Croatian Cultural & Tourism DayLearn about its famous people, its 13 centuries old culture and its tourism - "Small country for a great vacation"
Sponsored by* The Association of Alumni of Croatian Universities (AMAC)
* Croatian Fraternal Union - Zora Lodge 351
* Croatian Woman-Br. 32, Detroit
Sunday, March 18th, 2007
American Croatian Club
Ryan & 14 Mile Rd in Warren, MI
Program:12:30 pm Social
1:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm "NIKOLA TESLA"
* born in Smiljan, Lika, Croatia, in 1856
* died in New York in 1943
* one of the most famous scientists in history
Presentation by Mr. Vjekoslav Franetovic & parts of the movie: "The Secret of Nikola Tesla"
2:30 PM Information & Travel to Croatia & Medjugorje
Special Guests:
Ms. Marica Zorica Matkovic, General Consul
Ms. Mirna Skugor
- "Adriatic Sunshine" Travel Agency
3:15 PM Raffle - Croatian Language Scholarship & more
Tickets for lunch - $15
Cash bar
Bake sale: Croatian homemade pastries and cookies
Book sale: Used and new Croatian and American books
For information, please call:
Snjezana Franetovic at (248) 879-0747
or Bob Novosel at (586) 759-4911
Profits from this event will go to The University of Detroit Mercy for the Croatian Language Scholarship Program
If you cannot attend, please consider giving a donation to the Croatian Language Scholarship Fund. Please write a check payable to "Croatian Woman" and send to:
Croatian Woman, Branch 32.,
2242 South Telegraph Road, Suite 100
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48302.
Your donation is tax deductible. We are very grateful to all our supporters from the previous years, because with your help, we keep the Croatian language running at the university level.
Please come and show your support!
Formated for CROWN by Marko Puljiæ
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