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Stjepan Hauser obtained cello from legendary Bernard Greenhaus as a gift
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  11/4/2008 | Croatian Language , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Recognition to Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser

Stjepan Hauser, Croatian cellist

Stjepan Hauser, hrvatski violončelist koji studira u Londonu, trenutno se nalazi u SAD-u u kući znamenitog violončelista Bernarda Greenhousa, koji je vjerojatno posljednja živuća legenda svijeta klasične glazbe.  Prijateljevao s ljudima kao što su Rachmaninov, Faure, Albert Einstein, Stravinski i s mnogim drugim povijesnim osobama.

Više od trideset godina bio je članom znamenitog Beaux Arts Trija.

Svirao je na posebno vrijednom cellu koje je samo za njega izradio Cornelissen. A on je odjednom odlučio uručiti taj prekrasan Cornelissen g. Stjepanu Hauseru kao poklon. 

Radi se o prvoklasnom cellu, najboljem primjerku Conrelissena. G. Hauser je jednostavno zapanjen njegovom odlukom da mu pokloni ovaj prekrasan instrument. Maestro odlucio pokloniti prekrasan primjerak Cornelissen violine Lani Trotovsek, clanici The Greenwich Trio.

Hrvatska će javnost imati prigodu vidjeti novo cello već u petak 14. studenog  u emisiji Dobro jutro Hrvatska.

Stjepan Hauser, Croatian cellist living and studing in London, is at the moment in the USA, in the house of a famous cellist Bernard Greenhouse, who is probably the last living legend in the classical music world. He knew directly people like Rachmaninov, Faure, Stravinsky, Albert Einstein and many other historical figures.

For over thirty years he was a member of the famous Beaux Arts Trio.

He played on a very special cello made especialy for him by Cornelissen.  And suddenly he decided to give  this most beautiful example of Cornelissen to Mr. Stjepan Hauser as a gift.

It is the first class cello, the best sample of Cornelissan, and Mr. Hauser is simply shocked by his decision to donate this outstanding instrument to him. Maestro also gave his beautiful Cornelissen violin to Lana Trotovsek, member of The Greenwich Trio, and they recently played concert  on the  new instruments in Cape Cod, MA.

People in Croatia can see the new cello very soon on TV show Dobro jutro Hrvatska, Friday 14 November.


The Greenwich Trio osvojio je prvu nagradu na Međunarodnom natjecanju "Carlo Mosso" u Alessandriji u Italiji, održanom 8. studenog 2008 Od mogućih 100 bodova, osvojili su svih 100 bodova i time postali apsolutni pobijednici, ostvarivši rekord u povijesti natjecanja!

Dne 9. studenog svirali su koncert pobijednika.
Osim Stjepana Hausera članovi tria su Slovenska violinistica Lana Trotovšek, te Japanska pijanistica Yoko Misumi.

Na natjecanju su nastupili sa novim Cornelissen instrumentima koje im je prošli tjedan donirao Bernard Greenhousa. Čini se novi instrumenti zbilja djeluju!

The Greenwich Trio won  the 1st prize at the International Music Competition "Carlo Mosso" in Alessandria, Italy (November 8, 2008). They recieved 100 points out of 100 and became absolute winners of the competition,  achieving the highest score in the history of the competition!

On November 9th they played the winners concert. Except of Stjepan Hauser, members of the trio are Slovenian violinist Lana Trotovšek and Japanese pianist Yoko Misumi.

On the competition they played on new instruments made by Cornelissen which were recently kindly donated by Bernard Greenhouse in the USA. It seems like instruments really work!

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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