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Ante Sardelic Kraljevic and the Vukovar Gong of World Peace donated by Indonesia in 2019
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  12/30/2019 | Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Artistic installations in the city of Vukovar accompanied with the Croatian Glagolitic Script

Gong of World Peace in the city of Vukovar, Croatia, gift of the Republic of Indonesia.
Sloboda sveta - Sacred Freedom, in Croatian Glagolitic Script on the top.

The Gong was solemnly unveiled in September 22nd 2019 by H.E. Mr. Djuyoto Suntani of Indonesia (on the right), president of the World Peace Council,
and Mr. Ivan Penava, mayor of the city of Vukovar.

The sound the Gong of the World Peace resonating throught the city of Vukovar. The Gong has 200 kg and its diameter is 2 m.
H.E. Mr. Djuyoto Suntani (Indonesia) and Mr. Ivan Penava (Croatia)
Mr. Ante Sardelić Kraljević, distinguished Croatian artist living in Canada, 2nd from the left

On September 16, 2019, the Croatian Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia M.Sc. Nebojša Koharović, received the President of the World Peace Committee, Mr Djuyoto Suntani, who informed him that he will be traveling to Vukovar, at the invitation of Ivan Penava, mayor of the city, where the World Peace Gong, created in Indonesia, would be installed as symbol of the Earth and its priceless richness of diversity. The Gong calls for peace, tolerance and friendly cooperation between nations. This makes the City of Vukovar one of the world's cities of peace.

The Gong of World Peace was officially unveiled in the city of Vukovar on September 22nd, 2019. It was placed in a local park, which was decorated by the works of art of distinguished Croatian artist Mr. Ante Sardelić Kraljević, living in Canada.

Franko Cetinić, one of the supporters of the Gong for World Peace

Frank Cetinić is active in the World Peace Committee Gong, and is Vice-President for Europe. He is friends with people of various profiles and outlooks on life, and always seeks to support artists and artistic events: "I met Charles Bilich in Australia. He creates a unique kind of art. I am also proud to have Meri Cetinić as my cousin. I am good friends with Anton Sardelić - a great artist who is currently engaged in conveying the stories of the suffering that took place in Vukovar. I am honoured that I was able to help with the cultural event Sentimento by Stijepo Gleđ Markos in Dubrovnik."

Source Franko Cetinic blog

The flags represent about 70 countries in which the Gong of World Peace already exists.
Croatia is the third European country on the list.

Kumpanija dancers from the town of Blato, a beautiful Croatian island of Korčula,
from which Mr. Ante Sardelić Kraljević originates.

H.E. Mr. Djuyoto Suntani (Indonesia) in front of Croatian Kumpanija Dancers from the town of Blato on the island of Korčula.

Inscriptions in Croatian Glagolitic Script: Vječna Domovina (Eternal Homelnad) and Sloboda Sveta (Sacred Freedom).
Composed by Ante Sardelić Kraljević.

Ante SARDELIC-KRALJEVIC, sculptor - painter - printmaker

Ante Sardelic Kraljevic, sculptor, painter, and printmaker was born on February 3, 1947 in Blato, on the island of Korcula in Croatia. He graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Split in 1958 and from the Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture in Zagreb he studied under Krsto Hegedusic, Grga Antunac, Valerije Michieli in 1971. In 1972 he moved to Canada and settled in Toronto where he still lives and works'as a professional artist. Already as a student Sardelic mounted one-man exhibitions. He worked on reliefs and mosaics for public places. He travelled abroad to study. Initially he leaned towards sculpture in stone, wood and bronze, as well as large mosaics. Vitality of movements, in sculpture and dynamism of colour in painting were characteristic of this period.

