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Eduard & Dominik Galic Croatian film producers
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  10/1/2008 | Croatian Heroes , People | Unrated
Producers of the Vukovar Heroes series

Photo by Zoran Orlić


The TV and film director Eduard Galić is probably the most productive Croatian director. He directed over 30 TV- dramas, 10 TV series, around 40 documentaries, 3 featured movies and more than 100 different TV forms in his 45 years of creative work

Writing about Eduard Galić' work is similar to writing about the TV history because his TV series and movies marked more than 5 decades of the television in this region....

He was born in 1936 in Trogir. He finished the  Classical Grammar school in Split and then  the study of archeology and history at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. He worked for 4 years as an assistant to the professor Milan Prelog at the Department of Medieval Archeology. He then started to be interested in directing during his history and archeology studies, which will make the significant mark on his directing career. He was actively involved in directing since 1963.

At the beginning of his career, Eduard Galić directed documentaries about monumental heritage. His first important TV work include drama "Propali dvori" (Ruined Castles) based on Jasko Leskovar novel, "Pisac Bartebly" based on Herman Melville's work and "Sjenke" (Shadows)  based on Franjo Leskovar Kiš novel. He also directed TV dramas like "Posljednji StipančićiW based on Vjenceslav Novak novel, "Susret pred odlazak" based on Krešo Novosel script, "Prikupljanje hrabrosti" (first Rade Šerbedžija act) based on Ivo Štivičić script, "Prije potopa" based on Antun Šoljan script. The famous Croatian actor of that time like Fabijan Šovagović, Božidar Boban, Ivo Šubić, Ivo Serdar, Ljubica Jović, Helena Buljan, Špiro Guberina, Nada Subotić took a role in this drama.

He also directed a number of documentaries during this period including Sunt lacrimae rerum, Predvečerje, Večer documentary on problems in Istria, short feature movie „Osveta“ and movie "Klesari", which prompted prof. Hrvoje Turković to include Galić in the anthology of Croatian documentary.

He directed his first featured movie "Crne Ptice" in 1967. featuring Fabijan Šovagović, Rade Šerbedžija, Voja Mirić, Ivo Serdar, Iva Marjanović, Relja Bašić, Vanja Drach,Tonči Vrdoljak

He directed two TV series at the end of 60s. These were "Očenašek" based on Vjekoslav Majer novel and "Sam Čovjek" based on Ivo Kozarčanin novel where main roles were played by Špiro Guberina and Rade Šerbedžija

During 1970s Galić started work on big TV series, which are probably the most famous part of his work. These series included: Dimities Tucović, Svetozar Marković, Nikola Tesla. They all featured the best actors from former Yugoslavia. The most important series "Izdanci iz opaljenog grma" based on Veljko Petrović story and Galić script. They won the award for the best TV series in Belgrade studio of all time. He also directed the movie about canonization of blessed Nikola Tavelić.

During the 70s he also started directing the different music plays such as Dramolet po Ćiribiliju scripted by Milan Grgić and music produced by Alfi Kabiljo. He also directed the only church play broadcasted on TV before 1990s Muka sv. Margarite.  It is the dramatized saint’s legend  written at the end of Middle Age. Music was written by Anđelko Klobučar. The interesting fact in this play is that beside Dubravka Zubović, the actors Mustafa Nadarević and Vlatko Zulić also sang in the play Galić directed in 1978 "Tomo Bakaran" scripted by Ivo Štivičić and based on  motifs from Krleža stories. This movie, consisting of two parts, is one of the best Galić' accomplishments and marks the beginning of his friendship with Krleža. Krleža proposed to Galić to direct the TV serial based on his novel "Banket u Blitvi". Although Galić and writer Ivan Kušan almost finished the project, but in the meantime Krleža died, and  HTV (Croatian Television) manager Puharić stopped the project without any explanation.

This set-back did not stop Galić, so he continued in the 80s to work with Ivo Štivičić based on Krleža's work. The result of this effort is anthological "Put u Vučjak", TV series consisting of 15 episodes. He also directed TV serial "Nepokoreni Grad" and 3-hour long TV serial "Hrvatski narodni preporod"  about Croatian national revival. This was the first time that famous Croatian reveille "Još Hrvatska ni propala" was played after 1945.

