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 »  Home  »  Croatian Life Stories  »  Joseph Mikulec Croatian globetrotter appearing in a silent movie 1922
Joseph Mikulec Croatian globetrotter appearing in a silent movie 1922
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko ®ubriniæ | Published  04/29/2011 | Sports , People , Education , Croatian Life Stories | Unrated
Thousands of kilometers on foot in the USA, China, Japan, India, South America, ...

Joseph (Josip) Mikulec Croatian globetrotter, with his book, about 20 kg.
He met the American president Theodore Roosevelt three times.

Josip Mikulec The Globe Trotter with his terrific Book in 1929. But where?

On the left page on the top: Chen Zize (this is a name), and some other names, relatedto the leaders of revolution.
On the right-hand side: how to work with people, Republic of China, sixth year, July (i.e. in 1917).
Many thanks to Ms Wang Mu from the Croatian program of Chinese Radio International for her kind help.

Joseph Mikulec with the Book in 1929. Where? Source of the above three photos is

Hello, I happened upon the name of Joseph Mikulec while watching old silent films by the National Film Preservation Foundation. It's from 1922 and I thought that perhaps it might interest you.

Here is the web address of the newsreel article (starts at 4:34 and ends at 5:27, NB):

Thank you for the article; I, too, would love to know what became of this interesting fellow as well as his book.

Angelina (Canada)

Dear Angelina, this is amazing discovery. Big Thank You!

Photos are from the silent film from 1922 containing about 50 seconds of material about

Joseph Mikulec - The Globe Trotter

Silent film from 1922 with Joseph Mikulec showing his book. Where was it recorded?

On the right, in Japanese:
The tenth year of DAZHENG (this is a way to count in Japana in one dynasty, and the related year is 1921).
Information by the courtesy of Ms Wang Mu from the Croatian program of Chinese Radio International.

On the left-hand page are Japanese characters.
The right-hand side is in Chinese: Vice-president of the Republic of China, Li Yuanhong.
Information by the courtesy of Ms Wang Mu from the Croatian program of Chinese Radio International.

US Congressman Walter H. Newton & Joseph Mikulec, 6 December 1929. Where?

Branko Mikulec was born in Croatia, in a village in Hrvatsko Zagorje - Croatian Zagorje, near Zagreb, and died in 1933 in Genova out of pulmonary tuberculosis. Many thanks to Mr. Nenad Goll, Zagreb, for this information. He is preparing a monograph in Croatian language that will contain a chapter about Josip Mikulec - The Globe Trotter.

The Glimmerglass, a sister publication of The Freeman's Journal, reported that Mikulec had walked more than 18,500 miles, worn out 40 pairs of shoes and "is 600 miles ahead of his schedule time. At the start he weighed 178 pounds, and now only 138 pounds. He has walked through Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Africa and through all South America."
Mikulec came from Schoharie on his way to Binghamton and Harrisburg, Pa. From there, Mikulec was set to cross straight to Alaska and Asia, averaging about 30 miles a day.


Not seeing him on lists of famous Croatians, who aren̢۪t famous to me, was surprising.

Yes, I have all his Passport Applicationss. I looked through the Calderon passenger lists and yes, he̢۪s not listed, but supposedly he worked on ships aiding crew members, and since that̢۪s a cargo ship, I̢۪m not surprised that his name is not among the few passengers. One of my husband̢۪s grandfathers worked his way here on a cargo ship and his name is not to be found anywhere. On the other hand, my German grandfather worked his way here on a passenger ship, and his name is on the manifest as Crew.

One article states that, when he left Europe, he sailed to South America and then walked up through the Isthmus of Panama. ...


Joseph Mikulec was passing through Oneonta on a bet. Back in Croatia, a $10,000 wager had been made in February 1906 that Mikulec couldn't walk 25,000 miles in five years, essentially around the world.

Area newspaper accounts of this globetrotter said that Mikulec arrived in Oneonta on Aug. 10, 1909. He stopped here "for Lunch and to Write Letters "" Couldn't Wait to See the Ball Game," according to a story's headlines in The Oneonta Star.
"He stopped here a couple of hours and incidentally to dispose of a large number of post cards, by the sale of which he pays his expenses. Pedestrians always attract crowds of interested admirers of outdoor sports and the Austrian was liberally patronized."

The Glimmerglass, a sister publication of The Freeman's Journal, reported that Mikulec had walked more than 18,500 miles, worn out 40 pairs of shoes and "is 600 miles ahead of his schedule time. At the start he weighed 178 pounds, and now only 138 pounds. He has walked through Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Africa and through all South America."
Mikulec came from Schoharie on his way to Binghamton and Harrisburg, Pa. From there, Mikulec was set to cross straight to Alaska and Asia, averaging about 30 miles a day.

Did Mikulec finish the journey and win his wager? Despite checking out some message boards on, the answer remains a mystery for now. ...


Interesting that he claims to have arrived aboard the Colderon sept 12, 1905 and then is back in Zagreb to begin his walk around the world in Feb 1906. His various passports show destinations of Cuba, The West Indies (India) At least one applications list him as a painter... was he an artistic painter or a house painter? ...


Josip Mikulec or Joseph Frank Mikulec or Joe Mikulec or Josef Franz Mikulec

I've seen lists of well-known Croatians but have never seen this man mentioned.
I have his birth registration, mariage record, naturalization, newspaper clippings, pictures, etc.,
Joseph Frank Mikulec was born on 15 January 1878 in Krusljevo selo 7 to Josip Mikulec of Krusljevo selo 7 and Kata Novosel, also Krusljevo selo but I don̢۪t have a number.

My grandfather, Frank Novosel, was born in 1884 in Krusljevo selo 8, and Mikulec gives him (living in Brooklyn, NY) in the "nearest relative" section on his World War I Draft Registration, so that̢۪s how I̢۪ve become intrigued by him and his world walking and autograph collecting.

On a 1914 manifest, he gives my grandfather̢۪s cousin as his friend (John Mocilar, born 1874, probably Krusljevo selo, also living in Brooklyn) from the country from where he came.

Joseph Mikulec arrived in the US in 1905. He married Anna Stiopu (or Stiopn) on 20 June 1908 in Westfield, Chautauqua County, NY. By his September 1910 Petition for Naturalization, he states that he̢۪s not married.

He usually gave Philadelphia, PA, where he was naturalized, as his home. Last newspaper articles that I̢۪ve seen are in the 1920s.


Note the Croatian Coat of Arms on his breast.

Josip Mikulec The Globe Trotter with his Book.

Source of the above six photos is


Many thanks to Ms Wang Mu from the Croatian program of the Chinese Radio International for her kind help.

And there is even a silent movie from 1921! See below.

Joseph Mikulec arriving to Liverpool, England, in 1921, on the S. S. Metagama liner.

Joseph Mikulec - An Extremist Autograph Collector in Hindi - A Globe Trotter - Gyan Ka Chirag Hindi

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ®ubriniæ
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