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» Music » Yoko Nishii has a pianist concert tour in Croatia Sep 2017: Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split, Vinkovci, Sisak
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» Education » Yoko Nishii has a pianist concert tour in Croatia Sep 2017: Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split, Vinkovci, Sisak
Yoko Nishii has a pianist concert tour in Croatia Sep 2017: Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split, Vinkovci, Sisak |
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić |
Music , People , Education
Playing Japanese and Croatian composers, among others
Yoko Nishii Concert Tour Croatia in autumn 2017
Vinkovci - ponedjeljak, 11. rujna u 20 sati Dvorana Ogranka Matice Hrvatske (Juraj Dalmatinca 22, Vinkovci) Organizatori: Ogranak Matice Hrvatske u Vinkovcima / Hrvatska matica iseljenika - podruznica Vukovar
Zagreb - ponedjeljak, 18. rujna u 19 sati Muzej Mimara (Rooseveltov trg 5, Zagreb) Organizator: Veleposlanstvo Japana u Republici Hrvatskoj
Split - utorak, 19. rujna u 20 sati Umjetnička akademija u Splitu (Zagrebačka 3, Split) Organizator: Veleposlanstvo Japana u Republici Hrvatskoj
Dubrovnik - petak, 22. rujna u 19.30 sati Čitaonica Narodne knji ice Grad - Saloča od zrcala (Ul. od Puca 6, Dubrovnik) Organizator: Dubrovačke knjižnice Dubrovnik
Zagreb - ponedjeljak, 25. rujna u 19.30 sati Velika dvorana Matice Hrvatske (Ulica Matice hrvatske 2, Strossmayerov trg 4, Zagreb) Organizatori: HKD (Hrvatsko kulturno društvo) Napredak - Zagreb
Sisak - utorak, 3. listopad Dvorana glazbene škole Fran Lhotka Organizator: Lions Club Sisak
- Kozaburo Hirai (1910-2002): Sakura-Sakura (A Fantasy for piano on a Japanese Folk-tune)
- Kosaku Yamada (1886-1965): Karatachi-no-Hana / The flowers of the orange jusmine trees
- Božidar Kunc (1903-1964): Nokturno fis-moll Op.32-1
- Dora Pejačević (1885-1923): Život cvijeća / Flowers' Life Op. 19
- No.4 Potočnice / Forget-me-not
- No.5 Ruža / Rose
- Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) = Liszt: Auf Floegeln des Gesanges / On Wings of Song
- Robert Schumann (1810-1856) = Liszt: Widmung / Dedication
- Franz Schubert (1797-1828) = Liszt: Gretchen am Spinnrade
- Franz Liszt (1811-1886): Mephisto Waltz No.1
| YOKO NISHII, glasovir
Yoko Nishii rođena je u gradu Ise u Japanu i već od četvrte godine života pohađa privatne satove glasovira kod Mitsuko Tomio. Od 1986. učenje nastavlja u klasi Naofumija Kaneshigea, od 1991. u klasi Kyoko Ogawe, a od 1996. u klasi Hitoshija Kobayashija. Paralelno studira i završava studij francuskog jezika i književnosti na privatnom Sveučilištu Keio u Tokiju (1998.). Iste godine odlazi u Hrvatsku gdje, zahvaljujući stipendiji u trajanju od dvije godine, pohađa Visoku školu za glazbenu umjetnost "Ino Mirković" u Lovranu. U samo dvije godine završava četverogodišnji studij (2000.), potom postiže stupanj magistra glazbene umjetnosti (srpanj 2001.), te nastavlja usavršavanje na poslijediplomskom studiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu kao stipendistica japanske Vlade (2005. - 2007.) - sve u klasi Jevgenija Zarafiantsa, kojemu je bila i asistentica na Visokoj školi "Ino Mirković" (2001. - 2003.).
