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Ivan Lackovic Croata distinguished painter inspired Fumiko Yamazaki in Japan
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  01/31/2017 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
Cultural streams between Croatia and Japan

Fumiko Yamazaki and Ivan Lacković Croata.
Mrs. Yamazaki speaks Croatian language.

Ivana Lacković Croata, Proljeće (Spring)

Ivan Lacković Croata (1932-2004) painting on glass


Ivan Lackovic Croata

イワン・ラツコヴィッチ・クロアタは、1969年のパリで世界 的芸術評論家ジェームズによって、ナイーブアートの世界における偉大な素描家と評された。ラツコヴィッチ芸術における顕著な主たるテーマは、生まれ故郷への愛と自由 への切望である。

Ivan Lacković Croata was born in the village of Batinske, notrh of Croatia in 1932. After he completed elementary school, he worked as a peasant and began to paint his first water colors, depicting village life. Later he moved to Zagreb and worked as a mail man while studying drawing in the academy of the Art. He frequently drew landscapes, figurative compositions, flowers and still lives. He had more than one hundred solo exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. From 1992 to 2001, he was elected twice as a member of the County Chamber of the Croatian Parliament. In the 1990s, he drew a series of works depicting the human suffering in the Croatian War of Independence. He died in Zagreb in 2004.


1932 クロアチア北部、ポードゥラビナ地方バティンスカ村に生まれる(1 月1日)

1945 ノートに鳥の絵を描き絵心を育んでくれた父を戦争でなくす

1948 農業に従事しながら村の家々の壁に宗教的情景を描く(~1952 年)

1957 ザグレブに移り郵便配達をしながら夜学で絵を学ぶ。この年、初めてガラス絵を描く

1962 ザグレブで初の個展、仲間とともにプリミティブアート協会を設立する




1969 パリで初の個展、以降クロアチア国内外で数多くの個展グループ展が 開催される

1986 『ユーゴスラビア―11人の素朴画家展』(東京・世田谷美術館)

1987 ナイーフ三人展『原田泰治とユーゴの仲間たち』( 東京・新宿伊勢丹 他) 来日

1991 (クロアチアがユーゴスラビアから独立)

1992 トゥージュマン大統領に招聘され国会議員となる(~2001年)

1998 ロシアでクロアチア・ナイーブ展が 開催される

2000 アメリカ・フロリダ州で『クロアチア・ナイーブアートの 幻想的な世界』展が 開催される

2004 死去(8月29日 72歳)

1932 Born in Batinske in the north of Croatia.

1945 Lost his father in the war.

1948-1952 Worked as a peasant, drawing the life of the village.

1957 Moved to Zagreb and worked as a mail man while studying drawing in the academy of the art. He painted his first naďve art- atraditional technique of the naďve arts from north Croatia.

1962 First solo exhibition in Zagreb.

1969 First solo exhibition in Paris.

1986 First exhibition at Setagaya Art Museum in Japan.

1987 Trio exhibition in ISETAN department store.

1992 Croatia became independent from ex-Yugoslavia.

1998 Croatia Naďve exhibition in Russia.

2000 Croatia Naďve exhibition in Florida,USA.

2004 Died in Zagreb.

ラツコヴィッチ・ アート・ジャパン企画による展覧会

1994 ラツコヴィッ チ展『ガラス絵とグラフィックの世界』(新潟・長 岡)

1998 ラツコヴィッ チ展『ガラス絵とグラフィックの世界』(北海道・函館)

2000 ラツコヴィッチ展『クロアチアの四季と人々のいとなみ』(北海道・函館)

2002 ラツコヴィッチ展『クロアチアの四季と人々のいとなみ』(東京・荻窪/かん芸館)

2004 イワン・ラツコヴィッチ・クロアタ展(東京・広尾/ クロアチア共和国大使館)

2004 イワン・ラツコヴィッチ・クロアタ展『クロアチアのガラス絵とグラフィックの世界』(東京・御茶ノ水/f分の1ギャラ リー)

2005 ラツコビッチ展『クロアチアのガラス絵とグラフィックの世界』(新潟・津南町/なじょもん)

2010 クロアチアのナイーブアート『イワン・ラツコビッチ・クロアタの世界』(東京・新宿/BERG)

2011 イワン・ラツコヴィッチ展(新潟・津南町/当間高原リゾート ベルナティオ)

