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Marko Puljić
Marko's story is similar to those of many other Croats of his time. He was born and immediately thereafter, joined the struggle to attain Croatian independence. Once Croatian independence had been achieved he asked himself "now what?" and discovered life and something called the Internet. He began to experiment with websites and started to see the power and the reach of the information age. He began to see it as a tool for linking together and communicating with fellow Croats around the world. As the potential of the Internet continued to grow he began to try and promote Croatia and Croatians using this new medium. Somewhere along the way he met Nenad, the future creator of Croatian World Net and was asked to participate with articles and help in general tasks. With the launch of the revised Croatian World Net website that now stands before you, he was again asked to play a role in it. The digital world is not exclusively Marko's medium of choice. He is an author and has had articles published in a wide array of publications from student papers to popular media like the Croatian Chronicle. Marko also has had translations published in both electronic media and in traditional print. The only thing Marko has to do is, publish a book, and he doesn't rule it out - except he doesn't know what he would write about! Aside from the media Marko tries to keep his mind active and tries to get out as often as he can. His hobbies, or at least what he calls his hobbies, are too numerous and would potentially brand him a geek if he mentioned them.
Articles by this Author
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Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 59: Winter 2024
 | In 2024, I will release my 7th and 8th album. Music from the movies played by symphony orchestra, and Forgotten Songs, album with the songs that I either recorded but never released or never recorded at all but remembered them. Let's see if I really accomplish that. My main preoccupation after having Parkinson for 14 years is a global movement PingPongParkinson that I started on March 1, 2017. Two major tournaments are listed here: 9-12 May 2024 PingPongParkinson German Open, and 14-19 October 2024 PingPongParkinson World Championship Laško Slovenia. |
Marinko Marco Radakovic to appear in the film "Don't Look Up"

| Marinko Marco Radakovic (left) will appear in the new film "Don't Look Up" an upcoming American satirical science fiction black comedy film written, produced, and directed by Adam McKay. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence as two low-level astronomers attempting to warn mankind, via a media tour, about an approaching comet that will destroy Earth. The film is set to receive a limited theatrical release on December 10, 2021, prior to streaming on Netflix on December 24, 2021. |
NFCA and CFU To Celebrate 30 Plus Years of Croatian Independence on June 26th Celebration Webinar
 | On Saturday, June 26th at 11:00am eastern, the NFCA will be co-hosting with the Croatian Fraternal Union, a global webinar salute to the founding of the Republic of Croatia's democracy. The NFCA's webinar will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Independence Day and to honor another "Statehood Day" (1990 milestone) and Croatia's successful and historic road to democracy and it's independence achieved especially in the 1990-1991 time frame. |
Poziv Hrvatima u iseljeništvu koji su prikupljali donacije: Neka vaša pomoć trajno ostane zapisana

| Nenad Bach, osnivač CROWN-a (Croatian World Network) pokrenuo je akciju pomoću koje bi pomoć Hrvata iz iseljeništva stradalima u potresu, ali i inače pomoć Hrvata iz iseljeništva Domovini, trajno ostala zapisana, te pomoću koje bi svima bilo vidljivo koliko je tko i iz koje države uplatio. Bach smatra kako je hrvatsko iseljeništvo uvijek pomagalo i pomaže kad je najgore, bezuvjetno, od srca i velikodušno, a za uzvrat nikad nije tražilo ništa. |
GoFundMe Campaign Launched To Assist With Croatian Earthquake Relief Efforts
 | We are monitoring the situation in Croatia following the devastating earthquake that struck near the towns of Petrinja and Sisak, and caused major damage and loss of life. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who died and are injured, all those impacted, as well as with the first responders and volunteers who continue their search and rescue operations. As global Croatian organizations, we stand united with our homeland. We call on all of our members and friends to join us. |
Rent A Local - Production for everyday people

| Rent A Local is a new startup founded by Anđela Prnjak with the goal of helping foreigners with all their needs in Croatia. Prnjak was a producer with vast experience in high budget foreign video projects. After she lost her job because of Corona, she reinvented herself and founded a company that would be like "a production for everyday people". They can help you organise a sailing trip, finding an apartment or a good location for your new business. Even searching a translator, mechanic, plumber or help you out with the paperwork. They will make your stay in Croatia less stressful. |
New Book: "Immigrant Daughter: Stories You Never Told Me" by Catherine Capphahn
 | American-born Catherine knows little of her Croatian mother's early life. When Marijana dies of ovarian cancer, twenty-two-year-old Catherine finds herself cut off from the past she never really knew. As Catherine searches for clues to her mother's elusive history, she discovers that Marijana was orphaned during WWII, nearly died as a teenager, and escaped from Communist Yugoslavia to Rome, and then South America. Through travel and memory, history and imagination, Catherine resurrects the relatives she's never known. |
2019 Heritage, History and Cultures of Croatia Hosted by Robert Jerin
 | We invite you to join noted genealogist, Robert Jerin, for this custom designed exploration of beautiful Croatia. We'll have a chance to meet with local villagers as well as professionals working in the field of genealogy. We will learn why the gem we call Croatia has been sought after (or coveted) over the centuries. We'll explore the rugged landscape as we work our way north along the Dalmatian coastline. We'll visit towns with thousands of years of history, and port cities that pre-date Roman history. Tour dates are May 9-22, 2019. |
Help needed with crowd funding a Croatian translation of the book "Health at Every Size"
 | Can you help? Jasna Roy is trying to rise funds necessary to acquire copy rights, translate to Croatian, and publish a book "Health at Every Size" by Linda Bacon Phd. This book inspired a new, groundbreaking program of the same name, meant for treating non-specific eating disorders, practiced in the Psychiatric hospital Sveti Ivan in Zagreb, Croatia. Every participant of the program, and also every other person struggling with any eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and non-specific disorders) would greatly benefit from having the book available in their mother tongue. |
Heritage and History Tour of Croatia and its Islands September 14-30, 2018
 | We invite you to join noted genealogist, Robert Jerin, for this custom designed exploration of beautiful Croatia. We'll have a chance to meet with local villagers as well as professionals working in the field of genealogy. Also encountering artisans and experts dedicated to studying the rich history, culture and heritage of Croatia. Not only will we walk the paths of our ancestors and notable figures in history but we will visit several places featured in major American motion pictures. |
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