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Michel Iellatchitch from France descendant of the Russian branch of noble Croatian family of Jelacic
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  07/23/2014 | People , History , Education | Unrated
Mr. Michel Iellatchitch is the author a very nice survey of the history of the Russian branch of the noble Croatian family of Jelačić's

Michel Iellatichitch with his sons Victor and François in the building of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in front of the Baška Tablet,
carved in the Glagolitic Script. The Baška Tablet is one of the most important monuments of early Croatian literacy, dating from arround 1100.

Michel Iellatchitich from France descendant of the Russian branch of Croatian noble family of Jelacic

Mr. Michel Iellatchitch, citizen of France living in the province of Alsace, visited the city of Zagreb from April 25th till 28th with his two sons Victor and François. His daughter Josephine did not come this time. Mr. Iellatchitch and his two sons payed a visit to the Baška Tablet, a famous Croatian Glagolitic monument from the 11th century, kept in the palace of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
They have also visited the Kerempuh caffe, which has a huge wall painting representing various distinguished Croatian historical persons, writers, artists, etc., and among them the most distinguished place has Josip Jelačić. Josip Jelačić was Croatian ban (Governer) in the mid 19th century.

While walking through the Zrinjevac park, a local guide, describing them important Croatian persons in history, asked them if they are familiar with the name of Jelačić. They said: "Yes, we are Jelačić's!"

Mr. Michel Ieallatchitch was also in contact with some descendants of the Jelačić family in Croatia, for example, with Mr. Marcel Jelačić and with Mr. Dubravko Jelačić Bužimski, both of them members of Croatian Nobility. Mr. Dubravko Jelačić is a well known Croatian writer.

Mr. Michel Ielatchitch is a descendant of the so called Russian branch of this noble Croatian family, about the history of which he has written a very nice historical survey in the French language. For those interested, please, see

Mr. Michel Iellatchitch with his two sons Victor and François, accompanied with D.Ž., in the Kerempuh caffe in Zagreb, under the wall painting
on the top of which is represented a famous Croatian ban (governer) Josip Jelačić from the mid 19th century.
The main square of Croatia's capital Zagreb is bearing the name of Josip Jelačić.

Victor, Michel and François Iellatchitch in the building of the Croatian Academy of Sciences of Arts in Zagreb.

Victor, François and Michel Iellatchitch with their host D.Ž. in the Kerempuh Restaurant in Zagreb.

Victor, François and Michel Iellatchitch from France, with their local guide in the Zrinjevac park in Zagreb,
and with Mr. Dubravko Jelačić Bužimski from the city of Zagreb, distinguished Croatian writer.
Their guide (with a hat), describing them important Croatian persons in history, asked them
if they are familiar with the name of Jelačić. They answered all at once: "Yes, we are Jelačić's!"

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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