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(H,E) Constructive Networking of Croatian Scientists
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  11/11/2004 | Science | Unrated
(H,E) Constructive Networking of Croatian Scientists


Konstruktivno udruzivanje Hrvatskih prirodoznanstvenika

Constructive Networking of Croatian Scientists (text below)

U Hrvatskoj naizgled postoji sve sto nam treba za uspjeh nacije: obrazovni sustav, (visoko-)skolski programi, instituti, centri za transfer tehnologije, izvjesca privredne komore koja javljaju da su nasi inovatori vrlo uspjesni.(vidi  )

Medjutim, na internet stranici Centra za Transfer Tehnologije (CTT: ) vidimo realnost: '' Prema posljednjim izvjestajima Zavoda za statistiku tek nesto preko sedam posto stanovnistva ima visoku naobrazbu, visu svega oko cetiri posto, srednju naobrazbu ima oko 45 posto, a 40-ak posto stanovnistva nizu. U danasnje vrijeme to su vrlo losi pokazatelji,
pogotovo gledajuçi sa stajalista razvijenih zemalja i visokih tehnologija. CTT neprekidno naglasava da Hrvatska gubi intelektualne/radne resurse i sve cesce nedostaju strucnjaci. Iz tog razloga, CTT posvecuje veliku paznju upravo obrazovanju, kao jednoj od primarnih potreba RH.''

Dakle, jasno je da objektivno vrlo malen broj znanstvenika, te opcenito, visoko strucnih osoba, ne moze preko noci promjeniti sveopcu situaciju nacije, pa sam vec ranije u brojnim izvjescima napisao ( ) da smatram da je red da se u katolickoj zemlji Crkva pobrine da ipak bas nemamo gladnih, a da Vlada djeluje na poboljsanju opce socijalne situacije u zemlji.

Ono sto mi znanstvenici, nasi inzenjeri-inovatori, te poduzetni tehnolozi, mozemo uciniti jest da u svjetskoj ekonomiji znanja, inicijativa i strateskih udruzivanja 21-og stoljeca pokusamo svi zajedno poboljsati barem utjecaj i uspjesnost tog visoko-obrazovanog dijela nacije. U principu, to je ono sto i MZOS i Poslovno-inovacijski centar BICRO vide u svojoj viziji ( ).

No, ravnatelj Instituta Rudjer Boskovic-a, dr. Stjepan Marcelja, biofizicar s dugogodisnjim iskustvom u svjetskim institucijama, jasno upozorava na svojoj web stranici   : ''Ceka nas jos mnogo posla da bismo sva vazna pravila dotjerali tako da znanost postane cvrsto integrirani dio uspjesnog nacionalnog inovacijskog sustava.''

Dakle, Hrvatska ocito ima i brojne organizacijske probleme tzv. tranzicijskih zemalja, no, poput Irske ili Izraela mi takodjer imamo specificnost da velik broj nasih strucnjaka zivi i djeluje posvuda u svijetu, te svi imamo volju da pomognemo da se taj proces tranzicije ubrza.

Buduci sam vec godinama redovno povezan s brojnim strucnjacima dragovoljcima ( vidi : )
smatram da uz bolju organizaciju, te strateskim povezivanjem znalaca, uz mudru orijentaciju na mlade talente, Hrvatska bi vec u jednoj generaciji (npr. do 2025.) mogla ostvariti jacu znanstveno-tehnolosku bazu, pa nadajmo se i bar 2-3 visoko uspjesne, svjetski relevantne tvrtke, poput Nokia-e, Ikea-e ili Nestle-a ( ). Nasu buducnost cine kultura
biotehnologije i ekoturizam, nova znanja u gospodarstvu te stvaranje velikih dohodaka s malo znalaca ('Microsoft' nema ni 300.000 zaposlenih) u najljepsoj i zadnjoj cistoj zemlji u Europi! Evo, na taj nacin mi u inozemstvu pojednostavljeno vidimo Hrvatsku. I naglasavam, takva ce Hrvatska i biti jer bi u suprotnome mogla nestati, izmanipulirana najgorom vrstom tzv. eurokapitalista. Uz to
svakako je nuzno pojacati ulogu Splita i juzne Hrvatske, jer je jos uvijek skoro 99% znanosti koncentrirano u Zagrebu; no, naravno i ostale centre cemo podrzati.

