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 »  Home  »  Grb Watch  »  Congratulations to the graduating class of 2012 especially Peter Christopher Novakovic
 »  Home  »  Community  »  Congratulations to the graduating class of 2012 especially Peter Christopher Novakovic
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2012 especially Peter Christopher Novakovic
By Marko Puljić | Published  06/27/2012 | Grb Watch , Community | Unrated
Pick out the Croatian American Honors Graduate at El Segundo High School Graduation Los Angeles CA June 22nd, 2012

New Suit $450
New Shoes $160
New Shirt $60
New Tie $35
New Belt $22
New Socks $10
Reminding your children throughout their lives to be proud of who they are and of where they came from and their great heritage.
The fact that your son actually listened and is so proud of his heritage and second generation Croatian American- that he surprised you by having Croatian Coat of Arms ( Grb) on his cap…………………PRICELESS !!!!!
Graduate: Peter Christopher Novakovic Class of 2012 El Segundo High School- Honors in Science.
Proud Dad: Peter Novakovic Class of 1979 Mt. St. Michael’s Academy New York

Peter was voted the top Senior Vocalist and Soloist for all of Southern California! Listen to him below.

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  Marko Puljić
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