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Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 8
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  10/22/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , People , History | Unrated
Slavonska and Hercegovačka street, Croatian TV Friday 24.10.2008 20.10

Nenad Gagić, describing 1991 events in Vukovar

 8. Slavonska i Hercegovačka ulica - Hrvatska TV petak 24.10.2008, 20.10

Slavonska i Hercegovačka su najistureniji položaji prema Orlovači i Trpinji, odakle je nadirala glavnina neprijateljskih snaga. Slavonska i Hercegovačka bile su ulice na kojima su se spajali naši i četnički položaji.

Iz Hercegovačke ulice uništen je veliki broj tenkova koji je išao na Trpinjsku cestu. Ovdje su se sinovi pravoslavnog popa, koji su dragovoljno došli iz Zagreba, borili za Hrvatsku. Upoznati ćete junake Slavonske i Hercegovačke ulice: Mirko Brekalo stariji, Nenad Gagić, Ivan Kapular, Ivica Lukić, Dragan Luketić, Ivica Habajec.


8. Slavonska and Hercegovačka Street - Croatian TV Friday 24.10.2008, 20.10

Slavonska and Hercegovačka were the most out posted positions to Orlovača and Trpinja. From that directions the main enemy forces had been coming. Slavonska and Hercegovačka also were the streets where our and chetnik positions  merged.

Many tanks were going towards Trpinjska Road, but in Hercegovačka street a lot of them were destroyed. The sons of orthodox priest voluntary came here from Zagreb and fought for Croatia here. In this episode, you'll meet the heroes of Slavonska and Hercegovačka street. They are Mirko Brekalo senior, Nenad Gagić, Ivan Kapular, Ivica Lukić, Dragan Luketić, Ivica Habajec.

Marko Brekalo, Ivica Lukić, and Ante Crnjac, Vukovar

Dragutin Luketić, Vukovar

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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