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CROWN BUSINESS: VRELO juices of health, love and beauty, Osijek Croatia
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  03/21/2009 | Business | Unrated
Natural juices company in Osijek

Products of PRIRODNO VRELO (Natural Source) company from Osijek, Croatia


Drago nam je što vam možemo predstaviti naš proizvodni program i ponudu za poslovnu suradnju, sve u zajedničkom cilju i interesu.

Nudimo Vam 100% prirodne sokove proizvedene hladnim cijeđenjem svježeg voća i povrća bez dodatka šećera, vode, konzervansa, boja i aroma.

Sokovi se mogu kupiti u Hrvatskoj u svim većim trgovačkim centrima (Ipercoop, Metro, DM, Plodine, Inter Spar, Mercator, Tommy,...), ljekarnama, trgovinama zdrave hrane...

Isto tako želimo naći distributera za plasman naših proizvoda na tržište svijeta (Europa, SAD, Azija,...).

CIKLA – MUTNI SOK OD POVRĆA 100% prirodni mutni sok dobiven cijeđenjem svježe cikle

Prve zapise o ljekovitom djelovanju cikle (Betae vulgaris) dao je Hipokrat, poznati grčki liječnik, koji se smatra osnivačem liječničke nauke, prije 2500 godina. Suvremena znanost objašnjava tajnu njenog korisnog djelovanja - sok cikle sadrži BETANINE i BETAIN.

BETANIN je obojeni pigment iz skupine flavonina. Djeluje kao antioksidans - hvatač slobodnih radikala. U organizmu pomaže i potiče stanično disanje koje se može poboljšati čak za 350%. BETAIN je sudionik oksidacijskih procesa i također znatno poboljšava stanični metabolizam.

Uz ove aktivne tvari, cikla sadrži i druge vrijedne sastojke: znatne količine folne kiseline, vitamine B, kalcij, kalij, magnezij te balastna vlakna.

Piti sok od cikle tri puta dnevno prije jela po 2 - 2,5 dl:

- kod osjećaja kroničnog umora i iscrpljenosti,
- kod osjećaja slabokrvnosti,
- za povećanje otpornosti organizma pri virozama i prehladama,
- za povećanje općeg zdravstvenog stanja.

Stručnjaci preporučuju piti sok od cikle od pola do litre dnevno, kroz tri mjeseca, u slučaju pojave tumora.

JABUKA MUTNI SOK 100% prirodni mutni sok dobiven cijeđenjem svježih jabuka

Jabuka (često nazivana Evino voće, grješno voće ili plod zdravlja) jedinstvena je riznica hranjivih tvari neophodnih našem organizmu (vitamini minerali, Lako probavljivi šećer, organske kiseline, biljna vlakna, pektini, minerali, enzimi, tanini...). Zbog toga je mnogi stručnjaci preporučuju u sprječavanju različitih bolesti.

Sok od jabuke:

- čuva krvne žile,
- štiti od tumora,
- odlaže starenje,
- suzbija kolesterol,
- regulira probavu,
- poklanja idealnu težinu,
- izvrstan je diuretik,
- dobro je sredstvo za generalno čišćenje organizma.

100% mutni sok od jabuke proizveden je bez konzervansa i dodatka šećera, s karakterističnim okusom i mirisom svježe jabuke. Sadrži sve važne elemente kao i svježa jabuka te ga preporučujemo za sve uzraste. Bočica se otvara uz prethodno mućkanje.

Od ostalih naših proizvoda preporučujemo jedinstveni miješani sok JABUKA - CIKLA kombinaciju osebujnog okusa za dobro zdravlje.

Za sve informacije molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate:

Vlado Mihajlović
Telefon/fax: ++385 (0)31 274 536
Mobitel: ++385             (0)91 767 5 999     


Nevenka Topić
Telefon/fax. ++385 31 274 536


We are glad to present you our manufacturing program and to offer a business collaboration due to mutual interest.

We are offering juices which are 100% natural, made with cold pressure of fresh fruit and vegetables without concentration, sweetening and addition of water, preservatives, colors and flavour.

Juices can be purchased in Croatia, in all big shopping centers (Ipercoop, Metro, DM, Plodine, Inter Spar, Mercator, Tommy,...), pharmacies, health food stores...

Also we would like to find distributors for our products on the market of the world (Europe, USA, Asia,...).

BEETROOT - MILKY VEGETABLES JUICE 100% natural milky juice made by pressure of fresh beetroot

First inscriptions about medical effects of the beetroot (Betae vulgaris) gave Greek doctor Hipocrat, which is the father of medicine, 2 500 years ago. Contemporary science explain its secret - beetroot juice contains BETANINE and BETAINE.

 BETANINE is a coloured pigment from the group of flavonins. It works as an antioxidant - a catcher of free radicals. It helps organism and stimulate cell breathing which can be increased even 350%. BETAINE is a participant in oxidising processes and it highly increase cell breathing and metabolism too.

Except these active substances, the beetroot also contains much other precious ingredients: lots of folic acid, vitamines from the B complex, calium, calcium, magnesium and ballast fibres.

Drink 2 - 2,5 dl beetroot juice three times a day before meal:

- when feeling chronically tired and exhausted,
- in case of anaemia,
- to increase immunity of organism,
- to improve health condition in general.

The experts recommend to drink 0,5 - 1 l of juice pro day during three months in case of a tumour.

MILKY APPLE JUICE 100% natural milky juice made by pressure of fresh apples

Apple, often called Eva's fruit, fruit of sin or fruit of health, is an unique reservoir of
substances necessary to our organism (vitamines, minerals, easy-digestible sugar, organic acids, vegetable fibres, pectine, enzymes, tanins...). Because of that, lots of medical experts recommend apple for prevetion of several diseases.
Apple juice:

- protects blood vessels
- protects from tumours
- delays ageing
- regulates metabolism
- gives a fit body
- has an excellent diuretic effect
- expurgate the organism generally

100% natural apple juice is made without any preservatives and sugar, and it keeps characteristic apple taste and flavour, as well as all the worthy elements, so we recommend it to people of all ages. Please shake before opening.

We also recommend our unique mixed juice apple-beetroot, which gives you characteristic taste for good health.

For complete information please contact us:

Vlado Mihajlović
Telefon/fax: ++385 (0)31 274 536
Mobitel: ++385             (0)91 767 5 999      


Nevenka Topić
Telefon/fax. ++385 31 274 536

Eko Vrelo Ltd.
Address: Valpovačka b.b.
31 300 Beli Manastir, Croatia

Mobile phone: +385 (0)99 812 74 70 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +385 (0)99 812 74 70      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Mobile phone: +385 (0)99 812 74 71 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +385 (0)99 812 74 71      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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