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Marijan Busic - a Croatian visionary with The Cravat
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/18/2008 | Croatian Language , People , Business | Unrated
Necktie originates from the Croats

Marijan Bušić, founder of Croata company, specialized for producion of cravats

Marijan Bušić

Ime gospodina Marijana Bušića neraskidivim je čvorom vezano za jedan od najoriginalnijih, najraširenijih i najatraktivnijih hrvatskih proizvoda i suvenira - kravatu.

Premda su prvu kravatu - kako kažu povijesni zapisi - kroz europske prostore pronijeli hrvatski vojnici, konjanici, husari - u naše suvremeno doba do novog otkrića kravate, kroz marku "Croata", ljepoticu među hrvatskim proizvodima, došao je gospodin Marijan Bušić, profesor filozofije i sociologije, ugledan hrvatski gospodarstvenik i poduzetnik. Kao da se ugledao u priču o Trnoružici, dodirom ruke, kravatu je probudio iz višestoljetnog sna. Od kravate je - uz pomoć svog partnera Zlatka Penavića i drugih suradnika - ali i uz kreacije nekoliko istaknutih hrvatskih umjetnika - učinio respektabilan hrvatski proizvod.

Usporedno - stvorio je mrežu butika "Croata" - koja se širi europskim metropolama i oni su, na neki način, "hrvatska veleposlanstva u sjeni" za izvoz, ne samo Croatinih proizvoda, nego i cjelokupne hrvatske kulture! U njima se na poseban način sjaji i održava ljepota i obilje hrvatske turističke ponude... Projektom "Hrvatska - domovina kravate" hrvatskom je turizmu otvoren jedan novi globalni izraz...

Kravata je modni ukras u muškoj kulturi odijevanja. Ali u vizionarskom projektu Marijana Bušića, kravata je i mnogo više od toga. Još kao gimnazijalac, Marijan Bušić je naslutio da se Hrvatska svijetu može najbolje predstaviti kravatom, kao svjetskim simbolom dostojanstva, svečanosti, uspješnosti...

Ta mladenačka vizija Marijana Bušića počela se ostvarivati 1989. godine, kada je zajedno s prijateljem, dipl. ekonomistom Zlatkom Penavićem, utemeljio tvrtku Potomac. Stabilno partnerstvo i prožimanje sposobnosti i znanja ove dvojice poduzetnika bili su presudni za uspješan prodor modne marke Croata u svijet. U dosadašnjim godinama marka Croata je izrasla u svjetski prepoznatljiv hrvatski brand, a kravata je sve više prepoznata kao simbol hrvatskog indentiteta...

Novi iskorak, također hrabar i dalekovidan, dogodio se 1997. godine, kada je prema zamisli Marijana Bušića utemeljena neprofitna ustanova Academia Cravatica, čija je svrha promicanje kravate kao samosvojnog medija, te istraživanje kravate kao dijela hrvatske i svijetske baštine.

Kulminacija rada Academie Cravatice je bila umjetnička instalacija "Kravata oko Arene" čija slika je obišla svijet svijet i vidjelo ju je više od milijardu ljudi. Također, treba barem ukratko istaknuti projekte poput "Kravate oko Hrvatske", popularne međunarodne izložbe "Izazov kravate" (Kairo, Johanesburg, Split, Sarajevo, Mostar, Beč, Varšava, Berlin, Sofija), dokumentarnog filma "Kravata!" koji je prikazan u 10-tak zemalja svijeta, projekt "Svjetski dan kravate" (18. Listopad), osnivanje "Muzeja kravate" u Zagrebu, izdavački rad i mnoge druge projekte, koji su na ovaj ili onaj način obogatili hrvatsku kulturnu baštinu...

U stvaralaštvu Marijana Bušića prožima se kultura i poduzetništvo, afirmira kulturna raznolikost i razmjena, spaja staro i novo, te preoblikuje indentitet Hrvatske...


Marijan Bušić

The name of Mr. Marijan Bušić cannot be separated from one of the most original, widely used and attractive Croatian products and souvenirs – the necktie (cravat).

