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Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat childhood dream of Croatian pianist and poet Ivana Marija Vidovic
Ivana Marija Vidović is artistic director of the Epidaurus festival
Ivana Marija Vidović and two girls in beautiful local costumes of Konavle near Dubrovnik
Bienvenue 5. Epidaurus festival
Na čarobnoj taraci vile Banac u Cavtatu, 26. kolovoza s početkom u 21 sat biti će otvoren 5. Epidaurus festival. Svečani koncert otvaranja omiljenog Cavtatskog međunarodnog festivala pripao je Meri Cetinić, glasu koji odjekuje već desetljeća. Na koncertu će sudjelovati i Ženska klapa Folklornog ansambla Linđo.
Meri predstavlja izuzetno ime domaće scene. Višestruko proglašavana pjevačicom godine. Postavši nezaobilaznom pojavom koja odskače od prosjeka i predstavlja više od glazbenog standarda koji se slušateljstvu“di continuo” nudi. Neke njezine pjesme dostizale su tiraže o kojima je svaka druga pjevačica mogla tek sanjati. Što to u njezinu glasu ima a drugdje nema? U čemu je tajna njezina uspjeha? Meri - dovoljno ju je tako zvati a da svi znaju o kome je riječ - u svom glasu i interpretaciji sadrži sretan spoj. Nije to samo glas, svjež i prodoran, već i posebni štimung kojim zrači njezino pjevanje. To je kultura pjevanja, sposobnost da vežeš publiku uz ono što joj imaš reći i strast. Meri jednako strasno pjeva o moru, o životu i ťstađunima životaŤ polijeće s lastavicom, očekuje i lamentira ťu prolazuŤ, čeka mornare, pjeva o Njemu i Njoj, o ljubavi i radosti, nadama i strepnjama, mediteranskom mentalitetu. U svim tim iskazima ona zna mjeru, ona zna svemoć Note, ona zna pravu snagu Riječi. U njoj je sjedinjen temperament i mentalitet podneblja koji će se i 26. kolovoza na jedinstvenoj cavtatskoj taraci vile Banac bez sumnje doživjeti.
Meri Cetinić, glas koji odjekuje. Jedinstvena i neponovljiva... (J.Fiamengo).
Press Epidaurus festival
The 5th Epidaurus Festival will be held this summer once again in beautiful, historic Cavtat (once the ancient Roman city of Epidaurum) from August 26th through September 24th 2011.
Over the last several years, the Epidaurus Festival has become one of the highlights of the Dubrovnik region’s cultural programme. The success of the Festival is a testament to its capable artistic director, the Dubrovnik eminent pianist Ivana Marija Vidović and serves as a benchmark of what can be created by one enthusiastic young artist and a small, talented, devoted team.
The first four editions of the Festival have impressed and delighted audiences, bringing some of the world’s most talented artists, photographers, musicians, conductors, composers, lecturers, actors and playwrights to Dubrovnik, Cavtat and surrounding villages. This year’s program is set to carry on the same exceptional standard.
The Festival is proud to announce its opening Gala Concert Friday, August 26th at 9pm on the terrace of the Villa Banac in Cavtat. Meri Cetinić will be joined by Klapa Fa Linđo. On the 28th of August, Epidaurus presents the opening of Homo Ludens, an exhibition of painter and sculptor Nino Mikulić, as well as a piano recital of young talent Stefani Grbić from Dubrovnik. On the 31st of August, the Festival continues its tradition of celebrating legendary tenor Tino Pattiera as Katja Markotić and Alessandro Cesaro present an homage to Franz Liszt and Gustav Mahler. The celebration is manifold, as this year also marks the 100th anniversary of Mahler’s death as well as the 200th anniversary of Liszt’s birthday. The concert will highlight several of Liszt’s most beautiful songs, rarely sang because of their difficulty. Indeed throughout the 5th Epidaurus Festival, Mahler and Liszt will be featured in several performances - namely, a lecture and concert entitled Liszt on the left Hendrix on the right…And what about Mahler? on Saturday, September 10th, and a Liszt piano marathon on Saturday, September 23rd.
Particularly noteworthy, the Festival continues its children’s series this year with musical The Hedgehog’s Little House, a poetic work by Branko Copić, directed by Tea Gjergjizi, with music by Hrvoje Hegedušić and costumes by Gordana Krebelj. The story is that of a loner hedgehog and his comfortable little house in the woods, and of his neighbors fox, wolf, bear and wild boar. The Hedgehog’s Little House is a gift for the children of Konavle, a region without a cinema but with its own special charms. The artistic director remembers during her childhood the makeshift cinema created in an open field, where children sat amongst the trees. Epidaurus recreates the magic of this atmosphere in an enchanted evening children and parents both will not soon forget. Join us in celebrating and welcoming the 5th Epidaurus Festival- Living with Arts.
Written by Sarah Rajtmajer
O life! Is there anything nicer than you? In all your virtues in all your faults In all your joys and tears. Mozart has eternalized you in his immortal notes, and Brahms in his long rivers, Beethoven in his waves and Schubert in his canticles! And me, and me, o life! in all my creations and works I am celebrating you! Is there anything nicer than you if with every verse I burst into tears and if every tear brings out a verse!
