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Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2016 accompanied with beautiful Croatian Christams carols
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/25/2015 | Music , Croatian spirituality , Croatian Language , Entertainment , Education , Religion | Unrated
Croatia has as many as 500 traditional Christmas carols, more than any nation in the Christian world

The birth of Jesus Christ, carved in wood by Croatian sculptor and painter Andrija Buvina from the 13th century.

Croatian Christmas Carols (Traditional) / Tradicionalne Hrvatske Božićne Pjesme
Music by the Cathedral Oratorio Choir Mostar. (Album: Christmas in Mostar/Božić u Mostru)

The wooden portal built in 1214 is 5.3 m high, and consists of 28 scenes from the life of Jesus Christ.
It is ranked among the most beautiful pieces of art in the medieval Europe.
Photos from Croatian Encyclopaedia.

Croatia has as many as 500 traditional Christmas carols, the oldest ones dating from the 12th century, and sung also today. This number is probably greater than in the case of any other nation in the Christian world. We provide several video recordings to illustrate this important religious and musical heritage of the Republic of Croatia, which was a source of inspiration for numerous composers. On the photo a Christmas detail from the wooden portal of Andrija Buvina in the Split Cathedral, dating from 1214, of 530 cm of height. This is a top monument of Croatian culture.

We send our warmest Christams greetings to Mr. Slobodan Praljak and his family.

The Cathedral of Sv. Dujam in the city of Split is considered to be the oldest one in the world (7th century).
Previously it served as a mausoleum of Diocletian, a Roman Emperor (3rd/4th centuries).

Duquesne University Tamburitzans "Christmas In Croatia" FULL ALBUM Walter W. Kolar

Bio je Božić. Krasna noć. Nebo vedro, osuto zlatnim zvijezdama. Zima ljuta, a po gori zagrebačkoj, po prodolima snijeg do pasa. Na suhim granama blistalo inje poput alema, a mjesečina titrala snijegom kao da je zemlja posuta biserom... Bio je Božić, sveti dan.... Svijet se veselio spomenu kralja nebeskoga, kojino u Betlehemu ugleda svijet. Blagi se mir spuštao na dušu čovječju i u sav glas kliktalo grlo: Narodi se kralj nebeski!

August Šenoa: Zlatarevo zlato, Zagreb, 1871.

Zahvaljujemo gospođi Jasmini Reis iz Zagreba na poslanom prilogu.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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