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Dr. Hrvoje Kacic's book Serving My Country translated into several languages |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Human Rights , Science , Politics , People , History , Education
In Croatian, English, Spanish, German, and to appear in Ukrainian and Polish
Dr. Hrvoje Kačić, second from the right, in the company of Ukrainian painter Taras Belej with his mother Olena on the left, and Darko Žubrinić, in a Zagreb gallery in 2010.
Hrvoje Kačić Biography Hrvoje Kačić was born on 13 January 1932 in Dubrovnik. He graduated from the Merchant Marine Academy in Dubrovnik in 1951, and in the same year passed his final exams at Dubrovnik High School.
He studied Law at the University of Zagreb and Sarajevo, and in February 1956 graduated from the Law Faculty at the University of Zagreb. In 1958 he became a full-time trainee with the Municipal Court in Dubrovnik and the High Commercial Court of Justice in Zagreb (Shipping Law Department). In December 1960 he passed both judicial and solicitor examinations. In January 1961 he joined Atlantska Plovidba, a shipping company in Zagreb.
Dr. Hrvoje Kačić in the building of the University of Zagreb
Since 1965 he has been a member of the Presidency of the National Maritime Law Association, and since 1962 he has attended plenary Conferences of the Comité Maritime International / the CMI (Athens 1962, New York 1965, Tokyo 1969, Hamburg 1974, Rio de Janeiro 1977, Montreal 1981, Lisbon 1985, and Paris 1990). Since 1968, he has participated as a member of the State Delegation in a number of various diplomatic conferences. From 1970 until 1974 he was Chairman of the Legal Standing Committee of the International Ship Owners Association (INSA) in Gdynia. From 1981 until 1985 he was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Average Adjusters in Antwerp and a reporter at many United Nation Conferences on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva as well as at conferences related to issues of Maritime Insurance and Transport of Goods by Sea. He has participated in working groups and drafting committees that have organized preparatory activities for various International Maritime Conventions. He was in charge of the Maritime Law Department in Dubrovnik Faculty, and taught postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Law in Split and at the International Interuniversity Centre, University of Zagreb. He has lectured in Italy, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, USA, China, Nigeria, Austria, Germany, Russia, Japan, Singapore and New Zealand. He has published four monographs of Maritime Law and over forty articles on commercial and legal topics related to shipping, shipbuilding, insurance, investments, etc. Over the years he has served as a member of Director's Boards of various international corporations in the shipping and insurance sector. He has been a practicing solicitor in Zagreb since 1989.
 Dr. Hrvoje Kačić was a top Croatian sportsman - water polo representative. From 1950 until 1961 he was a member of the national water-polo team and played in the European Championship in Vienna 1950 (bronze medal), the Olympic Games in Melbourne 1956 (silver medal), the European Championship in Budapest 1958 (silver medal), the Mediterranean Games in Beirut 1959 (gold medal) and the Olympic games in Rome 1960 (fourth place). As a student he was imprisoned three times for political reasons, and was expelled once from university. On several occasions between 1950 and 1972 he was banned from traveling abroad.
Prof.dr. Hrvoje Kačić as a member of Croatian Parliament - Sabor in 1990s.
In Croatia's first multiparty elections in 1990 he was elected in the first round from the Dubrovnik constituency as an independent M.P. to the Croatian Parliament with the support from HDZ, HKDS, HSLS and HSS. As an M.P., he was elected chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs and voluntarily served in this function during the Croatian Parliament's first term. He represented Croatia in September and October 1991 at the Conference on the former Yugoslavia in The Hague under the charge of Croatian Parliament Community. He was also in charge of Croatian Parliament delegation at the Council of Europe Parliament, the Assemblies of Parliamentary members in the Central-European initiative and in NATO countries. He has never been a member of any political party.
A result of savage shelling of the City of Dubrovnik (protected by UNESCO) on 12 June 1992, during the Serbian aggression on Croatia.