On arrival in Canada Sardelic's palette propelled in the direction of new surroundings, new inspirations, using acrylics in which the harmony of organic geometry and mythological symbolism first appeared. Similar development occurred in his sculpture. In 1976 Sardelic worked on murals. He experimented with new materials in graphics and painting, discovering individual technical means for his artistic expression. The presence of erotic forms in a vivid polyphony of colours marked the passionate experiences of the new environment and time, thus becoming the focal point of the cosmography of his perception. Since 1978, Sardelic has often spent time in the United States, Mexico, Columbia, and Venezuela, where he came into contact with the ancient cultures of North and South America. This experience reflected on his work's search for new growth in the form of evolving expressiveness by capturing and arousing global co-existence in a happy union of man's primordial intuitions and the flow of the universal energy of life.

Sardelic has been exhibiting continually since 1969 in museums and galleries throughout the world, including Canada, United States, Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Japan, Korea, Germany, Croatia, and Australia, by participating in many international exhibitions a biennials where he received numerous awards and honours. To date he had 37 one-man exhibitions in New York, Chicago, Mexico City, Caracas, Bogota, Ottawa, Hamilton, (Canada), Toronto, Frankfurt, Windsor (Canada), Zagreb, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik and Hamburg, and he participated in over 150 exhibitions.

With the support of the Canada Council and the National Museums of Canada he mounted a large oneman exhibition in the Art Gallery of Hamilton. In 1987 he participated in 11 international exhibitions and biennials. With the sponsorship of the Government of Canada he put on a comprehensive one-man travelling exhibition in 1988 in the museums and galleries of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1989 he was chosen Artist of the Year by the Canadian-Croatian Artists’ Society in Toronto. He also executed a large mosaic commissioned by a private collector. In 1994 he spent a short period of time in Australia. In 1995 the Government of the Republic of Croatia awarded him the order of the Croatian Danica for outstanding merits in the field of culture. Ante Sardelic is a member of various artist societies throughout the world. He is included in numerous international publications. He has been writing poetry since his student days.

The last years of his artistic endeavour have been dedicated to the project The Eternal Homeland (Vječna Domovina - Eternal Homeland) and to providing aid for Croatia. His work can be found in galleries, museums, and private collections the world over. The following are several reviews of Sardelic's Eternal Homeland project: "Through its poems and graphics the Eternal Homeland - of Ante Sardelic is a continuation and at the same time a summation of his artistic endeavour to date. Sardelic's "Mediterranean spirit" signifies a veritable awakening of colours and symbols, and in this artistic ' actualization there is obviously a growing emphasis on national themes: the coat of arms as the sum of Croatian fate, the triple braid as a sign of national constancy and homogeneity, and the three different scripts - the Glagolitic, the old Croatian Cyrillic and the Latin - are used as an external mark of Croatian polyphony. Through his expression and his form Sardelic reaches for the very depths of the Croatian being, for the true source of our existence. His invocations "de profundis" and his jubilations "in excelsis" come to fruition here. He expresses his expectation and his welcome to Croatia reborn..."

Source Adam Eterovich Bracanin

Glagoljica na vukovarskom gongu

U Vukovaru je svečano otkriven Gong svjetskoga mira čime je Vukovar postao jedan od gradova svjetskog mira, bogatiji za monumentalni i prepoznatljivi spomenik koji simbolizira mir, ljubav i prijateljstvo među narodima. Gong je dar Svjetskog odbora za mir i Republike Indonezije. Umjetnički je rad akademskoga kipara, slikala i grafičara Ante Sardelića Kraljevića iz Kanade.

U umjetničkoj instalaciji na velikim željeznim čipkama nalaze se i natpisi pisani uglatom glagoljicom. Tako iznad gonga piše SLOBODA SVETA, a u ostalim čipkama piše SVETA SLOBODA, PREMA SUNCU, PLAMEN SLOBODE, VJEČNA DOMOVINA i HIMNA DOMOVINI.

Vukovarski je gong jedini u Hrvatskoj, a Hrvatska je 50. zemlja u svijetu koja je dobila gong. U Europi gong imaju svega tri zemlje.

Milan Paun

Za glazbeni ugođaj pri otkrivanju gonga pobrinule su se članice Udruge "Hrvatska žena" Vukovar, a nastupili su i članovi Viteškog udruženja Kumpanija iz Blata na otoku Korčuli.

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