Galić was tied to Krleža work very closely, so in addition to directing movies based on his work, he also directed TV features movie Predvečerje puno skepse which represented the overview of Krleža political and intellectual engagement from the World War I till 1970s. The basis for this movie were the books of Enes Čengić conversation with Krleža. He always came back to Krleža, so he directed documentary on Krleža "Povratak bez poante" in 2000. scripted by Vlaho Bogišić Galić also used modern authors work in his creative career- Vježbe iz gađanja, Talog, Gorčina u grlu, Boksači are only four of several dramas that he directed from Zvonimir Majdak work.

He also directed Božićna bajka written by Mate Matešić, Olovna pričest by Borislav Vujčić, Ispovijed koju niste zavrijedili by Slobodan Novak, Šokica by Tomislav Kovačević, Adagio and Requiem za Borisa by Lada Kaštelan, Ljubavi Georga Washingtona and Zaboravi Hollywood by Miro Gavran, Starci by Antun Šoljan,  Svila, Škare by Irena Vrkljan, Rasprodaja by Čedo Prica, Sokak triju ruža by Ivan Aralica, and Razbijena Vaza by Palma Katalinić,...

During the 1990s, before the war, he directed drama "Tuđinac" written by Dinko Šimunović. During this period he directed number of shows tied to the war like "Ratna poezija" written by different Croatian authors , "Preobraženje" written by A.B Šimić and produced in cooperation with his friend, actor and painter  Darko Ćurdo. He directed Vukovarska pasija i Križni put (about last three days of defense of Vukovar and massacre on Ovčara)  and "Nazarečanin" about Jesus' life based on Bible. These were recored in war-torn Vukovar as a tribute to Vukovar. His creative work during 90s all the way to 2008 is primarily focused on suffering of Vukovar. He finished first 10 episodes (out of 30 planned) of documentary "Heroji Vukovara" that show who are really the people that defended Vukovar.

It is easy to conclude from Galić work who are his favorite actors. These certainly are: Rade Šerbedžija, Fabijan Šovagović Mustafa Nadarević, Miljenko Brlečić, Alma Prica, Matija Prskalo, Ivica Vidovič, Špiro Guberina, Zvonimir Lepetić, Edo Peročević, Dragan Despot, Joško Ševo, Božidar Alić and one of the most favorite Ivo Serdar. Galić likes actors, he gives them incredible freedom, which can cause problems sometime, but fortunately he worked with actors that created only a few problems. Galić also worked with the number of Belgrade actors especially Petar Božović, Đorđe Jelisić, Bato Stojković and Ljubo Tadić.

Galić creative work is both impressive and diverse. He directed the novel adjustments and frequently he adjusted certain work for TV, including original scripts for drama, but certainly tandem Galić-Štivičić should be pointed out. They produced different types of TV broadcast including "Planetarij", show about culture and society, "Zvijezde iznad", interviews with famous Croatian actors that public knew little about, their beginnings, work and memories. This cooperation was especially successful in adjustment of Krleža work for TV production.

Galić is among his friends known for his love for classical music and opera. They say it is addiction, not just love, because there are only few things that Galić does not have in his music library on CD, DVD or tapes. It is interesting to mention that editors of classical music radio show "Šišmiš" used his library to play music on radio. He has also shown his love for classical music working with Anna Maria Dorichich, editor of Classical Music Program at HRT.  He directed portraits of musicians such as Sena Jurinac, Tomislav Neralić, Ivo Pogorelić, Boris Papandopulo, Andjelko Klobučar,  Mario Penzar, Dunja Vejzović, Pavle, Valter, Maja Dešpalj, Bruno Bjelinski, Dragica Martinis, Boris Martinović, Ljiljana Molnar- Talajić and lastly Marjan Jerbić. He had special admiration for Jerbić , although his work was not very much publicized in Croatia. His admiration for Jerbić he shared with Dorichich so they produced music pearls J.S. Bach Cello suites Nos. 1-6 and  Koralne predigre interpreted by Marjan Jerbić. They also produced series of shows "Šampanj, Šampanj" one of the best New Year's show ever. Their cooperation also produced two large Boris Papandopulo projects  Muka našeg gospodina Krista po Ivanu and Franc Liszt „Križni put“  under conductor Igor Kuljerić Galić  had good cooperation with Dimitrije Popović when Molitva and  Sedam posljednjih riječi Isusa Krista with Jospeh Hayden were produced. This does not represent the end of Galić interest in Croatian artists. He produced his vision of their work including:

Munir Vejzović, Ivo Šebalj, Matko Trebotić, Zlatko Kauzlarić Atač, Ivan Lacković-Croata, Zvonimir Lončarić, Kažimir Hraste, Vatroslav Kuljiš, Ivan Lovrenčić, Zlatko Prica, Anton Gliha, Ljerka Njerž, Petar Barišić, Matko Mijić and others. This is just a smaller part of Galić fruitful and diverse creative work.

