Screenings are already lined up in Chicago, London, Oslo, Copenhagen, Bergen ...
Miro Gavran, Croatian writer. His dramas and comedies have been translated into 35 languages.
- U Vilniusu, glavnom gradu Litve, za 20. Prosinca je zakazana svečana svjetska premijera filma “Kako ukrasti suprugu”, koji je snimljen prema kazališnoj komediji Mire Gavrana “Papučari”.
Producent je LITL BAZ PICTURES iz Vilniusa . Redatelj filma je mladi, ali iznimno uspješni Donatas Ulvydas, koji se prije nekoliko godina proslavio režijom povijesnog spektakla “Tadas Blinda”, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju popularni i cijenjeni litvanski glumci Inga Jankauskaite, Rimante Valiukaite, Giedrius Savickas i Ramunas Cicenas. Ova neobična komedija počinje kada se ženi udanoj za drugog muža na vratima pojavi njezin prvi muž, koji je iznenada pušten iz zatvora, jer se pokazalo da je bio nevin.
Kako nema gdje, čovjek počinje živjeti sa svojom bivšom ženom i njezinim novim mužem. Dolazi do neočekivanih sukoba i peripetija.
Nedugo nakon premijere u Vilniusu, film će zaigrati i u kinima u Americi i Europi, tako da su već dogovorene filmske projekcije u Čikagu, Londonu, Oslu, Bergenu, Kopenhagenu….
Miro Gavran je dobro poznat publici u Litvi gdje je do sada imao četiri iznimno uspješne kazališne premijere: “Sve o ženama”, “Sve o muškacima”, “Parovi”, te “Muž moje žene”.
Inače, komedija “Papučari” kazališnu praizvedbu je imala 2007. godine u Teatru GAVRAN u režiji Nine Kleflin , naišavši na topao prijem u publike i kritike, pa se na repertoaru zadržala četiri godine.
U glavnim ulogama nastupali su Zvonimir Zoričić, Ivica Jončić i Mladena Gavran.
The world premiere of the film "How to Steal a Wife", which was adapted from Miro Gavran's theatre comedy "Henpecked Husbands", is scheduled for December 20th in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.
The producer is LITL BAZ PICTURES from Vilnius. The director is the young, but exceptionally successful Donatas Ulvydas, who became famous a few years ago for directing the historical spectacle "Tadas Blinda", while the main roles are played by the popular Lithuanian actors Inga Jankauskaite, Rimante Valiukaite, Giedrius Savickas, and Ramunas Cicenas. This unusual comedy begins when a married woman is unexpectedly visited by her first husband, who has suddenly been released from prison, having been proven innocent.
Having nowhere to stay, the man begins to live with his ex-wife and her new husband. The story unfolds with unexpected conflicts and issues.
Shortly after its release in Vilnius, the film will play in theaters in America and Europe, so screenings are already lined up in Chicago, London, Oslo, Copenhagen, Bergen ... Miro Gavran is well known to audiences in Lithuania, where he has had four very successful theatrical premieres so far: All About Women, All About Men, Couples, and My Wife's Husband.
Miro Gavran is a contemporary Croatian author, born in 1961. His works have been translated into 35 languages, and his books have come out in 150 different editions at home and abroad. His dramas and comedies have had more than 250 theatre first nights around the world and have been seen by more than three million theatre-goers.
| Miro Gavran in Slovakia - in Trnava
Miro Gavran's drama " The Doll" (BABKA) was premiered on December 7th in Slovakia at the Theater JANA PALARIKA in Trnava. The translator is Jan Jankovič, the director is Ladislav Kočan, while the main roles are played by Silvia Holečkova-Soldanova and Ladislav Kočan. This is a drama that in June of last year had its world premiere in English, in New York, and then in the fall of last year, was premiered in Croatian by Theater Gavran in Zagreb.
Drama Mire Gavrana “Lutka” premijerno je izvedena 7. Prosinca (Decembra) u Slovačkoj u Kazalištu JANA PALARIKA u gradu Trnava. Prevoditelj na slovački je Jan Jankovič, redatelj je Ladislav Kočan, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju Silvia Holečkova-Soldanova i Ladislav Kočan. Riječ je o drami koja je u lipnju prošle godine imala svjetsku praizvedbu na engleskom jeziku u New Yorku, a potom je u jesen prošle godine premijerno izvedena u Zagrebu na hrvatskom jeziku u produkciji Teatra GAVRAN.
Miro Gavran in Russia - in Novokružnjeck
Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" had 33rd premiere in Regional drama theater in Novokruznjeck in Russia on November 22nd. Translation into Russian has been made by Sergej Girin and director is Aleksej Valentinovic Slosarcuk.
Miro Gavran in the Czech Republic - in the Prague
Miro Gavran's play "George Washington's Loves' had 30th premiere in Prague, Czech Republic in Theater LA MY production in Slovakian on November 24th. Translation into Slovakian has been made by Jan Jankovic, director is Vanda Zaplatilova Hutavova and actors are Maria Holbova and Klaudia Gaborova. Premiere will be at Malostranska beseda in Prague.
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