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Vukovar is an indelible part of European and World History
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  11/18/2013 | Music , Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , People , In Memoriam , History , Education , Culture And Arts , Croatian Life Stories | Unrated
Songs and verses dedicated to Vukovar

The city of Vukovar on 17th and 18th November 2013

General Ante Gotovina in Vukovar. On the right behind him is Mr. Luka Mišetić. On the left behind him is general Damir Krstičević.
Between 100,000 and 150,000 people visited the city of Vukovar.

Cakes and cookies for guests arriving to Vukovar (photos by Croatian Radio Vukovar)

Gifts for Vukovar from Dubrovnik

Sutra se posebno sjećamo Vukovara i svih koji su se borili za njegovu i hrvatsku slobodu pa vas ovdje upućujem na karatak video kojeg smo napravili i pokazali u Chicagu 18. studenog 2001. godine, kao dio komemoracije i molitve tom prigodom. Ako imate vremena i želju, pogledajte. Na početku je bio mrak u dvorani u koju su ulazili ministranti, djeca u hrv. narodnim nošnjama, svećenik i drugi sa svijećama u ruci, dok se čuo glas Siniše Glavaševića.  Pozdrav svima, posebice braniteljima Vukovara i Hrvatske!
Ante Čuvalo, 17. studenog 2013.

The Vukovar street in Croatia's capital Zagreb

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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