2012 ラツコヴィッチ生誕80年 ラツコヴィッチが愛したクロアチアの風景と色彩 (新潟・津南町/ギャラリー泉)

2014 ラツコヴィッチが愛したクロアチアの風景と色彩 (千葉県柏市/柏市民ギャラリー)

2015 イワン・ラツコヴィッチ展 - 四季「夏」に見る赤の魅力と祭りへの想い-

Lacković Art Japan-founded by Fumiko Yamazaki

1994 Lacković exhibition in Nagaoka, Niigata.

1998 Lacković exhibition in Hakodate,Hokkaido.

2000 Lacković exhibition in Hakodate,Hokkaido.

2002 Lacković exhibition in Ogikubo,Tokyo.

2004 Ivan Lacković Croata exhibition at the Embassy of Croatia in Tokyo.

2004 Ivan Lacković Croata exhibition in Ochanomizu,Tokyo.

2005 Lacković exhibition in Tsunan, Niigata.

2010 Ivan Lacković Croata exhibition at BERG in Shinjuku,Tokyo.

2011 Lacković exhibition in Tsunan, Niigata.

2012 Lacković exhibition in Tsunan, Niigata.

2014 Lacković exhibition at the Kashiwa city gallery in Chiba.

2015 Ivan Lacković Croata exhibition at CREATIVE SPACE HAYASHI in Chigasaki,Kanagawa.

2016 Ivan Lacković Croata exhibition at CREATIVE SPACE HAYASHI in Chigasaki,Kanagawa


TV kalendar / Ivan Lacković Croata - 5:10 - 7:25

Ivan Lacković Croata

Ivan Lacković Croata

Croatian fine artist, a representative of naive art, collector and bibliographer.
He was born 1932 in a Podravina village Batina near Kalinovec (north of Croatia) in a working class family. After completing elementary school he worked in agriculture, and then took a job as a forest worker. He was a self-taught painter. He painted his first pictures with watercolors in 1944, showing experience of nature and country life. In 1957 he moved to Zagreb, where he met Krsto Hegedušić and occasionally worked in his master workshop. He professionally painted since 1968., when he become a member of Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika (HDLU, Croatian Association of Artists).

He exhibited in Croatia and throughout the world. His paintings show the poetic scenery and visuals from his native region of Podravina and motives of symbolic meanings ("križna dreva"). He usually painted with oil on glass.

Ivan Lacković Croata painting on glass.

In his works from the 1990s he made a series of drawings with themes of human suffering in the Croatian War of Independence. His paintings and drawings are found in many prestigious international galleries and private collections. He died in 2004 in Zagreb.


Ivan Lackovic Croata -- sjećanje - Gornja Stubica


Ivan Lacković Croata, Zima (Winter)


In the Japanese city of Hakodate on the island of Hokkaido, the exhibition titled "Zagreb-Creative Works" was opened on 9 October 2002 and is to stay open for a week. With some twenty fairly recent glass paintings of the Croatian painter Ivan Lacković Croata the exhibition at the small Kiba gallery also includes art photography of the appearance of the drum band Hinokiya from Hakodate at the 2002 International Folklore Review in Zagreb and several other Croatian cities. One of the sponsors of the exhibition is the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Japan.

At the opening of the exhibition, the Croatian Ambassador in Japan, Drago Buvač handed the Certificate of Gratitude to Mrs. Fumiko Yamazaki in recognition of her contribution to the development of the Croatian-Japanese cultural cooperation in the last ten years. During his stay in Hakodate, Ambassador Buvač visited the Mayor, Hiroshi Inoue, and they discussed the possibilities for economic cooperation between Croatia and Japan, particularly with this attractive Japanese tourist city, including shipbuilding and fishery.


Ivan Lacković Croata's art in Japan

Ivan Lacković Croata, Jesen (Automn)


Fumiko Yamazaki

Japanese children drawing Croatian hearts.

Paintings by the renowned Croatian painter Ivan Lacković Croata have been exhibited in the city of Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, on the outskirts of Tokyo.
The exhibition of this representative of the Croatian Naive Art were exhibited from 21 May to 5 June 2016 at the Creative Space Hayashi.

We express our sincere gratitude to Yoko Nishii, Japan, for having informed us about Fumiko Yamazaki.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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