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International conference in Biograd and Zadar on the phenomenon of glagolitic script in May 12-13th, 2017
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  05/15/2017 | Croatian Language , Science , History , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
33 scientists from Croatia, Austria, Italy, Japan, Russia and Slovenia participated the Conference

Participants of the Conference at the Holy Mass held in the city of Biograd, as well as representatives of the University of Zadar (the oldest Croatian university, founded in 1396)
and of the Matrix Croatica Zadar.

Program of the international conference "The Phenomenon of the Glagolitic Script"

The city of Biograd and the University of Zadar
in cooperation with
  • Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb
  • Old Slavonic Institute in Zagreb
  • Zadar Archbishopric
  • The Zadar County
  • Matrix Croatica Zadar

Organizing Committee: Božo Došen, prof., Professor Josip Lisac, Professor Pavao Kero, Dr. Anica Vlašić-Anić, Professor Ivica Vigato, Draženko Samardžić, prof., Ivan Šimunić, prof.

Biograd, May 12th, 2017

  1. GIORGIO ZIFFER Universita di Udine, Italija: Crnorizac Hrabar i glagoljica
  2. JOZO MILANOVIĆ, opat, Samostan Ćokovac, Tkon: Sveta braća Ćiril i Metod i sveti Benedikt - zaštitnici Europe
  3. JOSIP BRATULIĆ, HAZU, Zagreb: Glagoljaši i benediktinci
  4. MARIJA-ANA DÜRRIGL, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Sveti Benedikt očima svete Hildegarde iz Bingena
  5. DARKO ŽUBRINIĆ, Zagreb: Glagoljičko pismo i hrvatsko ime
  6. TOMISLAV GALOVIĆ, Odsjek za povijest FF-a, Zagreb: Srednjovjekovna latinička i glagoljička epigrafija Rogovske opatije
  7. SAVVA MIHEEV, Institut za slavistiku RAN, Moskva: Natpis svećenika Tjehodraga
  8. ANA KOVAČEVIĆ, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Glagoljski natpisi na ljudskoj koži
  9. MILAN MIHALJEVIĆ, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Tkonski fragmenti brevijara iz 13. stoljeća
  10. IVAN BOTICA, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb – SANJA ZUBČIĆ, Filozofski fakultet, Rijeka: Naknadni zapisi u Berčićevim glagoljskim fragmentima
  11. ANDREJ N. SOBOLEV, Sankt-Peterburg, Rusija: O jeziku triju rukopisa 14.-15. stoljeća iz Berčićeve zbirke u Petrogradu
  12. GROZDANA FRANOV ŽIVKOVIĆ, Zavod za povijesne znanosti, HAZU, Zadar: Bratovštine otoka Pašmana i njihove glagoljske evidencije
  13. IZAK ŠPRALJA, Samostan Franjevaca trećoredaca glagoljaša, Zaglav: Fenomen glagoljskog pjevanja zadarsko-šibenskoga područja
  14. IVICA VIGATO, Odjel za izobrazbu učitelja i odgojitelja, Sveučilište u Zadru: Leksičke osobitosti glagoljskih knjiga sa zadarskog i biogradskog područja

