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(E,H) On the island of Tasmania live about 1200 Croatians
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/31/2005 | Community | Unrated
(E,H) On the island of Tasmania live about 1200 Croatians


On the island of Tasmania live about 1200Croatians

Na otoku Tasmaniji - Australija zivi oko 1200 Hrvata. Prvi Hrvati dosli su na otok vec u proslom stoljecu. Najvise ih je dolazilo poslije drugog svjetskog rata mnogi iz politickih, a mnogi i iz ekonomskih razloga. Tijekom tog vremena ljudi su se snalazili na razlicite nacine u raznim poslovima i prilikama, a najveci problem je bio neznanje engleskog jezika.Vremenom sve se to polako savladavalo i nasi ljudi su postajali razni poduzetnici i radili najvise u gradevinarstvu. Na otoku Tasmaniji ima dva veca grada gdje zive Hrvati u vecini, a to su Launceston i Hobart koji je i glavni grad Tasmanije. Hrvati su tu napravili svoje hrvatske klubove, nogometne klubove i crkvu. Svake subote i nedjelje moze se cuti hrvatska rijec i glazba s radio postaje u Hobartu .

On the island of Tasmania which is in Australia, live about 1200 Croatians. The first Croatians came to Tasmania last century. Most of them came after the second world war, either for political or economical reasons. Over the years, Croatians have gone their own way establishing themselves in the building industry even though English was a problem. Launceston and Hobart are the two main cities on the island and Hobart is the capital. The Croatian community have also formed their own 'Croatian club' in Hobart. As well as community clubs there are soccer clubs, a church and radio programs which are broadcast from Hobart each Saturday and Sunday.


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