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(E) Dipl Ing. Mario Juric, MAPSTER OF THE UNIVERSE |
By Nenad N. Bach |
(E) Dipl Ing. Mario Juric, MAPSTER OF THE UNIVERSE
Mapster of the Universe Dipl. Ing. Mario Juric "Warning! Time spent observing the heavens is not deducted from your lifespan" Korado Korlevic
I've graduated On Thursday, 27th June, 2002, completed my undergraduate studies and attained a degree in Physics ("dipl. ing. fizike", (more than) equivalent to B.Sc.) at the University of Zagreb. My diploma thesis (in Croatian only) was on identifying asteroids imaged with the SDSS survey. The paper on which I've based it has been accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (somewhere around September 2002).
Newsflash ! I've decided to accept the admission offer of Princeton University Graduate School to enter the Department of Astrophysical Sciences's graduate program this fall !!! Special thanks to everyone who made this possible, especially toKorado Korlevic ofVisnjan Observatory where I've learned what science is and how to do it in creative ways and toZeljko Ivezic, who gave me a chance to show what I know and can do in the "big league".
Graduate student Mario Juric and his mentor J. Richard Gott III measured the largest structure in the Universe.(scroll down for the map)
Postdiplomac Mario Juric i njegov mentor profesor J. Richard Gott III izmjerili su najvecu strukturu u Svemiru. (pogledaj na dnu)Op-ed Front Page of the New Scientist magazine Mario Juric, Graduate Student, Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University Web : http://astro.princeton.edu/~mjuric http://alumni.fizika.org/~majuric/cv.html Phone : +1 609 258 7936 PGP: ~mjuric/crypto/public.key
Forum Hrvatskih Astronoma je neformalno on-line okupljalište hrvatskih profesionalnih astronoma u cilju razmjene korisnih informacija i neformalnog povezivanja sve veceg broja hrvatskih astronoma u svijetu i domovini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forum of Croatian Astronomers is an informal on-line assembly of professional Croatian astronomers with the goal of exchanging useful professional information and connecting the growing number of Croatian astronomers around the world and in the country.
http://connect.znanost.org/astro/ Mario Juric - Curriculum VitaePersonal information Name and surname: | Mario Juric | Date of birth: | 9th Feb. 1979 | Address: | Nova cesta 142/1, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatia | Telephone: | ++385 1 3095 649 ++385 98 736 550 | E-mail: | majuric@astro.hr | Website: | http://alumni.fizika.org/~majuric | Marital status | Single | Citizenship: | Croatian | Native language: | Croatian | Education Elementary school: | Julije Klovic, Zagreb, Croatia (1985-1993) | Highschool: | XV. Gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia (1993-1997) | University: | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics (1997-) | Current status: | Undergraduate student of physics (theoretical physics and astrophysics), senior year | GPA: | 4.94 (on 1 to 5 scale) | Languages - Fluent in English, both in oral and written form. Studied English for 10 years
- Limited knowledge of Latin. Studied Latin for 6 years
Computer skills - Fluent in C/C++, FORTRAN and Java
- Administering and developing for Oracle8i (3 years) and MySQL (2 years)
- Practical knowledge of IRAF, Mathematica 4.0 and SuperMongo
- Knowledge of and experience with VRML 2.0
- UNIX (Linux) and Windows NT/2000 administration
Achievements/Awards - 1st place in national astronomy contests in 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996.
- The City of Zagreb Scholarship Award: 1996-2001
- 1st place in 1994-1995 ACSL (American Computer Science League) contests (intermediate-5 division)
- 1st team place in 1995 ACSL finals (Cypress Creek High, Houston, TX, USA), as a member of XV. Gimnazija's 5-member team (intermediate-5 division)
- Awarded, together with Korado Korlevic of Visnjan Observatory, the 1999 Edgar Wilson Award for the discovery of comet Korlevic-Juric (P/1999 DN3).
- In 1999 awarded the University of Zagreb Rector's Award for work on asteroid observation strategies at Visnjan Observatory entitled "Visnjan Observing Strategy - a new method for scheduling and optimization of astrometric observations of asteroids"
- In 2000 awarded the University of Zagreb Best Physics Student award for academic year 1999/2000
- In November 2000 elected to a two-year term as the student body representative in the faculty council
Work - Member of the Editorial Board of the Croatian astronomical magazine Bolid (1994-1996)
- Founder and coordinator (1995-1997) of Virtual Reality Application and Development Group (VR ADG). VRADG was mainly involved in exploring the uses of VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) version 1.0, and cooperated on development of VRML 2.0 (now ISO-IEC 14772-11997 standard). VRADG was supported by CARNet (Croatian Academic and Research Network) throughout it's existence.
- Attended Visnjan School of Astronomy from 1993 to 1996 as a student, 1997 and subsequent years as an instructor
- Worked on the Visnjan Observatory's "Visnjan Automatic Telescope" project (1996-1997)
- Have been a part of joint Visnjan Observatory/ICSC-World Laboratory program "Education of students in basic sciences" (code T-1 A/I), first as a student, then as an instructor
- Designed and implemented an automated asteroid detection and measurement system at the Visnjan Observatory (1998).
- Authored the RINGS software package, VOID and VOID 2 databases for efficient automated acquisition, processing and storing of asteroid information.
- With Korado Korlevic, a discoverer of comet 'Korlevic-Juric' (P/1999 DN3), and over a thousand of other asteroids.
- Currently working on V2 Web , a web based system for 3D visualization and data mining of asteroid information. Also developing 3Xplorer, a general query/3D visualization tool for point source catalogues (2000-...)
- Project leader of AccessGrid Teleconferencing Sessions between the University of Zagreb, Physics department and Center for Computational Sciences, University of Kentucky (2001)
- Project leader of STUDNet project - physics student computer network at the Physics department, University of Zagreb (2001)
- Spent 30 days in September, 2001 with SDSS team at Princeton, working on identifying SDSS moving objects (2001)
Conferences - 3rd Science Meeting of the Croatian Physical Society, Zagreb, Croatia, December 5-7, 2001.
- Asteroids 2001, Palermo, Italy, June 11-15, 2001.
- 2nd Meeting for GAIA photometry, Asiago Observatory, Italy, October 8, 2000
- CARNet Users Conference 2000, Zagreb, Croatia, September 24-26, 2000
- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, Cornell University, July 26-30, 1999.
- The Brijuni Conference '98 - End of century state of science, Brijuni, Croatia, September 7-11, 1998
- MIPRO'96, Rijeka, Croatia, May 20-25, 1996
Publications - Vucic R. et. al, VirtualMIOC - Applied VRML Technology, Proceedings of MIPRO'96, Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems, Rijeka, Croatia, 1996
- Korlevic K., and Juric M., Visnjan Observatory NEO Followup , poster presentation, IAU Asteroids-Comets-Meteors Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, 1999
- Juric M., and Korlevic K., Visnjan Observatory Image Database 2 , Proceedings of CUC 2000 Conference, Zagreb, 2000
- Korlevic K., and Juric M,, Visnjan Observatory Asteroids Followup Program 1995-2000, Asteroids 2001 Conference, Palermo, 2001
- Juric M., et al., Comparison of Asteroids Observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with a Catalog of Known Asteroids, submitted to AJ
- Published a number of measurements in the Minor Planet Center's MPEC circulars
Additional information