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The Metros-Croatia, a Toronto soccer team
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  03/21/2024 | Sports , Education | Unrated
From the 70's for CBC Sports - 2010 "Soccer Day in Canada"

Croatian National Sports Club Toronto Croatia (CNSCTC)

This soccer club was founded in 1956 by Croatian diaspora in Canada. The greatest success was achieved in 1976, when Toronto-Croatia won the Soccer Bowl. This 1976 team was subsequently inducted to the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame. Toronto Croata has been among the most successful Croatian diaspora clubs.

For more information see Toronto Croatia

In 1880 local Croatian young men began to play football in Županja, a small Croatian town near Danube river. Since there were only nine of the Englishmen who came to Croatia several years before, they invited local boys to join them. In 1914, professional coaches from England came to Croatia. James Donelly and Arthur Gaskhell, who were the coaches in "Gradjanski" club in Zagreb that in 1936 defeated famous Liverpool with the result of 5:1, are certainly worth mentioning.

The oldest Croatian soccer club is Bačka, founded in Subotica in Bačka in 1901, playing in the then Croatian league. It is also the oldest soccer club in this part of Europe.

Bacska, i.e.,Bačka football club in Subotica, founded in 1901.
As we can see, it was decorated by Croatian Coat of Arms.
This photo is appearing on the cover page of [Dražen Prčić] and on

The first international football (soccer) match where Croatia participated with its national name had been held in 1907 (with Czechia).

A traditional 36th tournament of Crotian soccer union in Canada and the USA in 1999 included the following clubs with indicative names: CROATIA Florida, CROATIA Toronto, HRVAT St. Catharines, CROATIA New York, Croatia Mississauga, CROATIA Windsor, CROATIA Detroit, DALMACIJA Streetsville, CROATIA Norval, NERETVA Mississauga, CROATIA Cleveland, ADRIA Subrury, LIVNO Oakville, CROATIA Hamilton, ADRIA Oshawa, CROATIA London, CROATIA S.S. Marie, HRVAT Kitchener, VELEBIT Oakville, HRVATSKI Orlovi Milwaukee, HRVAT (ZRINSKI) Chicago, CBP JADRAN Chicago, JADRAN Ottawa, KARLOVAC Mississauga, ZAGREB Toronto. HRVAT Kitchener has won the the first place.

Believe it or not, there are more than 100 (hundred) soccer clubs outside of Croatia, throughout the world, bearing the name of Croatia.

Charles Perkins (1936-2000) was the first Aborigin in the history of Australia who earned the university diploma. Later he became the political leader of Aborigins. It is worth knowing that as a young man he played soccer for the Adelaide Croatia Soccer Club since 1958. In his autobiography he reflected with fondness on his friendships with Adelaide Croats.

Source Croatian Sports

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