According to the historical records, the first cravats were brought to the European regions by Croatian soldiers, cavalrymen and horsemen. In modern day times, it was Mr. Marijan Bušić, a professor of philosophy and sociology, who made a new discovery of the cravat through the company Croata. It was as though the story of Sleeping Beauty was retold, with the cravat reawakening from its centuries long sleep with just the touch of a hand. With the help of partner Zlatko Penavić and other associates, and with the creations of several distinguished Croatian artists, the cravat was transformed into a respectable Croatian product.

He created the network of Croata boutiques throughout the European metropolises which, in a way, became a symbolic "Croatian embassy" for the export not only of Croata products, but Croatian culture as a whole! In this network, Croatian tourism has received a special brilliance and beauty, and the project “Croatia – homeland of the Croats” has opened a new global expression for Croatian tourism.

"The cravat is a stylish accessory in the male fashion culture." But Marijan Bušić's visionary project is much more than that. Even as a secondary school student, Marijan Bušić realized that Croatia could best be presented to the world through the cravat, as a global symbol of dignity, formality and success.

This youthful vision of Marijan Bušić became a reality in 1989 when he and economist Zlatko Penavić founded the company Potomac. This stable partnership and the complementary capabilities and knowledge of these two businessmen were the key to the successful penetration of the Croata brand worldwide. In the years that followed, the Croata brand has grown into a globally recognizable Croatian brand, and the cravat is increasingly recognized as a symbol of Croatian identity.

A new step forward, again courageous and visionary, occurred in 1997, when the non-profit organization Academia Cravatica was established based on Marijan Bušić's ideas. This organization is entrusted with promoting the cravat as a media of its own, and in researching the cravat as part of Croatia's heritage and the global heritage.

The culmination of the work of the Academia Cravatica was the artistic installation "Cravat around the Arena". The image of the finished project was seen by more than a billion people worldwide. Other significant projects include: the “Cravat around Croatia”; the popular international exhibit entitled Challenge of the Cravat (displayed in Cairo, Johannesburg, Split, Sarajevo, Mostar, Vienna, Warsaw, Berlin, Sofia); the documentary film Cravat! that was screened in a dozen countries worldwide; the project World Cravat Day (18 October) and the establishment of the Cravat Museum in Zagreb. In addition to these, many other projects and publications have also enriched Croatia's cultural heritage.

The creative work of Marijan Bušić, imbued with culture and entrepreneurship, has affirmed both cultural diversity and exchange, bringing together the old and the new to reshape the Croatian identity.

Logo of the Croata company

Academia Cravatica organization, has been given two valuable awards in the last years.

In the year of 2001 he was awarded with Croatian tourist award "Anton Štifanic" for the year of 2000 in the category of individuals. The award was presented to him by the Croatian Tourist Board, the highest national tourist institution. Here we give you some small part of explanation on the award.

The name of Mr. Marijan Busic is with the unbreakable knot connected to one of the most original and the most attractive Croatian products and souvenirs, the indigenous Croatian "invention" - to the CRAVAT.

Even though the first necktie, as the legend says, had been carried through Europe by Croatian soldiers and cavaliers, in our modern times, Marijan Busic (professor of sociology and philosophy and a respectable Croatian entrepreneur) brought out into the light the new "discovery" of "CROATA" CRAVAT. As if he saw the story about the "Sleeping beauty", with the touch of his hand, he awoke the necktie from its centennial sleep. From necktie, with the help of his partner Zlatko Penavic and the associates but also other eminent Croatian artists, he made a respectable Croatian product - souvenir.

At the same time he created a net of CROATA boutiques, which are spreading through Europe and are, in a way, "Croatian embassies in the shadow" for export, not only of Croata products, but the whole Croatian culture! In a special way, the beauty and the abundance of Croatian tourist offer is reflected... With the "Croata cravat" project, one new global expression has been open...

In the end of 2003 Croatian managers and entrepreneurs association (CROMA) awarded Marijan Busic with "The most successful project manager of 2003" award. Here are some explanations on this award.

