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Srdjan Bulat wins three times in Gorizia
By Marko Puljić | Published  05/20/2009 | People , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Young guitarist shines in classical guitar competition

Srdjan Bulat a fourth year student from the Zagreb Music Academy from Split, confirmed once  again that he is known as one of the best guitar players at the European Classical Guitar Competition "Cittŕ di Gorizia" held May 15-17 in the Italian city of Gorizia. He competed in three of the toughest categories: as a soloist, member of a quartet, and as a member of a duet with a violinist.


He shared 3rd prize with violinist Barbara Polsek in the 8th category for guitar in combination with another instrument.  In the 7th category of guitar chamber ensemble as the first guitar in the Guitar Quartet of the Music Academy, Srdjan won first prize and in the 6th category as a soloist he won 2nd prize despite tough competition against 40 guitarists from 15 other countries.    

The importance of this competition is demonstrated by the fact that in addition to the best young European guitarist, representatives from Australia, Mexico, Korea also competed. At this year's 6th Annual "Enrico Mercatali" competition, Bulat became the first guitarist who won awards in all three categories  with no age restrictions, as a soloist and as a member of a chamber ensemble.

Na međunarodnom natjecanju "Enrico Mercatali", održanom od 15. do 17. svibnja  u talijanskom gradu Goriziji, Splićanin Srđan Bulat, student 4. godine Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu, potvrdio je još jednom renome jednog od najboljih gitarista. Nastupio je u tri najjače kategorije: kao solist, član kvarteta i kao član dua s violinom.

U duetu s violinisticom Barbarom Polšek osvojio je 3. nagradu u 8. kategoriji namijenjenoj gitari u kombinaciji s drugim instrumentima.  U 7. kategoriji gitarističkih komornih sastava kao prva gitara u Gitarskom kvartetu Muzičke akademije osvojio je 1. nagradu, a u 6. kategoriji kao solist  2. nagradu u vrlo jakoj konkurenciji četrdeset gitarista iz petnaest zemalja svijeta.

O značaju natjecanja dovoljno govori činjenica da su se osim ponajboljih mladih europskih gitarista natjecali  i predstavnici Australije, Meksika, Koreje. Na ovogodišnjem 6. izdanju natjecanja "Enrico Mercatali"  -  Bulat je postao prvi gitarist koji je osvojio nagrade u sve tri kategorije bez dobne granice; kao solist i kao član komornih sastava.

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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