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Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku
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» Luka Krilic: DIJASPORA Kuda idemo? Što možemo učiniti?
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/28/2018 | Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku , Politics , Opinions , Education | Unrated
Kao pripadnik Dijaspore osjećam dužnost izraziti nekoliko misli o tome da je došlo vrijeme da mi iz Dijaspore pođemo ususret realnosti; moramo se suočiti sa golom istinom i sagledati stvarnost baš onakvom kakva ona jest, jer nalazim da je prijeka potreba i nužnost da pokušamo naći pravilan i dobar smjer koji smo, prema mome iskustvu i saznanjima, odavno izgubili. Ako je Država u krizi moramo priznati da to vrijedi i z
» The Council for Croats outside of Croatia is founded
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 06/6/2013 | Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku , Politics , Community | Unrated
The council will assist in designing and implementing policies, programs and activities in relation to  Croats who live beyond the borders of our beautiful country. Members of the council are among the most prominent representatives of the Croatian community from around the world, as well as representatives of the most important institutions in the country. All of them will help the Croatian government in des
» Government office for Croatians outside of the Republic of Croatia is looking for advisors
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 10/25/2012 | Bilingual , Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku , Community | Unrated
The Government office for Croats outside of the Republic of Croatia is looking for advisors. This will be an advisory body that will offer aid in creating policies, activities and programs in relation to the  Croats outside of the Republic of Croatia. Advisors will have a four year mandate and will represent communities in their country of origin. The call for the nomination of representatives of
» Porez na inozemne mirovine?
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 05/22/2012 | Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku , Community | Unrated
U ime Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa, mjerodavnim institucijama u Hrvatskoj, pismom se obratio Josip Ante Sovulj, tajnik HSK-a za odnose s hrvatskim državnim ustanovama, a na temu nejasnoća oko poreza na inozemne mirovine. Pismo donosimo u cijelosti.
» Law for cooperation with Croats outside of the Republic of Croatia
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 10/9/2011 | Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku , Politics | Unrated
The final draft of the law regarding cooperation with Croats outside of Croatia has been published. This new law is a completely new approach in regulating relations between Croatia and Croats outside Croatia in the fields of culture, education, economics, and sports. This new law has yet to be ratified by the Croatian Sabor and is slated to be voted on in the coming weeks.
» A tale of two presidents and two diasporas
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 09/20/2011 | Učimo od drugih - We learn from others , Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku , Community | Unrated
Sunday, September 18th 2011 and Monday September 19, 2011 saw the presidents of Hungary Pal Schmitt and of Croatia Ivo Josipovic (left) meet with members of their communities in the United States in Cleveland and New York respectively. Their visits displayed a remarkable divergence with regards to relationships with their diaspora communities. Maybe Croatia can learn from Hungary in strengthening relations with Croatian communities scattere
» Casting Call For House Hunters International
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 06/6/2011 | Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku , Media Watch , Croatian Life Stories | Unrated
House Hunters International, on Home and Garden TV is looking for people who have recently relocated to Croatia to appear on the show. Being on the show is a lot of fun for participants and a great way for them to document their exciting search for a home and new life abroad.  It's also a very positive show which offers a wonderful opportunity to inform our viewers about interesting countries and cultures worldwide. It can drive interest in
» Vlada usvojila Strategiju odnosa Republike Hrvatske prema Hrvatima izvan Domovine
Vlada Republike Hrvatske usvojila Strategiju odnosa Republike Hrvatske prema Hrvatima izvan Republike Hrvatske. Predvidjeno je i donosenje Zakona (kao instrumenta provedbe Strategije), Savjeta Vlade i Ureda Vlade za Hrvate izvan RH (operativnog tijela), izvjescuje za CROWN Dr. Ivan Bagarić (lijevo), Predsjednik Odbora Za Hrvate Izvan Republike Hrvatske. Strategy for the relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Croatians outside th
» U Hrvatskom Saboru utemeljen Odbor za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske
Sa zadovoljstvom vas obavješćujemo da je odnedavno u najvišem zakonodavnom i predstavničkom tijelu Hrvatske, Hrvatskom Saboru, utemeljen Odbor za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske.  Kako biste se mogli bolje upoznati s radom odbora, u prilogu vam šaljemo podrobniji prikaz njegovog sastava, ovlasti i uloge.

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Croatian Constellation

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