Sada predaje na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Aichiju u Japanu. Pobjednica je i finalistica brojnih međunarodnih natjecanja. U Hrvatskoj je održala brojne zapažene solističke recitale, a nastupila je i u Italiji, Sloveniji, Crnoj Gori, Madjarskoj, te u Japanu. Ustrajno radi na istraživanju i promociji skladatelja i glazbe iz Hrvatske. U veljači 2015. objavila je prvi CD u svijetu s cjelovitim glasovirskim opusom Dore Pejačević u izdanju japanske diskografske kuće "Herb Classics" i u rujni 2015. je održala 11 koncertnih turneja u Hrvatskoj u povodu 130. godišnjice rođenja Dore Pejačević.
U ožujku 2016. bila je pozvana u žiri na 2. međunarodno natjecanje pijanista MEMORIJAL JURICA MURAI u Varaždinu u Hrvatskoj i je održala dobrotvorni koncert kao potpora Hrvatskoj udruzi za školovanje pasa vodiča i mobilitet u organizaciji Veleposlanstva Japana u sklopu Tjedna Japanske Kulture u hotelu Westin u Zagrebu. U rujni 2016. je održala koncertnu turneju s 8 nastupa u Hrvatskoj, Crnoj Gori i Mađarskoj. | YOKO NISHII, piano
Yoko Nishii was born in Ise, Japan. After graduating from "Keio University" in Tokyo for studies of French literature in 1998, she entered Music Academy "Ino Mirković" situated in Lovran, Croatia, with full scholarship for 2 years. She finished the academic program in only 2 years of studies (normally it lasts 4 years) and graduated with excellent grades under prof. Evgeny Zarafiants in 2000. In July 2001, she got "Master of Music Art" degree. From 2001 to 2003 she worked as assistant in the piano class of prof. E. Zarafiants in the same academy. From 2005 to 2007 she did advanced study at Zagreb Music Academy as the fellowship under the Japanese Government Overseas Program for Artists. Until now she studied with prof. Mitsuko Tomio, prof. Naofumi Kaneshige, prof. Kyoko Ogawa, prof. Hitoshi Kobayashi and prof. Evgeny Zarafiants.
Currently she is a part-time lecturer at Aichi University of the Arts in Japan. Winner and finalist at numerous international competitions. She has given numerous solo recitals and various concerts as soloist, accompanist and chamber music player in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Montenegro, Hungary and Japan. She also works hard on research and dissemination of Croatian composers and music. In February 2015 she has published the first CD in the world which includes the complete solo piano works of Dora Pejačević from Japanese CD label "Herb Classics" and in September 2015 she held 11 concerts-tour in Croatia on the 130th birth anniversary of Dora Pejačević.
In March 2016 she was invited as a Jury member at the 2nd International Piano Competition MEMORIJAL JURICA MURAI at Varaždin, Croatia and also held the humanitarian concert for the blind in the presence of their guide dogs which was organized by Japanese Embassy in cooperation with Croatian Society for Training Guide Dogs and for Mobility during the Japanese Culture Week at the hotel Westin at Zagreb, Croatia. In September 2016 she held 8 concerts-tour in Croatia, Montenegro and Hungary.
| Announcing Yoko Nishii's concerts in the Mimara Museum in Zagreb and in the city of Split
Yoko Nishii speaks Croatian, besides her native Japanese, English and French. In 2015, she has published an important double CD with complete piano works of Dora Pejačević, the first internationally established Croatian woman-composer.
Since recently, she started to collaborate with maestro Krešimir Marmilić, distinguished Croatian violinist, and their joint work will soon result in a new CD containing works of Croatian composer Franjo Krežma. The promotion of the CD is expected to be in the Spring 2018.
| Franjo Krežma (1862-1881), Croatian composer and violin virtuoso. Munument in the city of Osijek, carved by Vanja Radauš. Photo by Yoko Nishii.
YOKO NISHII about her discovery of Franjo Krežma
The first time when I got interested in Franjo Krezma was summer 2013 when I went to Croatia for several concerts. I visited Osijek for sightseeing and there came across his statue about which I had no idea who it was and received the score of his beautiful composition "Evening's song" for a solo violin and string quartet. I got two set of scores and I donated one of them to the library of Aichi University of the Arts where I'm working now. I wish that our students would perform it some day!
Source www.facebook.com/yoko.nishii
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