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Miro Gavran's play to be premiered in Antwerp, Belgium on 12th April 2012
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  04/4/2012 | Events , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Translation into Flemish by Bob Snijers

Miro Gavran, Croatian writer.
His dramas and comedies have been translated into 35 languages.



Kazališna drama hrvatskog književnika Mire Gavrana "Čehov je Tolstoju rekao zbogom" imat će premijernu izvedbu 12. Travnja u Belgiji u Antwerpenu u “TEATRU AAN DE STROM” ( ).

Prijevod na flamanski  i režiju potpisuje Bob Snijers dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju Jef Demedts, Magda Cnudde. Steven de Lelie i Annelore Stubbe.

Gavranova drama se događa 1890. godine na Jasnoj poljani, imanju  velikog ruskog pisca Lava Nikolajeviča Tolstoja i njegove supruge Sofije. Njima u posjet dolaze mladi pisac Anton Pavlovič Čehov i njegova supruga Olga. Između pisaca i njihovih supruga ubrzo dolazi do neočekivanih sukoba.

Ova Gavranova drama imala je do sada devet premijera u Hrvatskoj, Češkoj, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Francuskoj i Poljskoj, tako da je belgijska premijera deseta po redu. Praizvedba je bila daleke 1990. u zagrebačkom Teatru ITD.

Miro Gavrna je suvremeni hrvatski autor ro]en 1961. g. Njegova djela do sada su prevedena na 35 jezika, imao je preko 200 kazališnih premijera, a njegove predstave je vidjelo više od dva milijuna gledatelja.



"Chekov Says Good-bye to Tolstoy", Miro Garan's drama, will be premiered at the TEATRA AAN DE STROM ( ) in Antwerp, Belgium on 12th April.

The translation into Flemish has been done by Bob Snijers, who will be directing the play, and the roles will be played by Jef Demedts, Magda Cnudde. Steven de Lelie and Annelore Stubbe.

Gavran's drama is set in 1890 at Yasnaya Polyana, the estate of the great Russian writer, Leo Nikolaievich Tolstoy and his wife Sofia. They are visited by the young writer Anton Pavlovich Chekov and his wife Olga. Unexpected conflicts soon break out between the writers and their wives.

This Gavran drama has had nine premieres to date:  in Croatia, the Czech Republic, the United States of America, France and Poland, so that the Belgian premiere will be the tenth.  The first performance was given back in 1990 at the Zagreb ITD Theatre.

 Miro Gavran is a contemporary Croatian author, born in 1961. His works have been translated into 35 languages, and his books have come out in 150 different editions at home and abroad. His dramas and comedies have had more than 200 theatre first nights around the world and have been seen by more than two million theatre-goers.

Miro Gavran
Miro Gavran is a contemporary Croatian author, born in 1961. His works have been translated into 35 languages, and his books have come out in 150 different editions at home and abroad. His dramas and comedies have had more than 200 theatre first nights around the world and have been seen by more than two million theatre-goers.

He is the only living dramatist in Europe to have a theatre festival devoted solely to his plays outside his/her homeland; the Gavranfest has been held in Slovakia since 2003.

He debuted in 1983 with the drama Creon's Antigone, speaking out forcefully about political manipulation. This was followed three years later by the drama Night of the Gods, the theme being the relationship between the artist and the powers-that-be under a totalitarian system. He then wrote a cycle of plays concentrating on male-female relations, in which his heroes were often great historical persons. He has created a series of complex female characters. His heroines are both strong and emotional. He has written some forty plays to date, including Death of an Actor, All About Women, All About Men, George Washington's Loves, Chekhov Says Good-Bye to Tolstoy, How To Kill The President, Greta Garbo's Secret, Parallel Worlds, Nora in Our Time, My Wife's Husband, Dr Freud's Patient...

