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Meeting G2.4 Conference sucessfully organized by Udruga MEETING G2 in Zagreb in 2018
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  11/29/2018 | Education , Business | Unrated
Over 200 participants, of which more than 70 business people from Croatian origin from 19 countries

Meeting G2.4

Kada se na jednome mjestu okupi mnoštvo poslovnih ljudi rađaju se nove ideje i suradnje, a mi smo svake godine sve bliže dogovoru oko najboljeg puta prema zajedničkom cilju - prosperitetnoj i uspješnoj Hrvatskoj. I ove smo godine na temelju niza diskusija i rasprava donijeli zaključke koji mjerodavnim institucijama mogu poslužiti pri donošenju kvalitetnijih odluka, ali i komorama i udruženjima naših iseljenika kako bi ojačali poslovne veze s domovinom.

Bit će nam zadovoljstvo pružiti daljnju pomoć za realizaciju zaključaka koji su, vjerujemo, od najšire društvene važnosti.

Svi oni koji žele još jednom pogledati panele ili nisu imali priliku prisustvovati na panelima održanima u sklopu Konferencije Meeting G2.4. Pogled u budućnost, od 12. do 14. studenoga 2018. u Zagrebu, sada imaju priliku to učiniti na Youtube kanalu - Meeting G2.

Za vas smo postavili snimke sedam održanih panela i pozivamo vas da posjetite Meeting G2 na Youtube kanalu. U sljedećem razdoblju postavit ćemo još zanimljivih video zapisa kao što su primjerice izjave sudionika o Meetingu G2 o čemu ćemo vas obavijestiti putem newslettera.

Slobodno nam šaljite i svoje prijedloge i komentare vezano uz organizaciju predstojeće Konferencije. Teme koje odabiremo plod su i Vaših interesa i vjerujemo da je to pravi put da napravimo Konferenciju koja će imati najbolje rezultate za sudionike.

Preko 200 sudionika, od čega više od 70 poslovnih ljudi hrvatskog porijekla iz 19 zemalja svijeta, sedam panela sa 40 sudionika, 25 medija na događanju te ukupno više od 110 objava u medijima. Epilog je to konferencije Meeting G2.4. "Pogled u budućnost" koja je 12. i 13. studenoga održana u Kongresnom centru Forum Zagreb.

Visoki pokrovitelj Konferencije Predsjednica Republike Hrvatske Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović poslala je niz važnih poruka, među kojima se ističe i ova: "Moramo osvijestiti da su ljudi najveća vrijednost i prednost te da grade budućnost, stoga su ulaganja u demografsku obnovu naš prioritet".

I doista, sudionici pristigli sa četiri kontinenta pokazali su da s optimizmom možemo gledati u budućnost koju svi zajedno krojimo za Lijepu našu. Jedan smjer i zajednički napori ukupno više od 8 milijuna Hrvata iz domovine i iseljeništva sigurno će dati sinergijski efekt putem kojega možemo postići velike pomake u gospodarstvu i u društvu općenito.

Meeting G2.4

When a lot of business people meet at one place, they can find new ideas and cooperation, and every year we are getting closer to the best way towards a common goal - a prosperous and successful Croatia. And this year, based on a series of discussions and debates, we have come to conclusions that can serve the competent institutions for making better decisions, as well as chambers and associations of our emigrants to strengthen their relationship with their homeland.

It will be our pleasure to provide further assistance in realizing the conclusions that, we believe, are of wider social significance.

All those who want to take a look at the panels once again or have had the opportunity to attend the panels held at Meeting G2.4 Conference "A look in to the future", from 12 to 14 November 2018 in Zagreb, now have the opportunity to do so on the Youtube channel - Meeting G2.

We've set up snapshots of seven panels and we invite you to visit the Meeting G2 on the Youtube channel. In the next period we will set up more interesting videos such as the G2 Meeting participants' statements about what we will notify you through the newsletter.

Feel free to send us your suggestions and comments regarding the organization of the upcoming Conference. The topics we chose are the fruits of your interests and we believe that this is the right way to make a conference that will have the best results for the participants.
Over 200 participants, of which more than 70 business people from Croatian origin from 19 countries, 7 panels with more than 40 participants, 25 media outlets and more than 110 media coverage. This is the epilogue of MEETING G2.4 Conference "A look in the future", held on 12 and 13 November at the Congress Center FORUM Zagreb.

High Auspices of the Conference President of the Republic of Croatia
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović sent a series of important messages, one of which is: "We have to realize that people are the highest value and advantage, they are building the future, so investment in demographic renewal is a priority."

Indeed, participants from various countries from four continents have shown that with optimism we can look to the future we all get together for our country. One direction and joint efforts of more than 8 million Croatians from homeland and emigration will give a synergistic effect through which we can make great strides in the economy and society in general.

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