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Looking for a recipe
I was wondering if you knew of a Croatian recipe for prosciutto and noodles?
I'm from Croatia, Rijeka and in the very center of my town flows a river. Possible kayaking?
(H) Trazi se Knjiga 'Lesik Prezimena' iz 1948 - Tiskana 1976.
Lesik Prezimena 1948 Trazi se knjiga koja se zove Lesik Prezimena, a tiskana je prvi put u Hrvatskoj 1976. Obuhvaca sva Hrvatska prezimena. Ako tko vidi takvu knjigu u antikvarijatu, molim neka mi se obrati na letters@croatianworld.net Nenad Bachp.s. U sunakladni¹tvu Matice hrvatske i, čini mi se, Instituta za jezik i jezikoslovlje, a rašena je na temelju popisa pučanstva iz 1948. (komentar)
(E) Tin Ujevic was a friend of Modigliani
Tin Ujevic was a friend of ModiglianiDear Sir or Madame,I am currently researching a project on Jeanne HĆ©buterne, the companion of the Italian artist Modigliani; I would like to approach the subject from a different angle to that which is usual in studies of the period, as I feel that although Jeanne has been extensively written about in biographies of Modigliani there is more to say about her as a person and as an artist, and that there i
(E) "I Chose Croatia" World History AP class - Help student Jyovonne Montosa
" I Chose Croatia "Notre Dame High School in San Jose student needs help Dear sir or madam: Hello. My name is Jyovonne Montosa. I am 15 years old, and I live in San Jose, California. I attend Notre Dame High Schoolin San Jose, and I am currently enrolled in a World History AP class. I have been given an assignment involving the selection ofa country to create a "scrapbook" about. One of the required elements o
(E) Looking for Croatian Americans - Survey for Ph.D.
Looking for Croatian Americans.Trazim zainteresirane Hrvate koji su zivjeli ili zive u SAD-u.Please scroll down for English Postovani, Radim doktorat iz Amerikanistike na ELTE Sveucilistu u Budimpesti i pisemradnju o Hrvatima u SAD-u. Trenutno trazim zainteresirane koji su zivjeli ili zive u SAD-u u vezi kratke anonimne ankete preko email-a. Bilo kakav savjet je dobrodosao.Puno bi mi znacila Vasa pomoc.S postovanjem,Anita Brkanic anitab@pro
(H) Sto vise proucavam Teslu, sve mi izgleda veci - molim pronaci clanke
Sto vise proucavam Teslu, sve mi izgleda veciNa dnu su pitanja o Tesli. Molimo sve koji znaju bilo koji od odgovora, da ga proslijede do Maria Filipi na mario.filipi@zg.t-com.hr Stovani gospodine BachKao sto smo se dogovorili telefonom, saljem Vam ovaj dopis u kojem se najprije zelim predstaviti, a onda cu Vam iznijeti moju misiju koju sam vec dobrim dijelom i napravio, a na kraju probleme koje do sada nisam mogao rjesiti.Zovem se Mar
(E) Traveling to Trogir, Croatia - Any recommendations ?
Trogir and what to do there? I am traveling to the Trogir for 10 days in May. Can your readers please recommend some things to do and see in the area? Thank you!Nancypatandnan@prodigy.net
(E) Question about Croatian refugees sent from Croatia to El Shat, Egypt
Croatian refugees sent from Croatia to El Shat I have a dear friend who was one of the many Croatian refugees sent from Croatia to El Shat, Egypt during WWII. She has photos and memorabilia from her time there, along with vivid recollections. She is deeply grateful for the care and comfort they were afforded in their years there.She remembers that a Croatian-American, from Chicago, had visited the camp and filmed a documentary, and won
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