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» Marko Bilic wins 2015 Cigar Trophy Ambassador Award
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 09/30/2015 | Miscellaneous , Awards | Unrated
Marko Bilic (left) won the 2015 Cigar Trophy Ambassador Award. It is awarded by Cigar Journal magazine and celebrates outstanding performances of cigar manufacturers and individuals in the cigar industry. It was first awarded in 1998 and winners were chosen in online voting. Marko is the founder of the Cigar Smoking World Championship, which is held annually at Club Mareva in Split, Croatia.
» connects single Croatians from around the world
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 06/4/2009 | Miscellaneous , Community | Unrated is a Croatian owned and operated website. The founders realized that although some Croatian singles do not (or no longer) attend Croatian functions and events,  many are interested in finding a soul mate of their own heritage. As a result, the site was launched in response to  increasing demand for Internet based personals for single adult Croatians world wide.
» Dalmatian dog is Croatian autochthonous breed
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 10/27/2008 | Croatian Language , Miscellaneous , Entertainment | Unrated
Dalmatian dog is a well known breed from Dalmatia - the coastal part of Croatia. We know about organized breeding of this dog in the Djakovo bishopric already in the 14th century! The name was given in the USA in the 19th century. Recognized as Croatian autochthonous breed in 1994 (FCI-153). Croatian Post has issued a nice series of stamps dedicated to Croatian dogs.
» Resurrection of the Town of Lipik
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 09/11/2007 | Miscellaneous , Environment | Unrated
 A short information about the town of Lipik today: its Children's Home, Library, Italian minority, firemen, villas, Studenac mineral water, etc.
» Npr. salica caja kosta 3rp a to je oko 1/13 dolara ...Davor iz Delhi-a
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Davor Pavuna | Published 12/7/2006 | Opinions , Miscellaneous , Dear Nenad | Unrated
» (H) Valentinovo sa Coolinarikom
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 02/13/2006 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
 Nagradna igra  Hrvatska - Podravka - Valentinovo - Koncar_INEM - coolinarika   OTS: Valentinovo sa Coolinarikom i Koncar-INEM-omKoprivnica (ots) - Podravkin kulinarski portal u suradnji sa tvrtkom Koncar-INEM pokrenula je nagradnu igru "I love you love me" povodom dana zaljubljenih - Valentinova. Nagradna igra trajati ce od 1. do 13. veljace na portalu, a glavna nagrada je jedinstveno
» (E) Going Far for Someone Close
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 04/8/2005 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
 Going Far for Someone CloseBy John KellyFriday, April 8, 2005; Page C09 More coincidences that will have you humming "It's a Small World After All": A few years ago, Dave Nelson was touring Great Britain with his family. After they'd checked into an Edinburgh bed-and-breakfast late one night, the landlord said, "I have another family here from the States. I'll have to introduce you in the morning." He did just that over
» (E) Annual Green Card Lottery of the United States
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 11/13/2002 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
 Annual Green Card Lottery of the United StatesOp-ed: I got my Green Card onthis lottery, Nenad BachOne person out of 70 applicants actually wins the American Green Card to Live and Work in America Click here for details Register Now For DV2005  Click here for detailsClick Here and Apply for the Green Card Lottery Program.Usafis OrganizationAnnual Green Card Lotte
» (H) Geigerovim brojacem po Hrvatskoj
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 04/15/2002 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
 proslijedjeno: ------------------ U vezi Vaseg nedavnog priloga o Krskom, reci cu Vam da sam prosle godine razmisljao o kupovini kakvog komadicka grunta ili kakve vikendice oko Samobora. Naravno da sam svojim Geigerovim brojacem izmjerio "background (ionizing) radiation" kako na tom podrucju tako i sirje u Hrvatskoj. Mogu Vam reci da na moje cudjenje (jer sam pretpostavljao da je moglo biti curenja manjih kolicina r

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Croatian Constellation

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