Zadar, May 13th, 2017

  1. VEĆESLAV V. KOZAK, DIANA D. BALAŠEVIĆ i ANASTAZIJA V. HARLAMOVA, Institut lingvističkih istraživanja RAN, Petrograd: Grafičke i ortografske značajke Bule pape Grgura XI. Redu sv. Pavla prvoga pustinjaka
  2. TANJA KUŠTOVIĆ, Odsjek za kroatistiku FF-a, Zagreb: Usporedba imeničkih deklinacija u protestantskom glagoljskom Novom testamentu i Tkonskom zborniku
  3. JOHANNES REINHART, Institut fuer Slawistik, Wien: Hrvatsko-glagoljski nastavak -hi u prvom licu jednine imperfekta
  4. JOSIP LISAC, Sveučilište u Zadru, Zadar: Glagoljica u znanstvenom opusu Dalibora Brozovića
  5. KEIKO MITANI, Filozofski fakultet, Tokio, Japan: Hrvatskoglagoljski prijepisi apokrifne priče Legenda o dvanaest petaka: tekstualne osobine i povezanost s drugim slavenskim prijepisima
  6. ANTONIJA ZARADIJA KIŠ, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb: CvĂŞt od kreposti u Tkonskom zborniku
  7. ANTE TOPČIĆ, Sveučilište u Zadru, Zadar: Glagoljaška ispovijed i Zoranićevo magijsko očišćenje
  8. ANDREA RADOŠEVIĆ, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Recepcija djela Matije Divkovića u zadarskom kraju
  9. JOSIP VUČKOVIĆ, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Hrvatskoglagoljski srednjovjekovni vodič po Svetoj zemlji
  10. kopisa XIV. st.
  11. MARINA MIJOČ, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica, Zagreb: Jezične značajke glagoljskoga rukopisa propovijedi popa Antona Šegote
  12. JASNA VINCE, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Tipologija pisarskih pogrešaka hrvatskih glagoljaša
  13. ANICA NAZOR, HAZU, Zagreb: Crtice o izdanju glagoljskoga Hrvojeva misala
  14. PETRA STANKOVSKA, Filozofski fakultet u Ljubljani, Ljubljana: Značajke glagoljske češke Biblije STANKA
  15. ANICA VLAŠIĆ-ANIĆ, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Knjige glagoljaške – kapucinske, karlobaške R. Levakovića, M. Karamana i D. A. Parčića
  16. SANDRA POŽAR, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Problem interpretacije oblika kod gramatičkoga označavanja teksta: na primjeru Drugoga beramskoga brevijara
  17. MARICA ČUNČIĆ, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb: Digitalne paleografske iskaznice hrvatskih glagoljskih spomenika do XIII. st.
  18. MARIJANA TOMIĆ, Sveučilište u Zadru, Zadar: Zagrljaj humanistike i informacijskih znanosti: digitalizacija rukopisa Zadarske nadbiskupije kao model suradničkog istraživanja u digitalnoj humanistici
  19. ROBERT HAJSZAN, Panonski institut u Pinkovcu, Gradišće: Profesor Hamm u proučavanju glagoljice

Glagolitic Holy Mass was held in the church of St. Stošija in Biograd. F. Jozo Milanović (benedictine monk in Croatia), Rev. Zdenko Milić, and Dr. fra Izak Špralja leading the Holy Mass.

Božo Došen, prof., at the pulpit of the church of Sv. Stošija in Biograd

Solemn opening of the Conference in the city of Biograd. Source The conference was held at the Hotel Adria in the city of Biograd.

F. Jozo Milanović, Croatian benedictine, speaking about the role that his order had in the history of Croatia.
On the right, presiding the session: Božo Došen, prof., Dr. Josip Lisac and Dr. Andrei Sobolev (Russia)

Dr. Ivica Vigato of the Univeristy of Zadar deliverning his lecture.
Professor Keiko Mitani (Tokyo, Japan), with Professors Andrei Sobolev (left, Russia), Draženko Samdardžić (curator of the Biograd Museum), Academician Josip Bratulić,
Božo Došen, prof., and Professor Giorgio Ziffer (right, Italy), in front of the crane, a sign of friendship between the cities of Hiroshima and Biograd. Dr. Keiko Mitani is
president of the Japan-Croatia Friendship Society in Tokyo. The monument contains the following haiku:

NA KRILIMA LJUBAVI (On the wings of love)
DONESI MIR (bring peace)
GRADU HIROŠIMI (to the city of Hiroshima)

BIOGRAD NA MORU (Biograd on the Sea)

Dr. fra Izak Špralja (former director of the Institute of Church Music in Zagreb), delivering his lecture
on the Glagolitic Singing, which is a unique phenomenon of European music tradition.

Dr. Grozdana Franov-Živković (of the Zadar branch of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts), delivering her lecture
about the content of numerous church records from the Zadar area, written in the Glagolitic Script.

An original Croatian Glagolitic stone monument kept in the Biograd City Museum

The Hotel in Biograd has been totally destroyed during the Serbian aggression on Croatia in 1990s.
The hotel has been constructed by Vagan Melik Karaganjan, important citizen of Biograd of Armenian origin.

Draženko Samardžić, director of the Biograd Museum.

The Biograd Museum is in possession of numerous interesting artefacts, dating from Ancient times as well.

F. Jozo Milanović, Croatian benedictine, in front of the famous Benedictine Abbey of Sts Cosmas and Damian on the island of Pašman.

From left: Academician Anica Nazor, Dr. Keiko Mitani, Dr. Anica Vlašić-Anić, Draženko Samardžić, prof., Dr. Ivan Botica,
Academician Josip Bratulić and F. Jozo Milanović

On the left Dr. Ana Kovačević and Dr. Marija-Ana Duerrigl.

An old photo of the Benedictine Abbey of Sts Cosmas and Damian (end of 19th ct.)

At the Franciscan Convent of St. Domnius in Kraj on the island of Pašman

When St. Francis was in the city of Zadar in 1212, he sent fra Cvitan Floro Zadranin to the island of Pašman to found a Franciscan convent there.

An old icon, kept among many other valuables of the Franciscan Convent.

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