Photos by the courtesy of dr. Hrvoje Kačić.  From January 1994 until July 2001 he worked voluntarily as the President of the State Commmision for Boundaries of the Croatian Government. Selected references: - Hrvoje Kačić: Serving My Country / Croatia Rediva, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, 3d printing, Zagreb 2006, ISBN 953-6666-21-9 (translated into Castellano - see below, German, Ukrainian and Polish editions in preparation)
- Hrvoje Kačić: Al servicio de mi patria / Croatia rediviva, Instituo de ciencias sociales "Ivo Pilar", Fundacion para la emigracion croata, Zagreb
- Hrvoje Kačić: Dubrovačke žrtve / Jugokomunistički teror na hrvatskom jugu 1944. i poratnim godinama (početak Bleiburga), drugo dopunjeno izdanje, Gea, Zagreb 2010., ISBN 987-953-7604-03-05
- Hrvoje Kačić: Dubrovnik and the calamities of war (two chapters from his book Serving My Country)
Source www.croatianhistory.net
|  Croatian original edition of Serving My Country English edition. On the front page a photo of burning houses on the famous Stradun in the City of Dubrovnik. Stradun is probably the most beautiful street in the world. This was one of the results of Serbian aggression on Croatia 1991-1995.  Back cover of Serving My Country. The photos above are from Vukovar in 1991, after it was razed to ground during three months of Serbian everyday bombing and shelling. Below on the left is a hotel (now hotel Hilton) in Dubrovnik burning, and on the right a church bell on the Stradun street with a hole on the roof - also a result of the 1991 Serbian aggression on Croatia. The third edition of the book Serving my country - croatia rediviva, by Hrvoje Kačić was published by The Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (The Institut društvenih znanosti “Ivo Pilar“), Zagreb, in December 2006.. The first edition was published in 2002.
The book was edited by Dr Vlado Šakić, who also wrote the Editorial Note. The foreword was written by Prof. Kathleen Wilkes, and the book also contains an essay by Mr Michael Foot. The book has 241 pages, including a 30-page appendix containing documents, an index of names, a list of abbreviations, and 21 documentary photographs from the period of the aggression on Croatia.

Serving My Country, Croatia Rediviva, was published in 2003, and the whole edition was sold out by 2005. In December 2006, it went into a second printing. Both editions were published by The Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, in their series Special Issues. The book was reviewed by Dr.Trpimir Macan, Mate Maras and Đuro Vidmarović and edited by Jelena Hekman. The Croatian foreword was written by Dr.Trpimir Macan. Furthermore, the book included the translation of the foreword to the third English edition written by Prof. Kathleen Wilkes, and an essay by Michael Foot, UK MP.
The hardback book has 479 pages, two inside-cover illustrations of the devastation of Dubrovnik and Vukovar during the JNA aggression on Croatia, an index of names, a list of abbreviations, and an 18-page appendix with copies of illustrated and written documents. In November 2006, the German edition of the book under the title Mit der Wahrheit in die Welt- Croatia rediviva (With the TRUTH inTo the World- Croatia rediviva) was published by Volksbund der Deutschen Kroatiens, Zagreb, in their “Humanitas” collection, printed by “Tonimir”, Varaždinske toplice. The editors were Jasminka Petter, Stjepan Juranić, Stjepan Šulek and Gjuro Vidmarović. The book includes a foreword by Dr. Alois Mock, and an afterword by Academician Vladimir Ibler, as well as a review by Prof. Kathleen Wilkes, (a translation of her foreword to the English edition). The book has 251 pages, 22 pages of documentation, an index of names, a list of abbreviations and 32 documentary photographs (7 colour and 25 black-and-white).
|  Spanish edition of Serving My Country. The map of Croatia on the front page drawn by Ivo Dulčić (1916-1975), distinguished Croatian painter born in Dubrovnik. In June 2009, the Spanish version of the book under the title Al servicio de mi patria - Croatia Rediviva (Serving My Country - Croatia Rediviva) was published. This first edition in Spanish is published by the Institut društvenih znanosti “Ivo Pilar“, Zagreb, and the Croatian Heritage Foundation (Hrvatska matica iseljenika), Zagreb. The book has 535 pages, 28 pages of documentation, an index of names, a list of abbreviations and it is illustrated by documentary photographs.
The foreword was written Dr. Trpimir Macan, historian and long-time editor with The Croatian Lexicographical Institute "Miroslav Krleža" and by the editor Željka Lovrenčić, MA. The book includes also an essay by Michael Foot and a review by Prof. Kathleen Wilkes (a translation in Spanish of her foreword to the English edition). Printing is underway for the publishing of the book in Ukrainian, by the Publishing House “Tempora”- Kiev. The foreword was written by Prof. Maksim Kameneckij. The all editions contain a wealth of documents and personal recollections of the events that marked the establishment of independent Croatia. This has been particularly appreciated by the authors of the reviews and forewords. to all the editions. The author, Prof. Hrvoje Kačić, in the Great Hall of the Senate House, University of Zagreb, (he was expelled from the University in 1952 by the decision of the political disciplinary committee). It was in this Great Hall that he attended the graduation ceremony in 1956, when he graduated from the Zagreb University, the Law School, and in 1965, when he was awarded a doctorate in law. The same Great Hall witnessed the awarding of honorary degrees to Prof. Kathleen Wilkes, the eminent British scientist (author of the foreword to the English edition) and to the world-known statesman, Dr. Alois Mock, (author of the foreword to the German edition).