Necktie is a fashion ornament in men's culture of clothing. However, in the visionary project of Marijan Busic "Croatia-homeland of the cravat", necktie is much more than that. Even when he was in high-school, his instinct told him that the best way Croatia can present itself is through the necktie, world's symbol of dignity, festivity and success…

This vision of Marijan Busic started realizing itself in 1989, when together with his friend, the economist Zlatko Penavic, he founded the Potomac Company. Stabile partnership and combination of abilities and knowledge of these two entrepreneurs were crucial for successful penetration of Croata fashion brand into the world. In thirteen years till now, Croata fashion brand grew to Croatian national brand, recognizable in the world. Today, necktie is more and more recognized as one of the symbols of Croatian identity…

A new step forward, also brave and far-sighted, happened in 1997, when following the idea of Marijan Busic, the Potomac Company set up a non-profit organization Academia Cravatica. Its purpose is promotion of necktie as a medium and research of necktie being a part of Croatian and world's cultural heritage.

The culmination of all successes of Potomac and Academia Cravatica is the artistic installation "Cravat around Arena", whose author is Marijan Busic. Photos of this unique installation traveled throughout the world and were seen by more than a billion people.

In the creative work of Marijan Busic, consisting of culture and entrepreneurship, cultural differences are being established and the identity of Croatia transformed, for her and the world.


Ivan Gundulić, Croatian writer, 17th century, Dubrovnik

Although it has always been thought that the French King Louis XIV was the first to wear something resembling a cravat, or a scarf as its predecessor, on a portrait dating from the end of the 16th century, it is now clear that the oldest portrait of someone wearing a cravat was painted in a Croatian city. This was of course Dubrovnik. That is to say, it was recently discovered that the famous Dubrovnik poet, Ivan Dživo Gundulić, on a portrait dating from 1622 and kept in the Rector's Palace, is wearing a scarf around his neck, tied like a cravat. This insight gives a new emphasis to the character of the great man of Dubrovnik, Gundulić, but the new facts also shed light once more on the origins of the cravat.

This all means in fact that the cravat was worn in Dubrovnik as long as 55 years before it was worn in France, and there is real evidence to support this fact. Although this portrait of Gundulić has been on show in the Rector's Palace for many years, it is interesting that it has never been noticed before now that the poet is not wearing a normal scarf, but precisely a cravat. "Dubrovnik is one of the greatest Croatian brands, just like the cravat, and with this discovery these two brands now complement one another even more" it was pointed out, amongst other things, at the press conference in the atrium of the Dubrovnik Sponza Palace, on the occasion of this discovery, by Mirta Hansal, a public relations officer from "Academia Cravatica". Moreover, Dubrovnik and the cravat are each in their own way a symbol of the centuries long story of freedom.

As well as this exclusive, it was mentioned in Dubrovnik that a 17th century map was recently discovered in the area of Slavonski Brod, on which it is visible that a fortress there is called Cravatten Statt. “The map was drawn by the Dutch cartographer Nikola Sparr de Bensdorf, and in an attempt to record as precisely as possible the layout of military forces in the Habsburg Monarchy, facing the Ottoman Empire, both cavalry and infantry, as well as command posts, as part of the fortifications for the period from 10th to 12th October 1697, he added a number of toponyms. He wrote amongst other things the name of the fortress as Cravatten Statt. This form of archaic German language indicated a Croatian castle, whilst today we find it in various linguistic forms as the word for a cravat. From all this it is indisputable that the cravat originates from the Croats”, it was pointed out in the Sponza Palace by the art historian and curator of the Museum of the Cravat, which is in the process of being established, Nikola Albaneže.

However, this certainly is not the end of the new historical and other discoveries and interesting facts related to the origins of the cravat, nor the always unique projects run by Academia Cravatica, as the true promoter of the Croata brand, thanks to which the cravat is becoming increasingly recognized throughout the world as one of the most original Croatian brands.

Renata Debeljak



Over a billion people around the world have seen Academia Cravatica's largest project.

The project was performed in the city of Pula, Croatia, on 18th October 2003. The author of the installation is prof. Marijan Bušić. The installation around the Arena of Pula, the best preserved Roman amphitheatre in the world, symbolically connected the past and the future, the ancient times and the modern civilisation.

For a more detailed information see and

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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