Croatian Relief Services for Tsunami Victims
Croatian Relief Services was founded at the basement of St. John Catholic Church in Fairview, New Jersey on June 7, 1991 in order to help the refugees of Croatia and Bosnia. Since that time it has become "An Apostolate of Mercy" created to help the destitute victims of natural disasters and war refugees throughout the globe. We work with local clergy in many countries and joins in saving lives of the poorest of the poor. The driving force behind our ministry lies in the challenge presented in Matt. 25: 31-46. We are a ministry of compassion and mercy binding the bleeding hearts and comforting the widows and the orphans. We are restoring broken families, mending broken hearts, and bringing hope to the hopeless, especially the war refugees who have been suffering persecution. We wish to be the voice for the voiceless in many parts of the globe. We serve the people God places before us.
At the present time, we are faced with the most horrible natural human tragedy. It took place a day after Christmas in Asia. The Tsunami Waves after the Indian Ocean Earthquake has devastated many countries in Asia, India and Sri Lanka. We are sending to you the information about this tragedy on the other side of this letter. We are aware that you have heard of the situation through the media. What remains of us to do at the present time is to open our hearts for the most desperate people of the globe. They need our comfort and support. Please, join our hands in helping the victims of this tragic natural disaster. Any donation to Croatian Relief Services is tax deductible.
Immediately after I heard of the tragedy I called a my friend Bishop Jude Pauluraj of the Diocese of Palayamkottai in India. Bishop Jude visited Croatian Relief last summer and we became good friends. Here is a part of the e-mail letter which Bishop Paulraj sent to me after I spoke to him and promised help from our CRS, the Apostolate of Mercy.
"Dear Father Gio, It is really amazing to see your good timely self action on behalf of our critical situation in India and Sri Lanka! You are responding to the Lord's invitation to bring Jesus in the hearts of all who suffer! I appreciate your action. Your generous heart is an example to me as a bishop. I have just returned home from the neighboring diocese of Kottar. I was giving out rice bags, beans, clothing and blankets to the Tsunami Wave Victims who are now homeless. Today we have distributed humanitarian aid worth 3, 500 US dollars. The neighboring Bishop told me that they need many more blankets and food. Tomorrow we are going to another neighboring diocese of Titicorin. We will distribute more humanitarian aid worth some 2, 000 US dollars. The money was collected from our diocese, and other institutions in a period of last 6 months. This is not a big deal but it is an immediate relief to the 2 dioceses. Some 20 camps are there in Kottar and each camp holds some 150 people. The Government will do what they can but it takes time! The people need an immediate relief and rehabilitation will take place later and it will be a very big undertaking. Several villages here are totally washed out to sea! God shell help them through wonderful people like you! I shall contact the Bishop of Sri Lanka who is my classmate and will also distribute help to the victims there. Through your help we will also help them. Please send us what you can because the situation is very critical. I will keep in touch with you daily and I will fill you on all the projects and details of our humanitarian distribution. Once again I have no words to express my gratitude and appreciation for your kind and timely gesture to the suffering humanity. God bless you and your mom. My wishes to all your helpers and donors. Kindly pray for us . We wish you all a healthy and holy new year". (Signed by: Bishop Jude Paulraj) - FROM ALL YOU HAVE HEARD BY THE US AND WORLD MEDIA I DO NOT THINK THAT I HAVE ANYTHING MORE TO ADD FOR THIS URGENT APPEAL.
By Phone:
Please call (201)945-4891 for any questions about donations.
Mail your check or money order to:
Croatian Relief Services
225 Anderson Ave.
Fairview, NJ 07022