English title: The Ghost in the Swamp Original title: Duh u mocvari Full length feature for children Interfilm and HRT, Croatia, 2006, 90 minutes Colour, HD/35 mm, 16:9, stereo, with English subtitles www.duhumocvari.com
SYNOPSIS: A brother and sister, Miron and Melita, go to visit their friend Zoltan (Liptus) in Kopacevo for winter vacation. The local residents and hunting lodge members there are involved in a big campaign to help the wild animals from the reserve to survive the winter. The same night Miron and Melita arrive, a boy named Halasz is found half-frozen at the edge of the swamp where, he raves, that he was attacked by a white ghost on one of the islands of the swamp. From then on, he can no longer talk. The old woman Etelka reveals the secret that the ghost had been first seen long ago and that you cannot go to the island because the ghost wreaks vengeance on anyone stepping onto the island. Fear takes hold in the place. The hunters, with Vucevic, Kovacevic and Levay taking the lead, begin an investigation however neither they nor the doctors can help Halasz. Therefore Miron, Liptus and Melita decide to find the ghost and offer to carry it off the island to the shore in exchange making their friend well again. However, the ghost shoots and wounds the hunter Levay proving that the ghost is much more dangerous than was previously thought& The films story unfolds with the unique landscape of Croatian Nature Park "Kopacki rit" as the backdrop. Over and above the snow-covered Baranja houses with stork nests adorning their chimneys, the unique spirit of the local people, the sounds of tamburitzas and dulcimers and the olds hunters those precious guardians of natures treasures, the children experience an unforgettable adventure. They get to know the wonder of local varieties of flora and fauna as well as the importance of protecting the environment and the animals that live in it& DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: The screenplay was written according to the book by the same title by the popular children's writer Ante Gardas, whose heroes Miron, Melita and others many have grown up with. "The Ghost in the Swamp" is part of the required reading for fourth graders in Croatia. In addition to being an exciting children's story, "The Ghost in the Swamp" educates and serves as a good example for children. Hence, it has been chosen to mark the comeback of feature-length films for children, which have not been made by the Croatian film industry for the last twenty years. CAST: Marko Pavlov, Robert Vass, Ena Ikica, Luka Buljan, Buga Marija Simic, Ivo Gregurevic, Dejan Acimovic, Mladen Vulic, Vlatko Dulic, Radoslav Spitzmuller, Radoslava Mrksic, Predrag Vusovic, Nandor Szilagyi, Nada Gacesic Livakovic, Kornelija Kocis and Ana Vilenica
Director: Branko Istvancic www.istvancic.com Screenwriters: Anto Gardas, Edi Muzina and Silvio Mirosnicenko Camera: Silvio Jesenkovic, h.f.s. Music composed and orchestrated by: Dalibor Grubacevic www.daliborgrubacevic.com Editing: Goran Guberovic Producer: Ivan Maloca Contact address: INTERFILM, Nova Ves 45/2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia www.interfilm.hr E-mail: interfilm@interfilm.hr Phone: +38514667290 Fax: +38514667022
(in Croatian) DUH U MOČVARI dugometražni igrani film za djecu Interfilm i HRT, 2006., boja, 16:9, 35 mm, stereo Trajanje 90 minuta www.duhumocvari.com Brat i sestra, Miron i Melita, odlaze na zimovanje prijatelju Zoltanu (Liptusu) u Kopačevo. U tijeku je velika akcija lokalnog stanovništva i lovačkog društva kojom pomažu divljim životinjama iz rezervata da prežive zimu. Po dolasku, iste noći, dječak Halasz nađen je promrzao na obali gdje bunca da ga je napao bijeli duh na jednom od otoka u močvari. Otada zanijemi. Baba Etelka otkrije tajnu kako je duh viđen još davno i kako ne može s otoka pa se sveti svakome tko stupi na njega. U mjesto se uvuče strah. Lovci, na čelu s Vučevićem, Kovačevićem i Levayjem, pokrenu istragu. Ali ni oni ni liječnici ne mogu pomoći Halaszu. Zato Miron, Liptus i Melita odluče naći duha i ponuditi mu da ga čamcem prebace na obalu u zamjenu da ozdravi njihovog prijatelja. No, duh zapuca i rani lovca Levayja čime dokaže da je mnogo opasniji nego što se mislilo. Radnja filma se odvija u jedinstvenom zimskom pejzažu Kopačkog Rita. Povrh krovova baranjskih kućica koje krase rodina gnijezda na dimnjacima, unikatnog duha ovdašnjih ljudi, zvuka tambure i cimbala, te starih lovaca, tih vrijednih čuvara prirodnog blaga, djeca doživljavaju nezaboravnu pustolovinu. Upoznaju fenomene autohtone flore i faune kao i važnost brige za okoliš i životinje koje u njemu žive. Scenarij je rađen prema istoimenoj knjizi omiljenog dječjeg pisca Ante Gardaša uz čije su junake Mirona, Melite i ostalih odrastali mnogi naraštaji. Stoga je "Duh u močvari" i uvršten u lektiru četvrtog razreda osnovne škole. Djelo je to koje osim uzbudljive dječje priče educira i služi kao primjer. Kao takvo, odabrano je da obilježi veliki povratak cjelovečernjeg dječjeg filma koji u hrvatskoj kinematografiji nije snimljen dvadeset godina. glume: Marko Pavlov, Ena Ikica, Robert Váss, Ivo Gregurević, Dejan Aćimović, Mladen Vulić, Vlatko Dulić, Luka Buljan, Buga Marija Šimić, Radoslav Spitzmuller, Radoslava Mrkšić, Nandor Szilagyi, Nada Gaćešić Livaković, Kornelija Kočiš, Ana Vilenica, Predrag Vušović redatelj: Branko Ištvančić www.istvancic.com scenaristi: prema romanu "Duh u močvari" Ante Gardaša Anto Gardaš, Edi Mužina, Silvio Mirošničenko direktor fotografije: Silvio Jesenković, h.f.s. glazbu skladao i orkestrirao: Dalibor Grubačević www.daliborgrubacevic.com montažer: Goran Guberović producent: Ivan Maloča produkcija: Interfilm www.interfilm.hru koprodukciji s HRT-om Kontakt adresa: INTERFILM, Nova Ves 45/2, 10000 Zagreb E-mail: interfilm@interfilm.hr Telefon: +38514667290 Fax: +38514667022