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91% Of Croatian Citizens Say Croatia Should Sue Serbia
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  05/1/2007 | Human Rights , Politics | Unrated
91% Of Citizens: Croatia Still Have To Sue Serbia


Croatia Still Have To Sue Serbia

In conducted research about should Croatia sue Serbia for the genocide 91 percent of citizens answered it should.  Hina Centre for the market research conducted a survey on the representative sample of 1000 citizens about their attitudes regarding the war damage and genocide. On the question should Croatia sue Serbia for the genocide 91 percent of citizens answered it should, eight percent it should not, and one percent of the polled answered they do not know.  Regardless the adopted sentence and negative reactions it caused in BH, citizens of Croatia consider that the charge for the genocide should not be withdrawn , the GfK centre states.
The centre also states that the sentence which announced Serbia is not guilty for the genocide in BH aroused the question should Croatia give up that charges. The obtained answers show that 9 of 10 Croatia´s citizens consider that Croatia should not give up charges for the genocide. That attitude is even more expressed in Zagreb and surroundings, Lika, Kordun and Banovina, and in places from 10 to 100 thousands citizens (by 96 percent), the GfK centre states.  On the question do you consider Serbia will pay the war compensation to Croatia 82 percent of citizens answered negatively, 17 percent of polled citizens answered positively, and one percent answered they do not know.  The attitude that the payment of allowance for damage inflicted by war will not occur is more expressed by respondents from Dalmatia (93 percent), women (85 percent), as well as persons older than 40 years (90 percent).  On the question do you consider that Croatia made enough that Serbia pays the war compensation, 78 percent of polled citizens answered it has not made enough, 21 percent it has, and one percent of citizens answered they do not know.  Dissatisfaction by what is done is more emphasized by citizens of Zagreb with surroundings (83 percent), Lika, Kordun and Banovina (84 percent), respondents from places between 10 and 100 thousand citizens (82 percent), and persons between 25 and 39 years (81 to 84 percent).  GfK Croatia-Centre for the market research realized this research on the subject of "War damage and genocide"  in March this year, on the representative sample of 1000 Croatia´s citizens older than 15 years, by personal survey in the household.

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Hilda M. Foley)

    I think it is important for the Croatian government to hear the opinion of the Croatian public regarding Serbia paying for the war damages it inflicted. There is not enough action taken.
  • Comment #2 (Posted by Obrad Bilen-Alic)

    It's about time Croatia sued Serbia for war crimes. I was on the front lines in Croatia in late 1991-92 and I must say it was a terrible time for us Croats who endured constant bombardment and terror. We Croats will not forget what it was like for us in the early days. People were massacred and tortured, Serbia must pay for its aggression.....
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