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Exhibition of Croatian culture in Korean National Library in Seoul 2021
By Mirna Lipovac | Published  08/4/2021 | Croatian Language , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Organized by the Korean National Library and the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Seoul

Lively exhibition of some elements of Croatian culture parepared in the Korean National Library in Seoul in 2021,
jointly with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia.

At the bottom, verses of Croatian poets written in the Glagolitic Script by Mrs. Verica Kovač.
On the top, one can see a clock containing Glagolitic numerals instead of Arabic, as well as a glass and bag decorate with Glagolitic letters.

Reprints of old Croatian books and manuscripts, described in Korean language
At the bottom, the oldest known printed manual for children, issued in 1527 in Croatian Glagolitic Script in Venice

Izložba pod nazivom Hrvatska književnost i kulturna baština od srednjeg vijeka do modernog doba održana je u prostoru Nacionalne knjižnice Koreje u glavnom gradu Seulu od 28. lipnja do 25. srpnja 2021. godine. Tom izložbom predstavljena je Republika Hrvatska i njezino raznovrsno kulturno bogatstvo.

Otvorenju je nazočilo stotinjak uglednika, najviše koliko je mogao primiti taj prostor s obzirom na pandemijske mjere. Ravnateljica Nacionalne knjižnice, gđa. Suh Hye-ran, u svom govoru je istaknula da je kroz tu izložbu hrvatska glagoljica prvi put došla u Koreju. Uz prigodne govore drugih dužnosnika održan je i glazbeni program. Izložba je popraćena u brojnim korejskim medijima.

Glagoljica je bila prvo slavensko pismo koje najvjerojatnije potječe iz 9 stoljeća, ali je upravo u Hrvatskoj dobilo svoj specifičan uglati oblik i ostalo prvim nacionalnim pismom. Bilo je u širokoj upotrebi od 14. do 19 stoljeća, a ponegdje i do sredine 20. stoljeća.

Izloženo je oko 130 predmeta poput pretisaka starih hrvatskih glagoljskih knjiga
  • Hrvojev misal iz 1404.,
  • Novakov misal iz 1368.,
  • glagoljski Prvotisak (Misal po zakonu Rimskoga Dvora) iz 1483.,
  • Vinodolski zakonik iz 1288. itd.,
pisanica oslikanih tradicijskim tehnikama, grafika i postera s pjesmama poznatih hrvatskih pjesnika ispisanih glagoljicom, a također i narodne nošnje, tradicijski zanatski proizvodi, fotografije i sl.

Društvo prijatelja glagoljice sudjelovalo je na izložbi s pošiljkom od gotovo 40 kg knjiga i ostalih predmeta vezanih uz glagoljicu. Jedino su keksići ukrašeni slovima glagoljice i modeli slova glagoljice od stiropora pojačanog žicom djelo osoblja veleposlanstva Republike Hrvatske u Seulu.

Iako je bilo predstavljeno više aspekata hrvatske kulturne baštine, glagoljica je bila zvijezda izložbe, a posebno je istaknuta uloga Društva prijatelja glagoljice i njegovih članova - pojedinaca koji su dodatno doprinjeli ovoj izložbi.

A very special exhibition called Croatian Traces of Thousand Years, Literature and Cultural Heritage from the Middle Ages to Modern Time was held at The National Library of Korea in its capital Seoul from June 28th until July 25th , 2021. This exhibition presented the Republic of Croatia and its diverse cultural wealth.

The opening was attended by about one hundred distinguished invitees, the most that the National Library could accommodate under the pandemic restrictions. Ms. Suh Hye-ran, the Director of the National Library of Korea, pointed out in her speech that it was the very first time that the Croatian Glagolitic alphabet came to Korea. In addition to the speeches of other dignitaries, a music program with selected Croatian tunes was held. The exhibition was covered by numerous Korean media.

The Glagolitic alphabet was the first Slavic script that most probably dates from the 9th century, and it was in Croatia that it got its specific angular shape and became the first national alphabet. It was widely used in the 14th to19 th century, and at some places even until middle of the 20th century.

About 130 items were displayed, such as reprints of some old Croatian Glagolitic books
Easter eggs decorated with traditional techniques, graphics and posters with poems by famous Croatian poets written in Glagolitic script, as well as folk costumes, traditional handicrafts, photographs, etc.

The Society of the Friends of the Glagolitic Script participated in the exhibition with a shipment of almost 40 kg of books and other items related to the Glagolitic alphabet. Only biscuits decorated with Glagolitic letters and models of Glagolitic letters made of styrofoam reinforced with wire were the work of the staff of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Seoul.

Although several aspects of Croatian cultural heritage were presented, the Glagolitic Alphabet was the star of the exhibition, and the role of the Society of the Friends of the Glagolitic Script and its members - individuals who further contributed to this exhibition was especially emphasized.

Mrs. Mirna Lipovac, author of the article and secretary of
The Society of the Friends of the Glagolitic Script, Zagreb, Croatia

On the left, a reprint of the the Hrvoje Missal from 1404 is exhibited, an important handwritten Croatian Glagolitic book, kept in Constantinople in Turkey
Verses of Branko Bezia prepared by Mrs. Jadranka Ostić, Croatian artist from the city of Pula, Istrian Peninsula

Beautiful Easter eggs prepared by Snježana Božić and her father Dragutin.
The technique can be seen on the two videos, prepared by Yoko Nishii, Japan.
Cookies decorated with Croatian Glagolitic letters,
prepared at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Seoul, Korea.

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