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Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic president of the Republic of Croatia visited pope Francis on 28 May 2015
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  06/9/2015 | Bilingual , History , Education | Unrated
Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic had a friendly talk with the Pope in the Castillano language

Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, president of the Republic of Croatia, in a friendly talk with Pope Francis in the Vatican on 28 May 2015.
They communicated in Castillano language. Besides her native language, Mrs. Grabar Kitarovic is fluent in several other languages.

President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović with an unusual gift for the Pope: Croatian soccer jersey. Namely, the Pope is known as a soccer fan.

28. svibnja 2015., Vatikan

Hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, koja boravi u prvom službenom posjetu Vatikanu, razgovarala je s papom Franjom na audijenciji u Papinskoj kući, a nakon čega se sastala i s državnim tajnikom Svete Stolice kardinalom Pietrom Parolinom.

Polusatni razgovor s papom Franjom predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović iskoristila je kako bi ga pozvala u Hrvatsku, te mu je poklonila dio misnog ruha izrađenog od lepoglavske čipke. Uručila mu je i knjige pape Franje koje su prevedene na hrvatski jezik te dres hrvatske reprezentacije s brojem devet. Papa Franjo je uzvratio poklonivši apostolsku pobudnicu i medalju sv. Martina.

Predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović, nakon audijencije kod pape Franje kazala je da je Svetog Oca pozvala u posjet Hrvatskoj, ali je zbog njegova "zgusnuta rasporeda" teško očekivati da bi se taj posjet mogao realizirati ove ili iduće godine. Rekla da je s Papom razgovarala i o kanonizaciji blaženog kardinala Alojzija Stepinca, socijalnoj krizi u Hrvatskoj i stanju u svijetu.

"Pozvala sam ga u posjet Hrvatskoj. Rekao mi je da jako puno zna o Hrvatskoj - osim što su njegova dva ispovjednika bili Hrvati, isto tako poznaje mnogo Hrvata iz iseljeničke zajednice u Argentini", kazala je predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović.

"Vjerujem da bi ga hrvatski narod i svi hrvatski građani rado pozdravili", naglasila je.

Predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović je o mogućem posjetu pape Franje razgovarala i s državnim tajnikom Svete Stolice kardinalom Pietrom Parolinom. "On mi je, međutim kazao, da je za sljedeću godinu raspored Svetog Oca vrlo zgusnut", rekla je.

Hrvatska predsjednica kazala je da se razgovaralo i o mogućoj skoroj kanonizaciji blaženoga kardinala Alojzija Stepinca.

"Naravno, razgovarali smo o tome, Sveti Otac mi je rekao da za njega nema nikakve dvojbe. Međutim, u međuvremenu je osnovano jedno mješovito povjerenstvo s Pravoslavnom Crkvom kako bi se razmotrili još neki aspekti“, kazala je hrvatska predsjednica. Dodala je da je to "čin koji nije uperen ni protiv koga".

"To je jednostavno nešto što je trebalo odraditi još davno prije, jer kardinal Stepinac je doista bio sveti čovjek", naglasila je predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović.

Predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović je, u izjavi za hrvatske novinare, rekla kako je razgovor s Papom bio "vrlo srdačan", te da je uključio "mnoge teme - stanje u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini, stanje u svijetu, globalnu krizu i probleme kršćana, te druga pitanja globalne sigurnosti".

"Posebno o čemu smo se složili je socijalno stanje u Hrvatskoj, velika kriza, odlazak mladih, problemi s demografijom, starenje, odumiranje Hrvatske, te kriza obitelji“, rekla je predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović, dodavši da je zamolila papu Franju da "moli za hrvatsku državu i za sve nas, za hrvatski narod i našu budućnost".

Na kraju službenog posjeta Vatikanu, Predsjednica Republike je u Veleposlanstvu Republike Hrvatske pri Svetoj Stolici odlikovala kardinala Dominiquea Mambertija, bivšeg vatikanskog ministra vanjskih poslova, Redom kneza Trpimira s ogrlicom i Danicom za osobni i višegodišnji doprinos u pristupanju Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji te promicanje prijateljskih odnosa između Republike Hrvatske i Svete Stolice.


28 May 2015, the Vatican

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, who is on an official visit to the Vatican, spoke with Pope Francis during an audience at the Papal Home, after which she met with the Secretary of State of His Holiness Pope Francis, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

President Grabar-Kitarović used the half-hour conversation with Pope Francis to invite him to Croatia, and presented him with a part of the Mass vestments made of Lepoglava lace. She also handed Pope Francis books he has authored that have been translated into the Croatian language, as well as a Croatian national football team jersey imprinted with the number nine. Pope Francis reciprocated by presenting President Grabar-Kitarović with an apostolic exhortation and a medal of St. Martin.

President Grabar-Kitarović, after her audience with Pope Francis, said that she had invited the Holy Father to visit Croatia, but because of his “tight schedule” it was difficult to expect that the visit could be realised in this year or even next year. She also spoke with the Pope about the canonization of Blessed Cardinal Stepinac, the social crisis in Croatia and the situation throughout the world.

“I invited His Holiness to visit Croatia. He told me that he knows quite a lot about Croatia – besides his two confessors who were Croatians, he also knows many Croatians from the diaspora in Argentina,” said President Grabar-Kitarović.

“I am convinced that the Croatian people and all Croatian citizens would gladly welcome him,” she underlined.

President Grabar-Kitarović also held talks with the Secretary of State of His Holiness Pope Francis, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, regarding the possible visit of Pope Francis. “He, however, told me that the Holy Father’s schedule for next year is very tight,” conveyed President Grabar-Kitarović.

The President of Croatia said that talks also included the possible near canonization of Blessed Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.

“Of course, we talked about it. The Holy Father told me that as far as he is concerned there are no doubts. However, in the meantime, a joint commission with the Orthodox Church has been established in order to discuss some other aspects,” said the President of Croatia, adding that such an "act is not directed against anybody."

“It is simply something that should have been attended to a long time ago, because Cardinal Stepinac was truly a holy man,” said President Grabar-Kitarović.

President Grabar-Kitarović, in a statement to Croatian reporters, said that the talks with the Pope were “very cordial” and that they included “many topics – the situation in Croatia, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the situation in the world, the global crisis and the problems Christians are contending with, and other issues concerning global security.”

“In particular, what we agreed on is the social situation in Croatia, the major crisis, the departure of young people, problems with the demographics, aging, the demise of Croatia, and the crisis of the family,” said President Grabar-Kitarović, adding that she had asked Pope Francis to "pray for the Croatian state and for all of us, for the Croatian people and our future.”

At the end of the official visit to the Vatican, the President of the Republic of Croatia awarded Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, the Vatican’s former Foreign Minister, with the Order of Prince Trpimir with Ribbon and Star for his personal contribution towards Croatia’s accession to the European Union and in promoting friendly relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Holy See.


The discussion went, among others, about the collaboration between the Church and the State for the common good of Croatian
society, especially the support of families and the young. Attention then turned to the social consequences of the global economic crisis,
and the main challenges at a regional level, with particular attention to the situation of Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Very beautiful lace that can be seen on her headscarf has been created in Croatia,
and is a result a centuries old tradition, enlisted on UNESCOs Representative List
 of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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