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Carmen Verlichak: Maria Josefa Ezcurra, El amor prohibide de Belgrano - 4th edition
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  10/29/2007 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
Hrvati u Argentini

4th edition

It was 1810 ,  the time of  the  birth  of our  nation and  also  of  course  our  political life .
War also arrived followed by cruelty  and treason  and behind them came poverty and  hopelesness .
It was at this time in the city  of  Buenos Aires that Belgrano and Maria Josefa Ezcurra met .
Bartolomé de Vedia, editor in chief of La Nación:
This excelent novel by CV is a classic as far as Manuel Belgrano is concerned.
She has woven a plot in which tragic love affairs, war, politics and even the suspicion of a crime amongst cousins  make  a fascinating  story . Once again history and a novel have come together with an  excellent  outcome . A book to be enjoyed.

4. edición

Bila je godina 1810. I rađala se domovina... a s njom i politika.
Došao je i rat sa svojom strašnom pratnjom: sprijeda su išle okrutnost, nadmoć i izdaja; straga su se nizali siroćad, bijeda i beznađe.
U to su se vrijeme u Santa Mariji Buenos Airesu susreli Manuel Belgrano i Maria Josefa Ezcurra.

Rekao je Bartolomé de Vedia, glavni urednik novine La Nación:

Izvrsni roman Carmen Vrljicak Verlichak već se ustalio kao klasično djelo u književnosti posvećenoj Belgranu.
Spriječene ljubavi, tajnovite nagodbe, rat, politički rizik, zavisti, čak i sumnja u zločin među rođacima, o čemu je uspomenu sačuvala samo cisterna kuće Ezcurra, to su labavi konci od kojih je autorica stvorila čvrstu romanesknu potku, napetu i strastvenu, s velikom pripovjednom snagom i obilnim bogatstvom ljudskih otkrića.
S Marijom Josefom još jedanput su se rukovali roman i povijest, s visoko pozitivnim ishodom. Proslavimo to.

En librerías o  pedirla  a:


Carmen Verlichak

O al teléfono (011) 155-701-9408



Carmen Verlichak among saffrons, in front of a chapel devoted to Croatian Defenders, situated on Medvednica hill near Zagreb (photo by D.Ž., spring 2007)


Interview vith Carmen Vrljicak Verlichak, autor of  "María Josefa Ezcurra, el amor prohibido de Belgrano" in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Caroline Couper: Bartolomé de Vedia, highly respected editorial writer and critic of La Nación described your book as an excellent historical novel. Is it, therefore, genuine history?


Carmen Verlichak: Manuel Belgrano is said to be the greatest hero of Argentine history together with José de San Martín. Belgrano was an outstanding journalist, essayist, economist, educator and simultaneously he was asked to lead the war of independence from Spain as general, since 1812.


Caroline Couper: And his private life was spicy.


Carmen Verlichak: He had passioned love affaire and tragic ones.

C. Couper: History is very complicated and so often history repeated itself& with a bit of make up or vithout it.


C. Verlichak: I wrote this novel in Croatia, in the fascinanting Maksimir, in Zagreb. Show was falling while I was writing in cozy little bars. It was there that the ecos of Milosevic's ethnic cleansing came to me again and again. And this inspired me to write about "exodo jujeńo" (exodus from Jujuy) ordered by Belgrano; a chapter of Argentine history wich was as tragic and devastating as all exodus.


C. Couper: Your attitude is definitively against wars.

C. Verlichak: I always remember what said the first Nobel peace prize winner, Berta de Suttner: "The aftermarth of battle is worst of the battle itself". And this goes for wars also. Especially when we see how politicians traded with the blood of those who died for their homeland. Does this sound familiar?

That's why I insist history repeats itself.

C. Couper: It would appear that the subject of war and exodus and migrations interest you. Which reminds me of a very succesful LOS CROATAS DE LA ARGENTINA also on this subject.

C. Verlichak: Migrations and exodus often happen as the result of wars.


Lic. Carmen Verlichak

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