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 »  Home  »  Religion  »  Mother Teresa proclaimed a saint in 2016 and her connections with Croatia
Mother Teresa proclaimed a saint in 2016 and her connections with Croatia
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/5/2016 | Human Rights , People , Education , Charity , Religion | Unrated
Mother Teresa owned Croatian passport

Croatian passport of Saint Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, of Albanian nationality, receiving the Croatian passport in Kolkata in 1995 from the then Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to India, dr. Drago Štambuk.
Croatian Coat of Arms can be clearly seen on the passport.

Mother Teresa was fluent in Croatian language.
On several occasions, she had spiritual speeches held in Croatian in the Zagreb Cathedral.

Majka Terezija - Misionarka kršćanske ljubavi (in Croatian)

Mother Teresa and dr. Drago Stambuk, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to India, praying together in 1995 in Kolkata.

Dr Drago Štambuk entrega a la Madre Teresa el pasaporte croata que se ve sobre la mesa.
La ciudadanía le fue entregada para su cumpleańos número 85, el 26 de agosto de 1995,
por el entonces embajador croata en la India, Drago Štambuk.
Translated from Croatian by Carmen Verlichak, Buenos Aires. Source<.p>

Majka Terezija - Poruka mladima (Message to Young People; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

Majka Terezija - Kako imati čisto srce (How to have a pure heart; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

Majka Terezija - Ne treba se bojati smrti (One does not have to be afraid of death; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

Majka Terezija - Poruka bolesnicima (Message to Young People; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

Majka Terezija - Ljubav prema molitvi (Love towards prayer; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

In 1979, immediately before receiving her Nobel Prize for Peace in Oslo, Mother Teresa was
in Croatia's capital Zagreb, where her sandals are now kept that she wore for 18 years.
They are exhibited in the Nova Ves street in Zagreb, in the church of St. Dismas.

From Zagreb, she went to receive her 1979 Nobel Prize for Peace in Oslo with her new sandals,
that she wore until the end of her life. Photo by Getty Images.

Mother Teresa in Zagreb in 1977 with Fr. Ante Gabrić and Vladimir Paleček. Many thanks to Snježana Božić for the photo.

Mother Teresa receiving keys of the car from Vladimir Paleček; Fr. Ante Gabrić on the right.
Photo from the monograph Vladimir Paleček: Djeca zemalja u razvoju, Međunarodni fond "Gladno dijete", 1980.

Mother Teresa in Croatia's capital Zagreb in the court of Basilica of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Palmotićeva 31, around 1980.
Many thanks to Br. Ivo Domazet (on the photo on the left).

Mother Teresa, photograph by Zvonimir Atletić, Zagreb, Croatia

Mother Teresa and Ante Gabrić, SJ, Croatian missionary in Bengal. Mother Teresa was fluent in Croatian. Photo by Zvonimir Atletić.

Majka Terezija - Krunica I (Rosary I; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

Majka Terezija - Krunica II (Rosary II; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

Majka Terezija - Krunica III (Rosary III; Mother Teresa speaking in Croatian)

Mother Teresa and Ante Gabrić, photo by Zvonimir Atletić.

Zvonimir Atletić in a friendly chat with Mother Teresa in 1970s.
Zvonimir Ateltic is professional Croatian photographer. His unique photos include such persons like Mother Teresa and Father Ante Gabrić,
well known worldwide for their humanitarian work, especially in India. Mr Atletić had numerous exhibitions not only in Croatia,
but also in Italy, France, Poland, Indonesia, Brasil, etc.

Prayer in India. Photo by Zvonimir Atletić.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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