravaju kvalitetnu i raznoliku  kulturnu ponudu turistima.

Pustara Višnjica svojom turističkom ponudom može se dobro uklopiti i u postojeće gospodarske manifestacije (sajam Viroexpo u Virovitici i sajam vina Slavin u  Orahovici).


In our last text, published on, we presented you our estate in Višnjica. There are two companies existing in simbiosis - Agricultural Cooperative Ergela Višnjica and Pustara Višnjica.

Agricultural Cooperative "Ergela Višnjica" is situated on a hundred - year old estate, between the slopes of Papuk mountain and river Drava, in the vicinity of Slatina. The facilities on the estate as well as parc date from the end of the 19th century.

In the heart of the estate there's a hotel Višnjica, capacity of 39 beds, with a restaurant and two multidisciplinary halls.

The Stud farm of arabian horses, the only one in Croatia, is a part of Agricultural Cooperative. Our guests can, beside visiting the stud farm and the nearby fallow deer breeding site, learn how to ride a horse or if they are already good riders enjoy galloping through the nature. Beside horseback riding the estate is ideal for walking, jogging or riding a bike.

This time we would like to present you, in short terms, our horseback riding - cycle track as well as the local tourist offer.
The vicinity of river Drava, three towns in Virovitičko - podravska county (Slatina, Virovitica, Orahovica) with their cultural events, natural and historical sights and the Papuk Natural Park present an addition to our tourist offer.

A horseback riding - cycle track "From Pustara to Pustara" makes our additional sport and recreational offer. The track is 65 km long divided into three parts.

Its major part runs on the Drava river bank through civil district Sopje (Virovitičko - podravska county) and as such makes an addition to the european bikeways by the river Drava.

The bikeway is recreational and educational, it includes natural, historical and cultural sights. As a new tourist product it upgrades our rural tourist offer.


The park is spreading over 336 square kilometers. It's adorned by diversity of geological phenomena in range of  3 million years, preserved flora and fauna and a habitat of many animal species. The park has recently been declared a geo-par by the UNESCO, the first in Croatia. Locations under special protection inside the park are:

- Rupnica - geological monument with its step-like discrimination of eruptive cliffs

- Sekulinci mountain -  nature reserve of forest vegetation (virgin forest of bogue and fir tree), the oasis of intact nature

- Forest-park Jankovac - one of the most beautiful mountain valleys on the northern slopes of Papuk, surrounded by a hundred-year old bogue forest, a well-known hiking  excursion site. The renovated mountaineers' house includes a restaurant and 80 beds. In its vicinity there's a unique waterfall Skakavac (30 meters).


A small town situated on a passage of Drava lowlands to the highlands of Papuk mountain. The neogothical parish church of St. Joseph, from the beginning of the 20th century, dominates the town's center.

The international music festival - Days of Milko Kelemen -  dedicated to the avangard music, is held every year in October. During one week of its duration it gathers many guests and performers (classical music orchestras and soloists, opera singers, ballet groups and theaters) from Croatia and other countries from all over the world. There are other interesting events in Slatina like the celebration of the Town's day - Josipovo, art colonies, folklore parade, Matkanje, Vincekovo, Martinje, Slatinsko ljeto, etc...


The center of Virovitičko - podravska county is located in an area where picturesque Bilogora mountain slowly changes into fertile Panonian fields, it is a connecting place of Slavonia and Podravina. The cultural and historical sights of this town are the Franciscan monastery and the church of St. Rok from 18th century. A Pejačević castle with its grand park dominate the town's center. The rest of the town is spreading circular around the castle which was built in the beginning of the 19th century on a lowland fortress. Presently it is a Town's museum. In the castle's cellar there's a nice restaurant which every tourist should visit.


This little town is situated on the northern slopes of mountain Krndija. Because of its unique mountainous landscape its reputation as a tourist destination dates back in the middle of the 19th century. The baroque parish church of St. Cross dominates the town. A few kilometers south of Orahovica, hidden among the hills, stands a monastery with a church of St. Nicolas from the 16th century. The most popular cultural-historical monument of this region is Ružica - the ruins of the biggest medieval castle in Croatia, dating from the 13th century, located on a hill west of Orahovica.


is a small town, through which runs the river Voćinka, located in an idyllical valley on the Papuk mountain. It has been known for centuries as a pilgrim place in which more than ten thousand people gather every year in neogothical church of Pohoda Blažene Djevice Marije from the 15th century on a holiday of Mala Gospa. The church was destroyed by the enemy in the last war but today it is being systemically renovated and reconstructed.  The beautiful town's parc is protected as a horticultural monument. In its vicinity there's an arboretum Lisičine with a couple of thousand plant types. Voćin is one of the official entries to the Papuk Natural Park.

There are other cultural events worth mentioning in the Virovitičko - podravska county: Songs of Podravina and Podravlje in Pitomača, festivities on Rokovo in Virovitica and Orahovica Spring. Those events are taking place all year round and present a quality and diverse cultural tourist offer.

Pustara Višnjica, with its own tourist offer, also fits into major fairs of this region (Viroexpo in Virovitica and a wine-fair Slavin in Orahovica).



To bring the entire estate to its purpose we need capital investments to:

  1. enlarge the accommodation capacity
  2. build the additional sport facilities (tennis court, bowling court, children playground) and sign the tracks for horse back riding and cycling
  3. build additional facilities for processing and preparation of finished products of sweet potato
  4. renovate the facilities on a dislocated farm, Pustara Zidina, for the purpose of cattle-raising and tourism

This project is entirely blending in with the strategical projects of the development of continental tourism in Republic Croatia. Therefore, we welcome everyone who wishes to support this project with knowledge, promotion, logistics, investment, recommendation,...


Phone: +385 33 401 656

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Mrs. Ksenija Plantak

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