Da bismo to postigli nuzna nam je medijska pomoc hrvatske televizije da bi se u naciji sustavno pojacala svijest da i mi imamo nase vrhunske 'Janice' u znanosti i tehnologiji : postoje brojni primjeri uspjeha nasih mladih, a samopouzdanje nacije je bit nase buducnosti
( ).

Cesto mozemo koristiti uspjesne primjere iz Irske, Izraela, Svicarske ... kako se mlade ljude planski stimulira i kako im se zrelom infrastrukturom pomaze u inovaciji i integraciji u svjetski znanstveno-tehnoloski sustav (vidi npr. i ). Postoje uspjesna rijesenja kako se smanjuje odlijev mozgova, a mnogi mladi bi se lakse odlucili
ostati u Hrvatskoj (ili vratiti se nakon specijalizacije) ako im pomognemo u rijesavanju stambenog pitanja. Za nase dokazane vrhunske strucnjake koje zelimo vracati iz inozemstva takodjer postoje brojna rijesenja, ali je svima bitno da cijela vizija i strategija post-tranzicijskog drustva znanja bude jednom zauvijek prihvacena na najvisem nacionalnom nivou; u suprotnom, odlijev mozgova ce se nastaviti.

Rijetko cemo samo 'suhim' znanjem i pokusajima iz Hrvatske uspjeti u bilo kojoj svjetski relevantnoj aktivnosti. Zato moramo napokon postaviti i nasu globalnu infrastrukturu te imati nase ljude i prijatelje u tzv. centrima moci i odlucivanja: u filmskoj industriji to je npr. Hollywood, dok u znanosti to moze biti npr. Harvard, u tehnologiji Stanford ... a u financijskoj podrsci projektima Europske
Unije to je svakako Bruxelles ...

Planirajmo i stvaranje nase 'krovne' tvrtke 'Croatia-Tech' koja ce nacionalne proizvode i inovacije uspjesno predstavljati u New Yorku, u Parizu ili Hong Kongu ... sve to, a i jos puno vise su vec ostvarili npr. Izraelci, a i drugi narodi, pa iskoristimo i poklonimo naciji sva ta brojna korisna iskustva jer nas ima stvarno posvuda po svijetu.

Pritom cuvajmo zajednistvo jer mi znanstvenici nismo korumpirani, te imamo i razvijenu kulturu strucnog (ne)slaganja, pa pokusajmo (p)ostati nacionalni primjer. Vazno je da mudrom strategijom izbjegnemo polarizaciju izmedju 'siromasnih' domacih i 'privilegiranih'
inozemnih hrvatskih strucnjaka, te u nasim buducim susretima ponudimo, te realiziramo jednu uspjesnu viziju i strategiju koju Lijepa Nasa, nakon brojnih stoljeca patnje, svakako zasluzuje.

Davor Pavuna, co-chair

Institute of Physics of Complex Matter
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
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Constructive Networking of Croatian Scientists

Davor Pavuna
Institute of Physics of Complex Matter
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
CH-1015 Lausanne, EPFL - Switzerland

At a first sight Croatia has everything that the nation requires to perform successfully: a functional education system, advanced
university programs, numerous institutes, centers for the technology transfers Š and even the chamber of commerce reports that Croatian inventors are very successful.
(see :  )

However, the Center for the Technology Transfer (CTT: ) warns us of the daily reality: ''According to the National Bureau for Statistics only little over 7% of Croatian citizens has university education, higher education
some 4%, secondary school education 45% and 40% only the basic education. In the present age these are rather discouraging facts from the point of view of highly technologically developed countries. Therefore the CTT emphasizes that Croatia looses intellectual and working resourses and often lacks experts. Hence CTT pays great attention to education of badly needed experts.''

