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Drago Stambuk a samurai poet connecting Japan and Croatia
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/18/2012 | Bilingual , Poetry , Education , Culture And Arts , Charity | Unrated
Niotkud / From Nowhere, selected poetry by Drago Štambuk, published in Tokyo 2011

Selected haiku poetry by Dr. Drago Štambuk, Croatian ambassador, published in Japan in 2011 during desastrous tsunami

Nad bunarom list
što pada
u nebo

A leaf over the well
into the sky.

The book haiku poetry has been published in Croatian, Japanese and English, edited and translated by Mr. Shikan Tadashi Kondo,
Tokyo: Ribun Publishing, May 2011

Razapet između
neba i zemlje.

between sky and earth.

Dr. Drago Štambuk

Born on the Island of Brač, Croatia. He graduated from the Medical School in Zagreb in 1974 and went on to specialize in internal medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology at the Clinical Medical Center in Zagreb. Lived and worked in London from 1983 to 1994. Between 1995 and 2000, he served as the Croatian ambassador to various countries, including India, Sri Lanka, Egypt and quite a few other Arab countries.

He was a Fellow at Harvard University from 2001 to 2002 and since 2005 has continued his diplomatic service as the Croatian ambassador to Japan. His writing career spans from 1973 and includes 35 collections of poetry in Croatian, English, French and Spanish.

His work has been included in all relevant anthologies of Croatian contemporary poetry. He has received numerous literary awards in his native country and abroad, and is the first recipient of Dragutin Tadijanovic Award established in 2008 by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.


Mr. Shikan Tadashi Kondo, Tokyo, editor and translator of the book


I was just about to send the draft for this book to the publisher on March 11, when we had the earthquaqe in the north. It shook Japan with its power of magnitude 9.0, shifting the ocean bed 24 meters and lifting 3 meters, while tilting the earth axis and making a day shorter by 16/1000th of a second. To make it worse, it caused the rise of historic tsunami which reached as high as 38 meters. To make it even worse, the tsunami hit some of the nukes along the coast, destroying the emergency cooling systems at Fukushima, and leaving millions of people under the clouds of unrest.

Poetry survives all the difficulties in the world and recites its history. Poetry wraps up the grief of wars and calamities in the blanket of life, and falls asleep in another dimension of time-space. So I hope this book to represent a marking for the development of 20 year-old Croatia for the revival of tsunami-ridden Japan.

Shokan T. Kondo
Nakano, Tokyo, May 11, 2011

Source: Niotkud / From Nowhere, p 123

 ACAH 2011, Osaka, Japan LibrAsia 2011, Osaka, Japan 'Ancient and Modern' & 'Journeys of Discovery'

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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