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NFCA Alert: Croat Bosnian Census Requirement October 1-15, 2013
By Marko Puljić | Published  09/25/2013 | Croatians in B&H , Politics | Unrated
Alert for all Croats from BiH to participate in the census

Press Release
ALERT 9/23/2013

Washington DC: The National Federation of Croatian Americans alerts all Croat Bosnians living in the United States, in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and around the world to register in early October for the first national census in twenty-two years. It is important for all Croatian Americans with Bosnian dual citizenship and/or Bosnian citizenry to register for the census to ensure that Croats will remain one of the three constituent peoples of BiH - according to the Dayton Peace Accords – and NOT fall into minority status. Please forward this email to others whom you know should also contribute new census information.

The US Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s web site directs all to participate in this new census via the Internet. Please visit this web site:

“NFCA is concerned that due to such a long period since the last census and due to conditions on the ground today, Croats may be underreported this time around. It’s important to note that the census is an important statistical tool that will certainly be used for determining the demographic facts of the BiH population regarding various religious affiliation, nationality, language, etc. The outcome of the census will most certainly form the basis for short and long term national strategies, economic and political systems, and other priorities moving forward,” said Mr. Paul Tonšetić-Kunder, President of the National Federation of Croatian Americans.

Attached is a very detailed announcement about this important October 1 – 15 census program by the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. If any difficulty develops using the above web site to participate in the census, please access the Embassy’s web site at and click on “Census” in the middle of the web page under Upcoming Events.

The NFCA is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to promoting the interest of the Croatian people; embodying heritage of culture and language, integrity in human rights and equality in self-determination, advancing economic development, and freedom from persecution.

Joe Foley, Public Affairs Director
National Federation of Croatian Americans Cultural Foundation
Washington DC USA

Please visit us at

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljic
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