Croatia seems to always be looked through a microscope while others are treated with kid gloves in the media and in the political world. Hilda Foley (left) has written two letters addressing these concerns, to both the Financial Times and Amnesty International.
In a recent letter to the Monthly Review, Hilda Marija Foley (left) writes" By now, 17 years after the wars in former Yugoslavia, one could assume that most people interested in its history would have come to the same and correct conclusion as to who started the wars."
In a recent letter to the International Herald Tribune, Hilda Marija Foley (left) writes "In your article 'EU proposal lays out steps on Kosovo independence' by Dan Bilefsky and Stephen Castle Dec 12, 2007 the commentators make the often quoted but erroneous statement when writing that the early recognition of an independent Croatia accelerated the breakup of Yugoslavia."
The largest resistance to German and Italian occupiers was carried out by Croatians, forming partisan brigades already in June 1941, that eventually with Bosnians numbered 34 Hilda Foley
Hilda Foley (at left) submitted two letters regarding the discussion of California to adopt the "orphan" Zinfandel grape as its official grape. DNA testing has shown the variety to come from Croatia. Read more ...
Is there really any question who was the villain? From: To: Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 Subject: Travel section article Dear Editor, While the travel article "Croatia with 40 nice people" ( June 25) by Robert Cross was quite interesting and informative, one sentence was out of place, not just because politics do not belong in the travel section, but because it was also quite inaccurate. Mr. Cross wr