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Professor Davor Solter one of the first to postulate genomic imprinting interviewed in Singapore
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  01/26/2012 | Human Rights , Science , Education | Unrated
Member of Advisory Board of Croatian Medical Journal

Professor Davor Solter was born in Croatia's capital Zagreb,
where he studied medicine, earned his PhD, and started his scientific career

Control and Regulation of Stem Cells with Davor Solter interviewed by Jane Alfred

Davor Solter earned his M.D. (1965) and Ph.D. (1971) from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He was Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor in the Departments of Anatomy and Biology, University of Zagreb Medical School, between 1966-1973. In 1973 he moved to the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, USA and became Member and Professor in 1981, as well as Wistar Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1991, he was made a Member of the Max Planck Society and was appointed Director of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, USA.

In 2008, he joined the Institute of Medical Biology as a Senior Principal Investigator with a joint appointment as Professor at the Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School. He is a member of numerous editorial and advisory boards. Davor is a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the European Molecular Biology Organisation and of Academia Europea. In 1998, he received March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology for pioneering the concept of genomic imprinting and in 2007 he received the Rosenstiel Award (shared with Azim Surani and Mary Lyon) for the discovery of imprinting. 

Through his career Davor Solter has made significant contributions to many areas of mammalian developmental biology, including differentiation of germ layers, the role of cell surface molecules in regulating early development, the biology and genetics of teratocarcinomas, the biology of embryonic stem cells, genomic imprinting, and cloning. His current research interest focuses on genetic and epigenetic mechanism regulating preimplantation mouse development and reprogramming in human embryonic stem cells.


  • Solter, D.  2006.  From teratocarcinomas to embryonic stem cells and beyond: a history of embryonic stem cell research. Nat. Rev. Genet. 7: 319-327.
  • Motosugi, N., Dietrich, J.-E., Polanski, Z., Solter, D., and Hiiragi, T.  2006.  Space asymmetry directs preferential sperm entry in the absence of polarity in the mouse oocyte. PloS Biology 4: e135.
  • Solter, D.  2005.  Politically correct human embryonic stem cells? N. Engl. J. Med. 353: 2321-2323.
  • Motosugi, N., Bauer, T., Polanski, Z., Solter, D., and Hiiragi, T.  2005.  Polarity of the mouse embryo is established at blastocyst and is not prepatterned. Genes Dev. 19: 1081-1092.
  • Kemler, R., Hierholzer, A., Kanzler, B., Kuppig, S., Hansen, K., Taketo, M.M., de Vries, W.N., Knowles, B.B., and Solter, D.  2004.  Stabilization of ?-catenin in the mouse zygote leads to premature epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the epiblast.  Development 131: 5817-5824.
  • Solter, D., Hiiragi, T., Evsikov, A.V., Moyer, J., de Vries, W.N., Peaston, A.E., and Knowles, B.B.  2004.  Epigenetic mechanisms in early mammalian development.  Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 69: 11-17.
  • Hiiragi, T. and Solter, D.  2004.  First cleavage plane of the mouse egg is not predetermined but defined by the topology of the two apposing nuclei.  Nature 430: 360-364.
  • Solter, D., Beyleveld, D., Friele, M.B., Holowka, J., Lilie, H., Lovell-Badge, R., Mandla, C., Martin, U. and Pardo Avellaneda, R.  Embryo Research in Pluralistic Europe, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
  • Solter, D.  2000.  Mammalian cloning: advances and limitations.  Nat. Rev. Genet. 1: 199-207.
  • Solter, D.  1988.  Differential  imprinting and expression of maternal and  paternal


Listen to the following lecutre:

Solter, D. (2007), "Genomic Imprinting: History and Embryology",
in Heard, E. (ed.), Epigenetics: Concepts, Theories, Paradigms and Mechanisms,
The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London

In the period of 1991-2006 professor Davor Solter was the Director of the  Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology
in Freiburg in Germany, and now working in Singapore.
Davor Solter, MD, PhD

Institute of Medical Biology Mammalian Development Laboratory, Singapore

Dr Solter obtained his MD (1965), and PhD (1971) from the Zagreb University School of Medicine, Croatia. In 1991 he was appointed Director of the Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg. He is currently European Editor of the Genes & Development and a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, EMBO, and Academia Europea. In 1998 he received March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology for pioneering the concept of imprinting. Dr Solter contributed significantly to many areas of mammalian developmental biology, namely: differentiation of germ layers, role of cell surface molecules in regulating early development, biology and genetics of teratocarcinoma, biology of embryonic stem cells, and imprinting and cloning. His current research interest focuses on genetic and molecular control of genome reprogramming and of activation of embryonic genome.


Professor Davor Stolter is a member of the Advisory Board of Croatian Medical Journal

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