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Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist and poet had Christmas concert in Tirana in Albania Dec 2014
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/31/2014 | Music , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Christmas and New Year's message form Ivana Marija Vidović, distinguished Croatian pianist and poet

Ivana Marija Vidović, distinguished Croatian pianist

Ivana Marija Vidović, distinguished Croatian pianist and poet, at the Christmas concert in Tirana, Albania

Albanian and Croatian national flags

Numerous foreign successes of Ivana Marija Vidović

Performances in Tirana, Albania

An extremely working year and many foreign performances adorn the passing year of the Dubrovnik pianist, Ivana Marija Vidović. All was crowned by the success in Tirana in the last week. It was the second appearance in 2014 in the capital city of Albania. In August, as the first Croatian artist Ivana Marija Vidović had the honor of performing in the hall that is called the Queen of South America, the "Sala Sao Paulo" which is among of the couple of best halls of the world under the baton of one of the currently most prominent Brazilian conductors Luis Fernando Mahleiro and accompanied by one of the leading symphony orchestras in Latin America. This success in Sao Paulo as well as the recent Vidović’s recital at prestigious L. van Beethoven's birth house in Bonn are among the greatest achievements of one of the Dubrovnik artist in the field of classical music.

After her concert in Tirana in April in front of the numerous audiences in Tirana, in the main hall of the Academy of Arts "Akademia e Arteve" at the festival FLAUTE MAGJIK under the buton of maestro Fatos Qerimaj a new invitation has followed. Vidović took part at the Piano Festival Pianodrom. With the Orquestar in sequence in the same hall of the Academy of Arts "Akademia e Arteve" and the artistic direction by a reputable maestro Fatos Qerimaj, Vidović performed mainly Hispanic repertoire and one work by an Albanian author T. Harapi. The repertoire also included works by maestro Peči and soloist, a renowned Albanian guitar Admir Doçi, A.Pärt in whose work a young violinist Valin Qerimaj appeared successfully and at the end of the concert works of Piazzolla and Turina with the soloist, a Croatian pianist Ivana Marija Vidović.

This touching and successful concert of a real cultural fusion was attended by delegates from the Croatian Embassy in Tirana, as well as numerous public and distinguished guests from the cultural and intellectual circles.

Ivana Marija Vidovic was also a member of the jury of Epta Piano Competition that took place last week in the hall of the Ministry of Culture in Tirana.

December 19, 2014.
Photos: private albums

Ivana Marija Vidović with maestro Fatos Qerimaj

Ivana Marija Vidović with maestro Fatos Qerimaj and with A. Peci

Ivana Marija Vidović with Takuina Adami, president of the Albanian EPTA Piano Competition

Ivana Marija Vidović with Albanian violoncelist Gezim Belegu

Ivana Marija Vidović godinu okrunila u Tirani

Izuzetno radnu godinu i brojne inozemne nastupe dubrovačka pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović okrunila je veoma zapaženim uspjesima u Tirani u prošlome tjednu. Bio je to drugi nastup u 2014. godini u glavnom albanskom gradu. U kolovozu je kao prva hrvatska umjetnica imala čast nastupati u dvorani koju nazivlju kraljicom Južne Amerike Sala Săo Paulo, a koja spada među par najboljih dvorana svijeta uz palicu trenutno najuglednijeg brazilskog dirigenta Luis Fernando Mahleira i uz pratnju jednog od vodećih simfonijskih orkestara Latinske Amerike. Ovaj uspjeh u Săo Paulu kao i nedavni recital u uglednoj rodnoj kući L.van Beethovena u Bonnu spadaju među najveće dosege nekog dubrovačkog umjetnika s područja klasične glazbe.

Nakon što se u travnju predstavila brojnoj publici u Tirani, u glavnoj dvorani Akademije Umjetnosti u sklopu festivala Flauti Magjik, a uz palicu maestra Fatosa Qerimaja uslijedio je i poziv na prošlotjedno gostovanje u sklopu pijanističkog festivala Pianodrom. Uz Orquestar in Sequenca i ponovno umjetničko vodstvo uglednog Fatosa Qerimaja, Vidović je uz uzvike Brava, Bravissima izvela hispanički repertoar i jedno djelo albanskog autora T. Harapija. Na repertoaru su bila još i djela maestra Pečija i to uz solistu uglednog albanskog gitariste Admira Doçi, A.Pärt u čijem je djelu prvi put kao solist nastupio mladi violinista Valin Qerimaj, a za kraj koncerta djela Piazzolle i Turine uz solisticu Ivanu Mariju Vidović na glasoviru.

Ovom dirljivom i uspješnom koncertu nazočili su i i izaslanici iz hrvatskog veleposlanstva u Tirani kao i brojna publika i uvaženi gosti iz kulturnih i intelektualnih krugova.

Ivana Marija Vidović za vrijeme svog boravka u Tirani bila je i članicom Eptinog pijanističkog natjecanja koje se prošlog tjedna odvijalo u dvorani Ministarstva kulture u Tirani.


Jelica Krišto, Fatos Qerimaj and Ivana Marija Vidović at the Croatian Embassy in Tirana. On the right Croatian Coat of Arms.

Ivana Marija Vidović with Aleksandar Stipetić, ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Tirana, and with Jelica Krišto

Ivana Marija Vidović with Orenc Graca, young winner of the Epta Piano Competititon in Tirana.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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