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Blessed Easter to Mr. Gotovina, Mr. Markac, Mr. Praljak, Mr. Kordic and their families
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  04/22/2011 | Croatian Language , Human Rights , Croatians in B&H , Politics , Friends In Action , Education , Religion | Unrated
Dr. Hrvoje Kačić: The Hague Tribunal does not meet the obligations for which it was established

Sretan Uskrs svim ljudima dobre volje žele Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić i CROWNov tim.
Happy Easter to all the people of good will, from Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić and CROWN Team.

Sretan Uskrs g. Anti Gotovini, Mladenu Markaču i obiteljima žele Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić i CROWNov tim.
Happy Easter to Mr. Ante Gotovina, Mladen Markač and their families from Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić & CROWN Team.

Sretan Uskrs g. Slobodanu Praljku i obitelji žele Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić i CROWNov tim.
Happy Easter to Mr. Slobodan Praljak and his family from Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić & CROWN Team.

Sretan Uskrs g. Dariju Kordiću i obitelji žele Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić i CROWNov tim.
Happy Easter to Mr. Darijo Kordić and his family from Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić & CROWN Team.

Dr. Hrvoje Kačić:
The Hague Tribunal does not meet the obligations for which it was established

You can create similar Easter cards using Croatian Glagolitic Script.

Source of the photos

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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