There have been first nights of his plays throughout the world, in: Rotterdam, Washington, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, Buenos Aires, Waterford, Mumbai, Bratislava, Prague, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Krakow, Belgrade, Budapest, Athens, Augsburg, Vienna, Sofia.

He has had nine novels published: Forgotten Son, How We Broke Our Legs, Klara, Margita or A Journey into a Former Life, Judith, John the Baptist, Pontius Pilate and The Only Witness to Beauty, Kafka's friend, along with a collection of short stories entitled Small Unusual People.

In his early novels, he describes life in the Croatian provinces, featuring everyday folk, anti-heroes of sorts, who retain a positive stance towards life even when they are confronted with injustice and major difficulties. This is perhaps best seen in his novel, Forgotten Son (1989), in which the central personage is a slightly mentally challenged young man of twenty.

As a forty-year-old, Gavran started to write psychological-existential novels inspired by biblical characters, bringing them nearer to the sensibilities of contemporary readers. These books have been popular with both believers and non-believers, since their messages are universal.

His books have been published in all corners of the globe: in Beijing, Vienna, St Petersburg, Oslo, Istanbul, Paris, Prague, Bratislava, Sofia, Ljubljana...

Gavran has received more than twenty literary awards in Croatia and abroad, including the Central European Time Award, given annually in Budapest to the best Central European author for overall opus, as well as the European Circle Award given to writers for the confirmation of European values in their texts.

With insight and humour, Miro Gavran has written eight books for children and young people: All Sorts of Things in My Head, How Dad Won Mum, Head Over Heels in Love, Happy Days, Farewell Letter, Plays with a Head and a Tail, Try to Forget and The Teacher of My Dreams. These books have also found their way to adult readers.

Gavran earned his degree in Dramaturgy at the Academy of Theatre, Film and Television in Zagreb.

He first worked as a dramaturge and theatre director at the famous ITD Theatre in Zagreb. Since 1993, he has been living and working as a free-lance, professional writer. His theatre and prose texts have been included in numerous anthologies in Croatia and in countries outside its borders, and his work is studied at universities throughout the world.

He has been living in Zagreb, Croatia since he was twenty. He is married to the actress Mladena Gavran, and founded the Gavran Theatre with her in 2002. Their son Jakov is a student of acting.


van 12 april t/m 13 mei 2012

Coproductie Theater aan de Stroom en Cour & Jardin

Tekst: Miro Gavran
Vertaling & regie: Bob Snijers
Spel: Jef Demedts, Magda Cnudde, Steven De Lelie, Annelore Stubbe
‘Tsjechov zegt Tolstoj vaarwel' is een spirituele komedie rond een fictieve ontmoeting tussen twee groten van de Russische Literatuur. Twee generaties en twee levensvisies, die van een ‘éminence grise' en die van een ‘jong aanstormend talent', komen met elkaar in botsing.

De jonge veelbelovende schrijver Anton Tsjechov is samen met zijn kersverse echtgenote, de knappe actrice Olga Knipper, op bezoek bij zijn veel oudere collega Ljev Tolstoj. Spoedig blijkt dat de Grote Meester het in zijn ogen “beginnend schrijvertje” niet louter en alleen uit belangstelling voor diens werk uitgenodigd heeft. Hij wil Tsjechov, wiens talent hij wel erkent, overhalen een boek te schrijven dat de neerslag vormt van hun gesprekken, tot meerdere eer en glorie van zichzelf. Daarenboven blijkt hij een bijzondere en niet direct literaire interesse aan de dag te leggen voor de charmante Olga. Zijn libido, dat hem niet minder dan 13 kinderen opleverde, blijft Tolstoj ook op latere leeftijd behoorlijk parten spelen. Zijn echtgenote Sofia, ook al geen doetje, ziet op haar beurt Tsjechov wel zitten en benadert Olga om samen met haar een boek te maken waarin ze haar turbulente huwelijksleven met een genie uit de doeken kan doen. Zo ontstaat een merkwaardig spelletje kwartet dat onder invloed van behoorlijke doses wodka bij momenten krankzinnige vormen aanneemt.

