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August Senoa’s historical novel The Goldsmith’s Treasure available in English since 2015
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/7/2015 | History , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
The first Croatian historical novel

August Šenoa (1838-1881), distinguished Croatian writer, is one of the icons of the city of Zagreb

The Goldsmith’s Treasure
August Šenoa

The first Croatian historical novel, written in 1871 August Šenoa (1838-1881), is the tale of a forbidden love between the daughter of a goldsmith and a nobleman's son set against the backdrop of the streets and squares of 16th century Zagreb.

Love and passion, plots and intrigue, nobles, commoners, tricksters, murderers... A patchwork of colourful characters is bound to leave you breathless!

The town lies before you. In the words of Šenoa himself: “below the mountain, a jewel most precious to us glimmers in the sun, strong like a mighty hero - the town of Zagreb.”

Stop and listen to the murmur of the Kajkavian dialect, bite into a Paprenjak, chat with the women at Dolac Market, get to know the people of Zagreb… You may even bump into a contemporary Dora or a fearless Pavao of your own.

The cover of the book is lavishly decorated with imitation of gold. Its pages are accompanied with numerous explanations on margins, printed in smaller type, in order to help the reader to follow the story.

Congratulations to the publisher Spirtoso in Zagreb, as well to translator Mr. Neven Divjakinja, for their very nice work.

No of pages: 388
Language: English
Language of the original edition: Croatian
Original Croatian title: Zlatarevo zlato
Year of publishing: 2015
ISBN/EAN: 9789535847809
Dimension of the book: 20.7 x 12.5 cm


August Šenoa with his family in Zagreb, 1863: with his wife Slava and
children Milan (4), Draga (3) and Stanko (1).

August Šenoa's Zlatarovo zlato (Goldsmith's Treasure) has been translated from Croatian into the following languages:

  • into German in 1874 and 1880 (Das Goldkind)
  • into Czech in 1880  (Zlatnikov zlatoušek)
  • into Polish in 1880. (Zlota Dzieweczka)
  • into French in 1879 in "Monde illustre" journal
  • into Esperanto in 1911
  • into Slovak in 1942
  • into Russian in 1962
  • into English in 2015.

More information: Translations of Šenoa's books into various langauges, written by Jasmina Reis.

In Croatia, as many as 182 streets are named after August Šenoa.

Šenoa House planned to be opened in Zagreb

There are currently serious plans to open the Šenoa House in Zagreb, according to the endevours and project of Mrs Jasmina Reis. August Šenoa is one of the trademarks of Croatia and its capital. His popularity is testified even today by the fact that throughout Croatia there are as many as 182 streets bearing his name. His books are still very popular among Croatian youth. The CROWN Team, as well as numerous readers of the CROWN, would like to encourage Mrs Jasmina Reis and help her in her attempts to realize the idea of opening the Šenoa House in Zagreb. August Šenoa deserves our deep gratitude for all that he has done during his very short life.

Bust of August Šenoa in the Zrinjevac Park in the centre of Zagreb,
near the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
carved by Ivan Rendić, distinguished Croatian sculptor.

August Šenoa rođen je 14. studenoga 1838. godine u Zagrebu. U roditeljskom domu stekao je ljubav prema umjetnosti.

Poslje smrti majke 1848. god., završivši u Zagrebu osmi razred, odlazi u Pečuh k rođacima, gdje završava prvi razred gimnazije 1850. god. Vraća se u Zagreb gdje maturira 1857. god. u gornjogradskoj gimnaziji, i upisuje se na Pravoslovnu akademiju. Od početka listopada 1859. god. nastavlja pravni studij u Pragu. Tu ostaje do 1865. godine. Ne položivši na vrijeme određene ispite bio je prisiljen baviti se žurnalistikom, te se vraća u Zagreb i radi u redakciji Pozor.

1868. godine postaje gradski bilježnik. Iste godine vjenča se sa Slavom pl. Ištvanić. Postaje ravnatelj hrvatskoga zemaljskog kazališta 1870. god. Postaje i dramaturg. Njegov prvi roman Zlatarevo zlato izlazi 1871. god. Dvije godine kasnije, 1873. godine, postao je gradski senator i napušta kazalište.

Od 1874. godine do smrti uređuje hrvatski književni časopis Vijenac. Umro je 13. prosinca 1881. godine. Ležeći bolestan diktirao je Kletvu i rekao je “Nedajte mi umrjeti, imam još toliko toga za napisati”. Najpoznatija djela su mu: Seljačka buna, Zlatarevo zlato, Prosjak Luka, Mladi gospodin, Prijan Lovro, Diogeneš, Kanarinčeva ljubovca, Vječni Žid i Zagrebulje.


Dora Krupićeva - goldsmith's treasure (Marija Barović) and Ivan Reis on piano, president of the Šenoa House Association.

Neven Divjakinja, translator of the book from Croatian, Andrija Pečarić, leader of the project, and Jasmina Reis, vicepresident of the Šenoa House Association

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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