|  German edition of Hrvoje Kačić's monograph S erving My Country
Dr. Hrvoje Kačić's monograph Serving My Country is available in the following bookshops: Prodajna knjižara Matice hrvatske (Croatian edition only), Matičina ul. br. 2, 10 000 Zagreb, tel. 38510 4819 318 E-mail: prodaja@matica.hr Knjižara Ljevak (English edition of Serving My Country, as well as Dubrovačke žrtve, in Croatian), Trg bana Jelačića 17, 10 000 Zagreb, tel. 38510 4812 992,
E-mail: knjizara-ljevak@zg.t-om.hr Sveučilišna knjižara Dominović, Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4, 10 000 Zagreb (zgrada NSK), English, German and Spanish editions available. E-mail: knjizara@dominovic.hr
Dr. Hrvoje Kačić: Vaterpolo i ćirilična pisaća mašinaTijekom mojeg dugodišnjeg bavljenja športom posjetio sam u nekoliko navrata Moskvu i tadašnji Lenjingrad, ali već u to vrijeme sam želio posjetiti i Gruziju, koja je u to doba bila u sastavu SSSR-a. U vaterpolo reprezentaciji SSSR-a bilo je nekoliko vrhunskih igrača iz Gruzije, od kojih su mnogi bili članovi športskog kluba "Dinamo" Tbilisi. Ja sam s njima dogovarao da se organizira recipročna turneja između klubova "Jug" iz Dubrovnika i "Dinama" iz Tbilisija. Moji prijatelji iz SSSR-a su mi kazali, da s obzirom na vertikalni ustroj svih klubova, koji nastupaju diljem SSSR-a pod imenom "Dinamo", da se sve odluke donose u Moskvi, te da bi najučinkovitije bilo, ukoliko bi mi iz Dubrovnika uputili centralnom uredu "Dinama" iz Moskve poziv za gostovanje "Dinama" Tbilisi u Dubrovniku. Ti isti Gruzijci preuzeli obvezu da će oni potvrditi primitak poziva i prihvatiti poziv, te uzvratiti sa prijedlogom, da na prijateljskim turnejama, najprije "Jug" nastupi u Gruziji, pa da će nakon toga uslijediti gostovanje "Dinama" Tbilisi kod nas. Ja sam se složio s ovakvim prijedlogom, s tim da sam želio napisati službeni dopis "Juga" ćiriličkim pismom. U tu svrhu pitao sam nekoliko svojih školskih kolega u Dubrovniku, znajuči da potiču iz srpskih i pravoslavnih obitelji u kojima su mnogi stariji članovi bili intelektualci, da mi posude pisaću mašinu na ćirilici. Nakon što sam dobio od svih upitanih informacije, da nemaju ćirilične pisaće mašine, zamolio sam kolegu Rastka Barbića, već tada odvjetnika u Dubrovniku koji je kasnije bio i na čelu lokalnih Srba u Dubrovniku, da me povede kod paroha pravoslavne crkve u Dubrovniku, što je on rado prihvatio. Nakon prethodno dogovorene posjete parohu, ja sam vrlo opširno iznio razloge za naše posjete i molbu, da nam dopusti korištenje pisaće mašine ovdje u njihovom uredu, a da će predstavnici "Juga" doći sa pripremljeim tekstom. Na to je pravoslavni paroh upao u moje izlaganje i rekao "Pa ni mi nemamo ćiriličnu pisaću mašinu", te doslovno dodao "pa ko to danas više piše ćirilicom". ========== Ovaj istiniti događaj opisao je dr. Hrvoje Kačić u svojem poznatom djelu "U službi domovine / Croatia rediviva" (treće, dopunjeno izdanje), objavljenom u Zagrebu godine 2011. u izdanju Matice hrvatske, na str. 87. Objavljuje se portalu CROWN s dopuštenjem (i na sugestiju) samog autora. Naslov priloga je redakcijski.
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