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(E) Croatia in The British Library
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  02/29/2004 | Data | Unrated
(E) Croatia in The British Library


The British Library

Croatian internet resources

British Library Slavonic and East European Collections

Index by resource

Academic institutions | Art and culture | Economy, finance and business |
General information about Croatia | Legal resources | Libraries and archives |
Media | Non-governmental organisations | Politics and government |
Publishers and booksellers | Religion | Search engines, gateways and directories |
Further information

Academic institutions

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti)
University of Zagreb (Sveucilište u Zagrebu)
University of Split (Sveucilište u Splitu)
University of Rijeka (Sveucilište u Rijeci)
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Sveucilište "Josip Juraj Strossmayer" u Osijeku)
Universitas Studiorum Jadertina (Sveucilište u Zadru)
Ruder Boškovic Institute (Institut "Ruder Boškovic")
Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation (Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša)
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo)
Croatian Association for the Education of Adults (Hrvatska zajednica puckih otvorenih ucilišta)

Art and culture (Croatian cultural portal)
Museum Documentation Center with links to Croatian Museums on the Internet (Muzejski dokumentacijski centar)
The Croatian History Museum (Hrvatski povijesni muzej)
Museum of Contemporary Art (Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb)
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb (Etnografski muzej Zagreb)
Croatian Music Information Centre with MIC Directory of events, individuals and institutions (Muzicki informativni centar)
Dubrovnik Summer Festival (Dubrovacke ljetnje igre)
The Gavella City Drama Theater (Gradsko dramsko kazalište Gavella)
Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu)
Croatian National Theatre Split (Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Split)
Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka (Croatian National Theatre Ivan pl. Zajc Rijeka)
Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku (Croatian National Theatre in Osijek)
Zagrebacko gradsko kazalište "Komedija" (Zagreb City Theater "Komedija")
Kazalište Trešnja (Trešnja Theatre)
Istarsko narodno kazalište (Istria National Theatre)
Mocvara-klub udruženja za razvoj kulture (association for promoting [alternative] cultural initiatives "The Swamp")
Zarez (fortnightly cultural journal, in Croatian)

Economy, finance and business

Croatian National Bank (Hrvatska narodna banka)
Croatian Chamber of Economy (Hrvatska gospodarska komora)
CroatiaBiz Business Directory
The Zagreb Stock Exchange (Zagrebacka burza)
Banka magazine (business news, in Croatian)

General information about Croatia

Croatian National Tourist Board (Hrvatska turisticka zajednica)
Zagreb (official website)
Split (official website)
City of Rijeka (official website)
Dubrovnik (official website) (welcome to the land of thousand islands)
Adriagate online travel portal

Legal resources

The Constitutional Court of the Republic ofCroatia (Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske)
Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia (Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske)
Narodne novine (Official Gazette)
Association of Croatian Judges (Udruga hrvatskih sudaca)
Croatian Bar Association (Hrvatska odvjetnicka komora)
American Bar Association, Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative: Croatia
The Croatian legal system (by D. Kuecking and M. Žugic, from
Guide to law online:Croatia (from theLaw Library of Congress)

Libraries and archives

The Croatian Collections at the British Library
The South Slavic Collections at the Library of Congress (by Predrag P. Pajic)
National and University Library (Nacionalna i sveucilišna knjižnica, Zagreb)
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Library (Knjižnica Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti)
University Library Split (Sveucilišna knjižnica u Splitu)
Croatian State Archives (Hrvatski državni arhiv)
Center for Online Databases (Centar za online baze podataka)
CARNet Croatian Academic and Research Network (Hrvatska akademska i istraživacka mreža)


BBC World Service, Croatian Section (in Croatian)
Hrvatska radiotelevizija (Croatian radio/television)
HINA-Hrvatska izveštajna novinska agencija (Hina News Line) (online news in Croatian)
Vjesnik (political daily, in Croatian)
Slobodna Dalmacija (daily, in Croatian)
Vecernji list (daily, in Croatian)
Nacional (weekly, in Croatian and English)
Feral Tribune (Croatian daily and weekly)

Non-governmental organisations

Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (Hrvatski Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava)
GONG-Gradani organizirano nadgledaju izbore (non-partisan citizens' organization)
Centre for Women Studies Zagreb (Centar za ženske studije Zagreb)
ZaMir.NET (development of the civil society)
Unija 47 / Grupa za prigovor savjesti (anti-war action)
Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights, Osijek (Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava, Osijek)
International Educational Center (Medunarodni obrazovni centar SIC)

Politics and government

The Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia (Ured Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske)
Croatian Parliament (Hrvatski sabor)
Government of the Republic of Croatia (Vlada Republike Hrvatske)
Ministry for European Integration (Ministarstvo za europske integracije)
Ministry of Culture (Ministarstvo kulture)
Ministry of Defence (Ministarstvo obrane)
Ministry of Economy (Ministarstvo gospodarstva)
Ministry of Finance (Ministarstvo financija)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova)
Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Local Self-government (Ministarstvo pravosuda, uprave i lokalne samouprave)
Ministry of Science and Technology (Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije)
Ministry of Tourism (Ministarstvo turizma)
Croatian Privatization Fund (Hrvatski fond za privatizaciju)
Croatian Bureau of Statistics (Državni zavod za statistiku)
Croatian Information Documentation Referral Agency (Hrvatska informacijsko-dokumentacijska referalna agencija HIDRA)
Political parties and organisations of Croatia (from 'Political Resources on the Net')

Publishers and booksellers

Matica hrvatska (Matrix Croatica)
Durieux (contemporary authors fromCroatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Slovenia and Serbia)
Ceres (prose, poetry, drama, travel etc.)
Bulaja naklada (Croatian classics on CD ROMs)
Meandar (fiction, film, theatre, music)
Moderna vremena (online bookshop)
Sims (Croatian distributor and exporter of books) (on-line bookseller)


The Catholic Church in the Republic ofCroatia (Katolicka crkva u Hrvatskoj)
Croatian Conference of Bishops (Hrvatska Biskupska Konferencija)
Hrvatske redovnice (religious orders inCroatia for women)
Hrvatski redovnici (religious orders inCroatia for men)
Glas Koncila (Catholic weekly, in Croatian)
Veritas (Catholic monthly, in Croatian)
Catholic Press Agency (Informativna katolicka agencija)

Search engines, gateways and directories

Hrvatski homepage
Iskon portal

Further information

Slavonic and East European Collections
The British Library
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB
United Kingdom


The British Library Croatian Collections
The British Library Collections of Former Yugoslavia
South East European studies: guide to resources (Humanities resources for research)
The Balkan Crisis, 1990-
Jewish studies: Republics of former Yugoslavia
The British Library Slavonic and East European Collections
Guide to Slavonic and East European internet resources

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