De meermaals bekroonde Kroaat Miro Gavran, wiens werk in 30 talen vertaald werd, neemt in dit verrassende stuk een lichtvoetig loopje met de historische waarheid. Theater aan de Stroom presenteert in samenwerking met Cour & Jardin de Vlaamse creatie.
12, 13 (P), 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29 april 2012; 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 mei 2012
wo, do, vr, za om 20u15; zo om 15u00
donderdagmatinee op 26 april 2012 om 13u30

Theater aan de Stroom (kleine zaal) - Blancefloerlaan 181B, 2050 Antwerpen-Linkeroever


Gavran: Kad me pisanje prestane veseliti, prestat ću pisati

Piše: Valentina Mlađen

Miro Gavran još jednom je osvojio Zadar. Iako je u Zadar stigao predstaviti knjigu "Kafkin prijatelj" njegov susret s čitateljima, u Multimedijalnoj dvorani Gradske knjižnice Zadar, pretvorio se u pravi susret s piscem tijekom kojeg je bilo govora o čitavom njegovom opusu, životu pisanju i slično.

Iako se predstavljanje knjige pretvorilo u zanimljiv dijalog pisca i čitatelja glavni razlog dolaska Mire Gavrana u Zadar bio je ipak "Kafkin prijatelj". Uz njega knjigu je predstavio urednik Zoran Maljković koji je rekao nešto o samom neobičnom formatu knjige, koja je izdana kao prva od knjiga u biblioteci "Priča na dar".

Roman "Kafkin prijatelj" donosi snažnu priču o dvojici prijatelja književnika, Franzu Kafki i Maxu Brodu, te o ženama koje su ih sudbinski odredile. Radnja je smještena u Prag u razdoblju 1903. do 1924., a zatim tijekom 1953. u Tel Aviv. Roman je neobična kombinacija stvarnih faktografskih podataka i piščeve bogate mašte. Gavran je na predstavljanju istaknuo kako ljudi ovaj roman doživljavaju na različite načine, što je i htio postići, jer ovo nije samo priča o piscima nego i o jednom neobičnom i vrijednom prijateljstvu.

- Njihove životne priče i biografiju iskoristio sam kako bih ispričao priču o ljudima koji su izrazito emotivni, o jednom neobičnom prijateljstvu. I doista je neobično da dva čovjeka koja se bave istim poslom imaju takav odnos. Iako je Max objavio mnogo više od Kafke on je ipak svo vrijeme više vjerovao u svog prijatelja Franza Kafku nego u samog sebe i više je svoje energije koristio da bi njega afirmirao nego sebe, objasnio je Gavran ono što ga je privuklo ovoj priči. A, uz profesionalnu, u priču je upleo i muško-žensku dimenziju. Gavran je još otkrio kako je prije nego je konačno napisao "Kafkinog prijatelja" ovaj roman počinjao pisati čak tri puta i svaki put bi odustao.

Osim ovog romana Gavran je na predstavljanju predstavio još neke svoje knjige, od kojih su neke izišle dosta davno, ali čitanje ulomaka iz tih djela naišlo je na potpuno oduševljenje u publici popraćeno smijehom.

Nakon predstavljanja knjiga slijedio je razgovor s čitateljima koji su spremili veliki broj pitanja za najpoznatijeg hrvatskog pisca. Na samom kraju susreta odgovarajući na jedno pitanje Gavran je priznao da je sad trenutno u fazi kad nema ideje za slijedeće djelo, ni književno ni dramsko, ali može reći da je sretan. U svakom slučaju pisat će dokle god ga to bude činilo sretnim. Kad ga pisanje više ne bude veselilo Gavran je rekao kako će tad prestati pisati. A s obzirom na navalu na kupnju i potpisivanje knjiga nakon susreta mi se nadamo da će Gavrana pisanje usrećivati još dugi niz godina.


Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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