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Croatian guitarist competes at Francisco Tarrega competition in Spain
Srdjan Bulat places 2nd in a prestigious guitar competition
Srđan Bulat, student 5. godine gitare na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Darka Petrinjaka, nastupio je na međunarodnom natjecanju ''Francisco Tarrega'' koje se od 28. kolovoza do 4. rujna 2009. godine po 43. put održalo u španjolskom gradu Benicassimu.
Osvojio je drugu nagradu u konkurenciji 27 gitarista iz 15 svjetskih zemalja (Rusija, Južna Koreja, Čile, Brazil, Italija, Argentina...). Ovo je natjecanje jedno od najprestižnijih i najznačajnijih međunarodnih gitarističkih natjecanja.
Ovogodišnje izdanje natjecanja imalo je poseban značaj jer je 2009. godina u kojoj se obilježava 100. obljetnica smrti Francisca Tarrege, velikog španjolskog skladatelja i gitarističkog pedagoga.
Natjecanje se odvijalo u tri kruga: u prvome su se krugu svirali zadani hommagi koje su u čast velikog Tarrege napisali značajni skladatelji Manuel Ponce, Joaquin Turina i Emilio Pujol (inače Tarregin učenik). Nakon što je dvanaestero odabranih kandidata nastupilo u drugom krugu natjecanja sa pola sata slobodnog programa, stručni je žiri (kojim je predsjedovao Alberto Ponce) odabrao četvero finalista koji su nastupili u petak 4. rujna u gradskom kazalištu Benicassima uz pratnju orkestra Opere iz Valencije. Srđan je u finalu svirao Tarregin Capricho arabe i Tedescov koncert za gitaru i orkestar koji je svirao i prošle godine u finalu jednako prestižnog natjecanja "Michele Pittaluga" u Alessandriji gdje je osvojio treću nagradu.
Srdjan Bulat a 5th year guitar student of professor Darko Petrinjak at the Musical Academy in Zagreb performed at the 43rd annual Francisco Tarrega international competition that was held from August 28th – September 4th 2009 in the Spanish city of Benicassim.
He won second place in the competition featuring 27 guitarists from 15 countries including Russia South Korea, Chile, Brazil, Italy and Argentina. This competition is one of the most prestigious and important international guitar competitions.
This year's competition had special meaning as 2009 marked the 100th anniversary of the death of Francisco Tarrega, a major Spanish composer and guitar instructor.
The competition was held in three rounds: the first in which the a set of homages was performed in honor of the great Tarrega and written by important composers Manuel Ponce, Joaquin Turina and Emilio Pujol (a student of Tarrega). After the twelve chosen candidates performed in the second round with a half hour free program, the jury presided by Alberto Ponce, skillfully chose four finalists who performed on Sptember 4th 2009 at the Benicassim city theater along with the Valencia Opera Orchestra. Srdjan in the final performed Tarrega's "Capricho Arabe" and "Tadesco's Concert" for guitar and orchestra which he played last year at the final of the prestigious Michele Pittaluga in Alessandria where he won third place.
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