Evidently, a rather small number of scientists (few thousand at best), and other top professionals cannot overnight change the overall situation of the nation. As I wrote in several previous reports ( ) in a poor catholic nation it is the church that should help genuinely starving fraction of the population, while the government should take great care that the overall social situation gradually improves.

What we scientists, our engineers-innovators, as well as enterpreneur-technologists can hope to achieve is that in the global knowledge economy, we join our forces and know-how and try to influence and improve the performance of the highest educated section of the society. In principle, that is what the science ministry MZOS and the innovation-managment center BICRO also
propose ( ).

However, the director of the Institute Rudjer Boskovic, dr. Stjepan Marcelja, a biophysicist with long experience in scientific institutions worldwide, warns us at his web page ( ) : ''We still have a lot of work to do until all the requirements are met and the science becomes truly an integral part of a successful national system of innovation.''

Namely, Croatia still has numerous organisational problems of the transitional society, yet like Ireland or Israel we also have numerous successful professionals who live and work abroad and who are willing to help speed up this (painfull) transitional process.

Over the years I was in touch with numerous such Croatian professionals worldwide ( see :
Therefore, I firmly believe that with better organisation, and strategic networking of all these professionals worldwide (and with a clear orientation toward young talents) Croatia can already within one generation (by about 2025.) realize much stronger scientific-technological base and even generate 2-3 very successful, globally relevant, companies like Nokia, Ikea or Nestle ( Our future belongs to the wise implementation of biotechnology and ecotourism, and in creating few large businesses with relatively few knowledge workers ('Microsoft' has less than 300.000 employees) in the most beautiful and the last clean European country. This is our simplified view of Croatia from abroad. Still, I emphasize that this better be the future of Croatia; otherwise our motherland may even dissapear manipulated by some aggressive eurocapitalists. Moreover, in science and technology we also have to strengthen the role of Split and southern Croatia, as nearly 99% of Croatian science is still concentrated in Zagreb; evidently other centers should also be wisely supported.

In order to achieve all the above we require help from the media, especially HTV : we have to systematically increase the awareness
that we also have our 'Janicas' in science and technology . There are numerous examples of successes of our young people, and the confidence of the nation is vital for our successful future (see : ).

Often we can use successful examples from Ireland, Israel or Switzerland on how does one stimulate the young people and how the optimal infrastructure helps them innovate and get fast integrated into the overall scientific and technological system (see for example : & ). There exist successful solutions on how to diminish the brain drain ; many young people would stay in Croatia (or would return after the specialization abroad) if we help them with their lodging and reintegration. As to our renowned top professionals (that we would like to bring back to Croatia) there exist also numerous viable solutions, yet the first prerequisite for all of them is that the whole strategy of the post-transitional knowledge society becomes finally accepted at the highest national level; otherwise, brain drain and the general apathy will continue.

Rarely can we succeed in any globally relevant activity simply by using 'dry' knowledge only. That's why we have to create our global infrastructure and have our own people and friends in all key centers of power and decision making. In the movie industry it's Hollywood, yet in science it could be Harvard, for technology Stanford Š and for the funding schemes of the European Union it's

Let's also plan the creation of our global company 'Croatia-Tech' that will systematically represent and sell our products in New York, Paris or Hong Kong Š all that and much more has been realized by Israelis, and several other small nations, so we that's why we should also integrate our know-how and optimize our network with our professionals worldwide.

While implementing the whole vision we should treasure our unity ; at the end of the day we, scientists, are not corrupted, and we have a rather sophisticated and well established culture of (dis)agreements. So, let's try to remain / become an example to the whole nation. It is also important to avoid the polarisation between our 'poor' scientists within Croatia proper and the 'priviledged' Croatian experts who come from abroad. Let's join forces in our future meetings and constructive actions to realize this whole postive vision that our motherland Croatia, after numerous century of (colonial) suffering, clearly deserves.
Best for now,

Tvoj, Davor

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