O life! Is there anything nicer than you!
by Ivana Marija Vidović
It would be an almost impossible task if I were to try adding anything at all to this magical and unrivaled scenery, a special stage of its own with a pristine aura composed of stone century-old pine-trees, the sky and the christal-clear sea. Adding to it I would certainly dare not try. But loving it? Oh, yes. For anything becomes truly beautiful only when it is loved. It would be impossible to make our magnificent Konavle and ancient Epidaurum even more magnificent, for they already echo the eternal symphony, the ode to joy of nature that in this corner of the globe gives and receives love in a never ending cycle.
Our task is a difficult one: we are to add more beauty to beauty, and more virtue to virtue. And we are to try and create a symbiosis out of which can spring ever anew our belief and endeavor to living with arts. To be sure, this does not necessarily prescribe a mandate. Rather, living with arts means living fully, and thus certainly something to embed within our existing lifestyles. My wish is that every sound produced at Epidaurus Festival would merge with Cavtat's magical hug, and that every word, every verse, whether sung or spoken, would, for centuries to come, continue to echo throughout its old streets, the very same ones that - within and of themselves - had been a stage for centuries already.
Ivana Marija Vidović Artistic director of the Epidaurus festival
Cavtat - Epidaurus, Croatian town south of Dubrovnik
Ivana Marija Vidović in Cavtat
After a concert during the Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat
Linđo, a typical Konavle dance accompanied by ljerica.
Ljerica, ancient string instrument still in use in the region of Konavle.
August 26, 2011 – September 24, 2011
Friday, August 26th, Villa Banac terrace, Cavtat at 9pm
Opening gala concert Meri Cetinić – voice & piano With the participation of Klapa Fa Linđo
Sunday, August 28th, Dom kulture, Cavtat at 20.30 Epidaurus exhibition Homo ludens - Neno Mikulić
Sunday, August 28th, Dom kulture, Cavtat at 21.30 Young talents Stefani Grbić – piano recital Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Prokofiev
Wednesday, August 31, Dom kulture, Cavtat at 21 Evenings of Tino Pattiera - Hommage a Franz Liszt & Gustav Mahler Katja Markotić – mezzosoprano Alessandro Cesaro – piano Franz Liszt & Gustav Mahler *The Epidaurus festival joins in celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Franz Liszt as well as the 100th anniversary of Mahler’s death.
Friday, September 2nd, Dom kulture, Cavtat at 21 Pas de Deux Piano Duo Silvia Maserati – Diego Terreni "Boston, Broadway, Parigi, New Orleans - Salon Musik from Europe to the States" Barber, Beach, Gottschalk, Moszkowski
Saturday, September 10th, Dom kulture, Cavtat at 20.30 Liszt on the left Hendrix on right... And what about Mahler? ~ Concert and lesson Lecturer: Tihomir Petrović Vladimir Bodegrajac – piano Liszt, Mahler, Hendrix & Bodegrajac
Friday, September 16th, St Blaise Monastery, Pridvorje at 20 Musical in Konavle Author: Branko Ćopić: “The Hedgehog’s Little House” - Smiješko theatre Actors: Hedgehog - Lada Bonacci/Jelena Hadži Manev, Fox, Wild boar: Helena Kalinić, Wolf & Bear: Frano Mašković/Hrvoje Zalar Director: Tea Gjergjizi, Music: Hrvoje Hegedušić, Costums: Gordana Krebelj Summary: A poem about a loner hedgehog and his comfortable little house in the woods. His neighbours are fox, wolf, bear and wild boar...
Saturday, September 17th Cavtat’s primary school and Villa Banac terrace Road signs for children - Smješko theatre* - time to be defined Actor: Hrvoje Zalar Summary: Through interesting and educational interaction, children become friends with road signs, and learn about safety.
Friday, September 22nd, Dom kulture, Cavtat at 20.30 Mihael Paar – clarinet Ivan Pernicki – piano Danzi, Kovács, Mangani, Poulenc, Rosenblatt
Saturday, September, 23rd, Dom kulture, Cavtat at 20.30 Hommage a Franz Liszt Ivan Pernicki, Ivan Violić, Zrinka Tomašić, Trio Querelle Franz Liszt *The Epidaurus festival joins in celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Franz Liszt.
Sunday, September 24th, Church of Our Lady of the Snow at 20.30 Ave Maria for Cavtat Mezzotono - Small Italian Orchestra Without Instruments Five voices a-cappella Daniela Desideri, soprano, Francesca Leone, mezzosoprano, Fabio Lepore, tenore, Marco Giuliani, baritono and Andrea Maurelli, basso.
Program compiled by Ivana Marija Vidović, Artistic director of the Epidaurus festival
*The Epidaurus festival reserves the right to make changes to the program. **All info and updates at: www.epidaurus-festival.hr – www.epidaurusfestival.com ***The play on the September 17th for Konavle’s Kindergartens is our gift to our littlest ones.
Klapa FA Lindjo CD published by the Nenad Bach Music in 2005 Example: Ponistra je drivo (The Window is a Tree) [wma]
Klapa FA Linđo Photos by the courtesy of the Epidaurus Festival archive
Ženska klapa Fa. Linđo, nešto najljepše što se Dubrovniku moglo dogoditi u zadnjih deset godina...odišu mladosti, lijepotom, kreativnošću i iznad svega muzikalnošću i predivnim pjevanjem, koje publiku jednostavno ostavlja bez daha... ja obično na svoj portal ne stavljam ništa osim moje glazbe, ali one to zaista zaslužuju, a ionako ih jako malo ima po YouTubu... sretan sam što su mi velike i drage prijateljice... ovo je snimka sa Koncerta održanog u Kneževom Dvoru u Dubrovniku, 30.kolovoza 2009.
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