The book can be ordered on Amazon here:
"The Trilogy Countdown, a tense spy-political thriller with an uncertain ending, is a story about an ordinary businessman Martin Balarin (36) from New York accidentally facing a spy war. The reason for that is a well-paid job in a diving expedition on his native island of Korcula (Croatia) and a beautiful woman named Bianca Stone (27), whom he meets while in a meeting in Atlantic City. At the time of an expedition, NATO, US, and Croatian Navy have a rehearsal in the south of Adriatic Sea. The plot becomes tense when Anselmo, a super-rich businessman from New York joins diving expedition with his extra-luxurious yacht. In the first part of Trilogy, called DECOMPRESSION, we meet Martin’s life through a conversation with his brother and through a high school diary. Unexpected events which follow lead Martin into a life-threatening situation, they reveal the expedition’s background. After his return to New York (slightly after 9/11), Martin becomes the main and secret witness of US Naval Intelligence. At Martin’s surprise, a telegram from Bangalore (India) is waiting for him."
1st book: Decompression The Trilogy Countdown, a tense spy-political thriller with an uncertain ending, is a story about an ordinary businessman Martin Balarin (36) from New York accidentally facing a spy war. The reason for that is a well-paid job in a diving expedition on his native island of Korcula (Croatia) and a beautiful woman named Bianca Stone (27), whom he meets while in a meeting in Atlantic City. At the time of an expedition, NATO, US, and Croatian Navy have a rehearsal in the south of Adriatic Sea. The plot becomes tense when Anselmo, a super-rich businessman from New York joins diving expedition with his extra-luxurious yacht. In the first part of Trilogy, called DECOMPRESSION, we meet Martin’s life through a conversation with his brother (high ranked officer in Croatian Navy) and through a high school diary. Unexpected events which follow lead Martin into a life-threatening situation, they reveal the expedition’s background. After his return to New York (slightly after 9/11), Martin becomes the main and secret witness of US Naval Intelligence. At Martin’s surprise, a telegram from Bangalore (India) is waiting for him." 2nd book: The Temple of Intelligence The road that leads to the Diskit Gompa Buddhist Monastery (Kashmir, India) is the highest road in the world (5300 m). Apart from the conversation with the Supreme Buddhist Monk, the meditations in the Himalayas, the main character Martin Balarin finds out who Bianca and Sarah are and the reason why the most powerful intelligence agency sent its agents to this part of the worl. CIA, Mossad and the Chinese MSS are in search of a young genius who owns as „invention dangerous for the world economy“. 3rd book: The Message: An unexpected arrival in Israel turns into a tragic event. The terrorist attack on the Mahane Yehuda market (Jerusalem, April 12 th, 2002) will change Martin's life from the ground up. Mossad's operation system intrusion and information of strategic importance for the safety of the United States become life-threatening. The spy war flares up. Top of CIA get involved. Vatican Intelligence Agency may have a solution... | 1. knjiga Dekompresija Trilogija Odbrojavanje je napet i do kraja neizvjestan političko-špijunski triler, pisan tečnim stilom zbog čega se ova trilogija čita u jednom dahu. Hrvatski iseljenik Martin Balarin (36), redatelj i suvlasnik marketinškog studija u New Yorku, sasvim slučajno biti će uvučen u sukob obavještajnih agencija. Razlog je izvrsno plaćen posao na ronilačkoj ekspediciji na njegovom rodnom otoku Korčuli (Hrvatska) i prelijepa mlada žena Bianca Stone(27) koju je upoznao u Atlantic Cityju. Tijekom ronilačke ekspedicije na Korčuli, NATO, HRM i Američka ratna mornarica imaju pokaznu vježbu. Radnja postaje napeta kada se Anselmo - super bogati biznismen iz New Yorka priključuje ronilačkoj ekspediciji sa svojom luksuznom jahtom. U prvome dijelu Trilogije nazvanom Dekompresija, upoznat ćemo Martinov život i prošlost kroz razgovor s njegovim bratom (časnikom Hrvatske ratne mornarice) i korz srednjoškolski dnevnik. Neočekivani događaji na Korčuli dovode Martina u životnu opasnost. Nakon njegovog povrata u New York (neposredno nakon 9/11 2001), Martin postaje glavni tajni svjedok Američke mornaričke obavještajne agencije. Na kraju prvoga dijela, Martina čeka brzojav iz Bangalorea (Indija). 2. knjiga Hram inteligencije Put do budističkog samostana Diskit Gompa (Kashmir, Indija) vodi po najvišoj cesti na svijetu (5300 m). Osim razgovora s vrhovnim budističkim svećenicima, meditacijama na Himalaji, glavni lik Martin Balarin doznaje tko su Bianca i Sara i zašto su najmoćnije obavještajne agencije poslale svoje agente u ovaj dio svijeta. CIA, Mossad i kineski MSS tragaju za mladim genijem koji ima „izum opasan za svjetsku ekonomiju“. 3. knjiga Poruka Neočekivani dolazak u Izrael pretvara se u tragičan događaj. Teroristički napad na tržnici Mahane Yehuda (Jeruzalem, 12.04.2002.) promijenit će Martinov život iz temelja. Upad u operativni sustav Mossada i informacija o strateške važnosti za sigurnost SAD-a postaju opasni po život. Špijunski rat se razbuktao. Vatikanska obavještajna agencija možda ima rješenje... |
About the author Patrick Hughes (pseudonym) Real name: Zdravko Basaric
He was born on June 6th 1970 in Zagreb (Croatia).
He graduated from two engineering colleges (Telecommunication and Enrgetics Science) and he is master of economics science/ICT management/.
His first novel „Requiem Galactica“ was published in 1995. In 1996 the book appeared in foreign market.
His second novel „Rhapsody on the Island of Susak“ was published in 1997 (Croatian language), and it was published in the USA (two english editions) in 2000 and 2001.
The book was promoted on US market togehter with the documentary mouvie „The Calm after the Storm“ (with Beetoven's Egmont Overture as background music). This multimedia project was promoted for US public in New York City, New Jersey, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Miami 2000-01.
The book is currently selling on Amazon and Abe web site.
"The Trilogy Countdown“ was the latest literary work of the author.
At present the author leaves in Zagreb, Croatia. He works in telecommunication company.
Formatted for CROWN by Marko Puljic
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