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Photos by Zoran Orlić

Dominik Galić


Dominik Galić je hrvatski olimpijac. Rođen je 1975. g. Trenutno drži hrvatski rekord na 200 m delfin u 25 metarskim bazenima, a donedavno je držao rekord i na 50 m. Najveći uspjesi su mu osvajanje 6. mjesta na Europskom prvenstvu u plivanju u Lisabonu 1999. g., 3. mjesto na svjetskim vojnim igrama, 21. mjesto na Olimpijskim igrama u Atlanti (s hrvatskim rekordom), te 11. mjesto na Američkom sveučilišnom prvenstvu 1997. g. (najkvalitetnijem svjetskom natjecanju u malim bazenima).

Nakon diplomiranja 1999. g. na Sveučilištu u Californiji na Berkeleyu u administraciji poslovanja, Dominik se vraća u Hrvatsku gdje dvije godine provodi radeći u VIPNET-u na vođenju projekata.

Godine 2000., odmah nakon kraja plivačke karijere, scenarist je dokumentarnog filma "Ma ne dolazi u obzir, to nas uopće ne zanima" o trojici splitskih plivača Milošu Miloševiću, Tomislavu Karlu i Miri Žeravici. Film je rađen za HTV, a redatelj je Eduard Galić.

Godine 2003. počinje se baviti producentski poslom u suradnji s ocem, velikim hrvatskim redateljem Eduardom  Galićem.

Prvi veći producentski projekt mu je velika predstava "Idemo na more" na jarunskom jezeru koja je bila koprodukcija s Hrvatskim narodnim kazalištem i zbog koje je na jarunskom jezeru napravljen pravi mali dalmatinski gradić. Glavne uloge igrali su Špiro Guberina, Boris Dvornik i Marija Kohn. Redatelj je Eduard Galić.

Slijedio je projekt "Naše vatrene godine", dokumentarni film o prvih deset godina hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije koji je u suradnji Večernjim listom postigao iznimno dobru prodaju od više od 40.000 primjeraka čime je postao naprodavaniji hrvatski film uopće. Redatelj je Eduard Galić, dok je scenarist poznati hrvatski novinar Andrija Kačić-Karlin.

Poslije suradnje s ocem na dokumentarnom filmu "Vukovarska pasija i križni put" sredinom 2005. g. Vukovar, odnosno vukovarska bitka postaje glavna tema Dominikove producentske karijere.

Istražujući vukovarsku bitku upoznaje se s vukovarskim i hrvatskim herojem Markom Babićem, te kao plod te suradnje dolazi do projekta "Heroji Vukovara", dokumentarne serije u tri dijela od po deset nastavaka koja kroz najistaknutije borce s  prve crte bojišnice opisuje vukovarsku bitku. Prvi serijal od deset epizoda podnaslova "Groblje tenkova" je gotov, a njegovo emitiranje se upravo dogođa na  HTV-u. Dominik je u spomenutom serijalu producent i scenarist.

Dominikov rad je  nagrađivan važnim svjetskim nagradama. Dvd "Vukovar 1991." koji je nastao kao plod rada na seriji "Heroji Vukovara" proglašen je od najveće svjetske udruge novinskih izdavača INMA najboljim svjetskim dvd proizvodom odnosno izdavačkim pothvatom godine.

Trenutačno kao producent radi na projektu snimanja dokumentarnog filma o blaženom Augustinu Kažotiću (oko 1260.-1323.) koji je započet u veljači 2004. godine snimanjem liturgijskog slavlja povodom 700. obljetnice dolaska blaženog Augustina Kažotića u Zagreb za biskupa, tijekom mise koju je  predvodio kardinal Bozanić (13. 2. 2004.). Premijera filma o blaženom Augustinu Kažotiću očekuje se koncem 2008. godine. Redatelj je Eduard Galić.

