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 »  Home  »  Education  »  MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb offering new business opportunities for Croatia and its diaspora
 »  Home  »  Business  »  MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb offering new business opportunities for Croatia and its diaspora
MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb offering new business opportunities for Croatia and its diaspora
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  05/19/2016 | Events , Education , Business | Unrated
How to take advantage of the possibilities offered by Croatian and EU institutions for investment in Croatia

Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, president of the Republic of Croatia, in the center, and Mara Vitols Hrgetić of the FORUM Center,
 3rd from the left, during a previous G2 conference.


Ovogodišnji program konferencije Meeting G2.2 ponuditi će sudionicima čak 10 panel diskusija zanimljivog i korisnog sadržaja, a svaki dan predviđeni su i različiti programi za druženje i networking. U nastavku donosimo popis panela, a cijeli program pronađite na našoj stranici.

  1. „Inovacije“
  2. „Kako napredovati u poslu u Hrvatskoj“
  3. „Izvoz – nove prilike“
  4. „Privatizacije – uspješni primjeri“
  5. „Obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj – fokus na ICT sektor“
  6. „Brendiranje Hrvatske“
  7. „Zdravstveni turizam – Kako razviti zdravstvene ustanove u Hrvatskoj“
  8. „Brendiranje gradova“
  9.  „Energetski sektor u Hrvatskoj – alternativni izvori energije“
  10. „Primjeri dobre prakse – Hrvati širom svijeta“


This year's Meeting G2.2 program includes 10 interesting and very useful panel discussions. You will enjoy a different evening program every day and very much time for socializing and networking. Our panel discussions are listed below. You can find the whole program on our web page.

  1. „Innovation“
  2. „How to advance in business in Croatia?“
  3. „Exports – New Opportunities“
  4. „Privatization – Success Stories“
  5. „The Education System in Croatia – focus on ICT sector“
  6. „Branding Croatia 
  7. „Health tourism - How to develop health facilities in Croatia?
  8. „City branding
  9. „Energy Sector in Croatia  – Alternative energy sources“
  10. „Best practices – Croatians worldwide“

Veselimo se što je ovakav vid povezivanja iseljenih Hrvata poprimio svjetske razmjere te se organiziraju konferencije poput Meetinga G2 u cijelom svijetu. Ove godine održane su konferencije hrvatskih iseljenika u Washingtonu i Boliviji, a dogovorene su i konferencije u Chileu i Chicagu 2017. godine, u Paragvaju 2018. godine, dok će uskoro i Australija najaviti svoju.

We are happy to see that the connection between Croatians of the diaspora has become a world-wide trend and that there are many „sibling“ Meeting G2 conferences around the world. This year two successful conferences took place in North America (Washington, USA) and in South America (Santa Cruz, Bolivia), while future conferences have already been announced: Chile and Chicago in 2017, Paraguay in 2018 and Australia soon to be announced!

Josip Hrgetić, Project Director

Želim iskoristiti ovu priliku i dati svoje mišljenje o budućnosti suradnje između Hrvatske i njezine dijaspore.

Hrvatska nije više zemlja od četiri milijuna stanovnika, sa svim alatima s kojima  danas možemo raditi, znamo da nas ima drugih četri milijuna oko svijeta.

U Meetingu G2, radimo da ujedinimo gospodarski sektor između Hrvatske i hrvata širom svijeta.

Stvorili smo "Team" i nazvali ga  "Global Croatia", gdje se Hrvati 20 zemalja susreću sa hrvaskim stručnjacima.

U poslijednjih nekoliko godina hrvati rođeni izvan Hrvatske imali smo važno buđenje, i to moramo iskoristiti.

Nije bio samo Meeting G2 jedino događaj organiziran  za dijasporu prošle, vidimo da su se simultano ove godine sastanci održavali i diljem svijeta. U SAD-u se organizirao skup profesionalaca (ACAP)  u Washingtonu i u Južnoj Americi također sastanak hrvatske dijaspore u Santa Cruz Bolivija.

Koristim ovu priliku da obavijestim, one koji još nisu obaviješteni da imamo niz susreta ove i druge godine. Za  budući razvoj hrvatske dijaspore, u smislu poslovnih, kulturnih, socijalnih i sportskih  veza bilo bi važno ovo promovirati.

1. Pre SASTANAK Meeting G.2.                29-06-2016     Zagreb

2. Sastanak Hrvatski Svjetski Kongres,         30-06-1.07.2016      Zagreb

3. Sastanak Hrvatski Iseljenički Kongres         1-3. 07-2016    Šibenik

4. Poslovni Meeting G2.2                     10-12.-2016     Zagreb

5. Diaspora Južna Amerika                 Travanj 2017     Santiago

6. ACAP ( SAD)                         Travanj 2017      Chicago

7. Hrvatske Svjetske Igre.                    8.22-07-2017     Zagrebu

Naša stranka mora biti HRVATKSKA, to je ono za što se moramo boriti, za jednu jaku Hrvatsku.

Lijep pozdrav,

Josip Hrgetić

The previous G2 conferenc in 2015

A conference for the Croatian diaspora with an interest in investing in... Croatia.

"It is time to invest in Croatia!" – that is the message of a business conference MEETING G2.1 (Meeting Second Generation) that will be held at the Forum Congress Centre in Zagreb from 26 to 30 October, reports on October 19, 2015.

"The idea for ​​the conference was born at this time last year", project director Josip Hrgetić said. "We are looking for ways to show to Croats, who like us were born abroad, how to recognize investment opportunities in Croatia. Croatia has perfect infrastructure, although there are bureaucracy problem which can be solved. Croats are honest, diligent and hard-working people, proud of their nation. That is why we came to the conclusion that it would be interesting to connect Croatia and our families living abroad through business." The aim of the conference is to connect the participants, to introduce new projects to potential investors from abroad, to restore their confidence and to keep young people from leaving Croatia. Croatia is not lacking in good ideas, but is lacking in funds.

The conference will explore the possibilities of new markets and will present information on how to take advantage of the possibilities offered by Croatian and EU institutions for investment in Croatia. It is a conference organized by those who have already returned to Croatia, held under the auspices of the Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović and with the support of local companies, agencies and institutions.

So far, the attendance has been confirmed by more than 50 participants from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Ecuador, Finland, France, Canada, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, USA, Switzerland and Venezuela. The participants of the conference are people recognized in their communities – the goal is for them to return to their country and tell their stories.

In addition to Joško Klisović, deputy minister for foreign and European affairs, and Damir Novinić, chairman of the Agency for Investment and Competitiveness, the conference will be attended by Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, who will officially open the conference.

During the five-day event, there will be several panels which will be attended by numerous successful Croatian businesspeople: Tomislav Kuljiš from Bolivia, Darrell Šarić from Canada, Denis Rubić from Germany; David Tudorović from Australia and Antonio Šeparović from South Africa.


Branding Croatia 2, Zagreb: Branka Čubelić, Amanda Grbavac, Mara Vitols Hrgetić and Josip Hrgetić.
Photo by Tina Kahrić, Zagreb

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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