Dominik Galić je  i producent  filma o obnovi zagrebačke katedrale,  koji je upravo dovršen, a za koji je zajedno s ocem Eduardom Galićem angažiran od odbora za obnovu Zagrebačke katedrale.

Po povratku iz Amerike 1999. g. Dominik je pomagao hrvatskom plivanju organizirajući plivačke kampove s poznatim američkim trenerima te pokrečući plivački časopis. Dominik je također pred završetkom magisterija u bankarstvu i financijama na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Bankarstvo i financije su također područje u kojem je Dominik aktivno uključen s nekoliko projekata, ali budući da to nije tema ovog kratkog životopisa, to ovdje samo spominjemo.


Dominik Galić participated in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta representing Croatia. He was born in 1975. He currently holds the Croatian national record in 200m butterfly in 25m pools, and he held the record in 50 m pools until earlier this year. His biggest success was the 6th place at the  European championship in Lisbon in 1999, 3rd place at the World Military Sports Games and 21st place at the Olympic Games in Atlanta (with Croatian national record).He also won 11th place at NCAA National Championship in 1997.

He returned to Croatia upon graduation with the Bachelors degree in Business Administration from the University of California Berkeley. He worked in VIP-net as a Project Manager for 2 years.

He wrote a script play for the documentary "No way, we are not interested" in 2000, soon after finishing his swimming career. The documentary is about three swimmers from Split: Miloš Milošević, Tomislav Karlo and Miro Žeravica. The documentary was produced for Croatian television (HTV), and the documentary director was Eduard Galić.

He started film production business in 2003. in cooperation with his father, famous Croatian film director, Eduard Galić.

His first production was play "Let's go to the seaside" was held on Jarun Lake. The play was performed in coproduction with Croatian National Theatre (HNK). The entire small Dalmatian town was replicated at the lake for this play. The main actors starring were Špiro Guberina, Boris Dvornik and Marija Kohn. The play director was Eduard Galić

The next project was "Our fiery years", the documentary about first ten years of Croatian national football team. The documentary sold more than 40,000 copies in cooperation with "Večernji list", the leading Croatian daily. The film director was Eduard Galić, and script play was written by famous Croatian journalist Andrija Kačić-Karčin

After production of the documentary "Vukovar’s passion and the way of the Cross" in  cooperation with his father Eduard Galić, Vukovar battle became the main focus of Dominik's production work.

He met Vukovar hero Marko Babić while conducting research on Vukovar battle. The product of their cooperation is the project "Heroes of Vukovar". This is documentary serial consisting of three parts, with each part containing of 10 episodes. The first part consisting of ten episodes "Graveyard of Tanks" is finished and is currently broadcasted on Croatian television. Dominik is scriptwriter and producer of the documentary series.

Dominik received top world awards for his work. DVD "Vukovar 1991", that was produced as a product of work "Heroes of Vukovar". Project won INMA award (the largest world association of newspaper publishers) as best world DVD issue of the year.

He is currently involved in producing documentary on blessed Augustin Kažotić. The project started in 2004. during the mass marking 700th anniversary of naming Kažotić as Zagreb bishop. The mass was celebrated by Cardinal Bozanić. The premiere of the documentary is expected by the end of 2008. The director is Eduard Galić.

Dominik Galić also produced documentary on renovation of Zagreb Cathedral that was finished recently. He produced the documentary in association with Zagreb Cathedral Renovation Committee.

Upon his return from the US, Dominik also helped the development of Croatian swimming by organizing swimming camps in cooperation with US swimming coaches. He is currently finishing his Masters degree in Banking and Finance at Economic Faculty in Zagreb. Finance and banking is a field where Dominik is also very involved with several projects, but since it is not the subject of this short biography we mention it only in passing.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by dusko bukna HRVATSKI RADIO VUKOVAR)

    Pro¹lo je nekoliko godina od ka da sam vam u vinkovaèkom hotelu Slavonija samo zbog mog pokojnog prijatelja posudio video materijal koji kako sam vidio lijepo ste uspijeli iskoristiti u serijalu Vukovarski heroji...I nakon nekoliko poziva Dominiku,da mi te VHS materijale vrati nema od toga ni¹ta...E da je Marko ¾iv...
  • Comment #2 (Posted by eli)

    voljela bi vidjeti Vukovarske Hrvatske Heroje na History channel
    da to vidi svijet - to su istinita svijedocanstva zabranjena u HR.
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